I am going SO SLOWWWWW!!!!



  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    I have to do that!!! i have not measured myself, yet I can feel my pants getting loose around my gluts and thighs, so I must be doing something right. And as far as amounts on my daily go, I have increased it to 1300 not including the extra for exercise and I am feeling much better and amazingly so...I am eating so well that I don't crave candies as much!!!! Yay!!!!
  • katierrt
    katierrt Posts: 113 Member
    2 years & 4 mos its taken me to lose 49.8 lbs. That's slow!! but its staying off and that's really all that matters, stay focused and remember you're human! You will do this!!
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    You seem to be doing all the right thing, I was on 1200 also and doing an hours cardio every day. It wasn't until two weeks that I saw the scale change...my wise friend told me to just keep at it because my body will change even though the scale won't.

    All the best and keep it up, maybe you need to do more cardio, but I believe your body is converting fat into muscle which will be slow
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Forgot to mention... one way to have a rough idea of how much you should be eating is to take your goal weight and multiply by 10. So if you aim for 1500 cal per day you will eventually end up at 150 lb, which is in the normal weight range. (This is what my doctor & nutritionist explained to me.)
    Wow, thanks for that, that really puts it in to perspective for me. MFP was telling me 1300 calories,and I KNOW that's way too low

    The other way to look at it is to figure out the calories you need to maintain your current weight (2300), and if you want to lose a pound a week subtract 500 from that (1800).
    With a calorie shortage of 3500 per week (500 cal x 7 days), you should lose 1 lb per week.
    This has the disadvantage of you having to readjust lower as you lose weight, but the advantage is that you're allowed to eat more while you're heavier.

    Another thing - while exercise is important to build muscle (which burns about 3x the calories fat does just to exist) and maintain weight loss, controlling what you eat is the _most_ important.
    It takes me 30 min on the elliptical to burn 400 calories, and it'd be VERY easy to eat more than that just by having a burger, let alone the fries. (And a small shake at Culver's is over 600 cal!)

    So eat back maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of what MFP says you're burning in exercise. If you want to be at 1500 cal, and you exercise 700 cal that day, maybe have 1800 total. That's still a pretty respectable amount of food.