Don't know if I'm doing this right!

Hello, my name is Sandra and I have been counting calories for over 3 months now and I have lost a total of 15 pounds, due to my lack of motivation. I am 5'6 and weight 234 ponds now, I am supposed to eat 1200 calories a day to loose 2 pounds per week. However, the problem I am having is that I am now doing Tae Bo daily and for some reason instead of loosing I am stuck in the same weight. I am also using slim fast and trying to stay away from carbs.... although I started to work out 2 weeks ago, I have seen little change from when I was just counting calories. I see people loose like 30 pounds in a month!!!! I am so frustrated at this point, that I don't know if I am doing this right!!!!! Please help...cause you would think that if you ate less and worked harder one would loose the weight faster...


  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    15 pounds in 3 months is nothing to be depressed about! And when you start a new workout program and start working new muscles and/or work muscles in a different way, you will likely gain some water weight as your body works hard to repair the muscles. Keep at it.

    I am not familiar with slimfast (other than vaguely, through TV commercials, etc.) but personally I would stay away from meal replacement shakes and just eat food. You're going to be losing weight for some time, and you'll do much better over the long term (i.e., reaching your goal and then maintaining) if you start to habitualize yourself to more regular eating habits that still adhere to your calorie and nutrient goals (i.e., are you planning on drinking a shake as a meal for the rest of your life)? Doesn't mean slimfast or other shakes can't have a role in a plan, but I get the sense you're using it thinking it will be some sort of key to losing weight - the key is creating and maintaining a calorie deficit.
  • lrod227
    lrod227 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been dieting for 3 months lost only 12lbs and I have been at the same weight last couple of weeks. How long have you been doing Tae Bo? Have you had someone measure you before started dieting? Change your excercise routine up, also remember muscle weighs more than fat. Just because the scale doesn't continue to go down you may be losing inches. Good Luck!!
  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    Omgosh, thanks for such awesome replies. I haven't measured myself at all, but I did think I was going crazy cause I do feel my pants loose around my thighs, but since the scale has not moved in weeks, well I didn't think it was possible for me to be thinner in those areas. I've been doing Tae Bo for 2 weeks now and only this week I pumped it up to an everyday thing...It's been super hard,but I'm pushing myself. In regards to the shakes, I only dring them once a day; at night to control my cravings (at it's worst at night). However I am focused on changing my eating habits and controling the carbs intake. I hope this works....I really do, cause I am very frustrated and don't know what else to do, but to keep faith in my hard work! Good luck to you guys as well, keep it up!!!:)