Had a horrible week with my daily intake!!!!

For some reason I pigged out the entire week last week, eating over my daily budget every single day by about 300 calories and now I don't know how to stop!!!! Still I lost a few ounces but hello?? This is totally gonna take me longer...I have lost 15 pounds in 4 months and no wonder....everytime I loose some, I noticed that I start eating more (as if I could afford it)!! This has caused for me to continue to yo-yo back and forth in pounds. I mean, it's not like I wanna loose 20 pounds...I need to loose 80 POUNDS!!!! How am I going to do this at this rate?? I'm a single parent, so I can't afford to be buying shakes or a completely different set of foods other than what I buy my kids. I have been working out daily for about 3 weeks now I LOVE Tae Bo and although I am introducing lots of new alternatives, like pitas, spinach and fish, my cravings are a HUGE problem. I need help!!!!


  • Maybe you are not eating what your body needs. I watched a video and it said your body will keep asking for food until you give it what it wants and if you are constantly just eating foods that spike your blood sugar (white bread, candy, sugar, junk, 100 calorie snack packs ect..) you will just store fat and then crash and become even hungrier. Do not give the diet industry your money. You body will tell you what it wants. I can't see your food log so I am going to wild guess that sugar and/or msg is the problem.
  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    Maybe I am.... I do buy the 100 calorie snacks and stuff, but only because I don't want to feel like on a diet. Other than that I eat pretty normal...I eat what I cook, but I measure everything, so I shouldn't fall of the wagon with cravings, cause I am not in an extreme diet. Could you explain a bit more about the wrong foods I may be eating?!?! Just to have a better idea of what I'm doing wrong...
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    What is it that you crave? Or what do you eat when you go overboard?

    To tell the truth, 300 calories a day extra is not that much, and it might not be so bad to have a week like that once in a while.
  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    Everything I shouldn't Rockama72,lol... don't know...like sweet stuff. Ice cream,cookies...pizza,you name it. The problem is that 300 everyday for a week can do some damage overall. I do feel better this week, like I don't have that urge to binge on food, so don't know if maybe I was hormonal, who knows! Anyways,I will continue to watxh. the type of foods I'm eating. to make sure I am eating as clean a possible. Thank you guys:)
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    How many calories do you eat a day? How old/tall/heavy are you?
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Maybe I am.... I do buy the 100 calorie snacks and stuff, but only because I don't want to feel like on a diet. Other than that I eat pretty normal...I eat what I cook, but I measure everything, so I shouldn't fall of the wagon with cravings, cause I am not in an extreme diet. Could you explain a bit more about the wrong foods I may be eating?!?! Just to have a better idea of what I'm doing wrong...

    There's nothing wrong with eating 100 calorie snack packs if it fits into your macros. Or white bread and sugar. There are however other foods you can eat that will satisfy hunger for longer and make you less likely to snack, like foods that are high in protein and good fats.

    If you can open up your diary and give us some stats (height, weight, age, activity level) we will be able to give more specific advice.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    For some reason I pigged out the entire week last week, eating over my daily budget every single day by about 300 calories and now I don't know how to stop!!!! Still I lost a few ounces but hello?? This is totally gonna take me longer...I have lost 15 pounds in 4 months and no wonder....everytime I loose some, I noticed that I start eating more (as if I could afford it)!! This has caused for me to continue to yo-yo back and forth in pounds. I mean, it's not like I wanna loose 20 pounds...I need to loose 80 POUNDS!!!! How am I going to do this at this rate?? I'm a single parent, so I can't afford to be buying shakes or a completely different set of foods other than what I buy my kids. I have been working out daily for about 3 weeks now I LOVE Tae Bo and although I am introducing lots of new alternatives, like pitas, spinach and fish, my cravings are a HUGE problem. I need help!!!!

    If your cravings are that bad you're obviously not giving your body what it needs, and/or you have no willpower. If you're just starting cravings are understandable, but it's been 4months. Are you giving yourself treat meals/days? These are important in any weight loss programme to help keep you on track and curb those cravings. I give myself a treat on a Saturday as a reward for my efforts during the week and it's a good goal to have. They also help with cravings as I know I can have what I want (within reason!) on a Saturday. If you have calories remaining for the day, give yourself a bit of what you fancy, as long as it doesn't make you go over your calorie goal. Losing weight is a slow and steady process and a complete lifestyle change - don't deprive yourself to excess, or you run the risk of heavy binges.
  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    I am eating 1400 calories a day and I am 5'6 229 pounds. I exercise at least 5 days a weeks for 45 minutes (Tae Bo), but since I started doing the "one day treat" thing I have not craved at all. I also started snacking again (forgot to) so that I am constantly like eating healthy stuff within my daily intake. Last week I lost 1.8 pounds and I have been a bit more relaxed about the whole loosing weight thing. I can't feel I am dieting cause it just makes me want to eat more, I'm just trying to make better and healthier choices...I feel much better:)
  • I had a bad week too but sometimes that happens. Just be aware of it and keep trying. Hopefully this week will be better for you. And keep drinking lots of water :)
  • I always eat more when I am focused on dieting. I too am just trying to eat better and watch my portions. I also find if I log in my food after I eat I can try and make my goals easier. ANd if I am doing good I can have a snack. :)