

  • most restuarants will serve up a normal side salad as a meal. I always went in to the kitchen when i worked and told them what veggies I like the most and to put lots in my salad.. then you just have to carefully choose the dressing BUT salads taste so much better when you don't have to chop up the veggies yourself :)
  • use lighter weights!!! you said you were increasing it for the challenge.. but thats why you are bulking up!
  • adding maple syrup or honey to plain oatmeal also makes it delic .as well!
  • all my favorite foods!!! Can't wait to try it!!!:tongue:
  • If your not hungry don't force yourself to eat anything!
    in Fitness Comment by robynlee May 2008
  • It's the amount. Try to drink at least 3L of a day. It may seem like a lot but once you get into the habit of it you'll always remember to drink water (at any temperature!!) oh, and you might feel bloated at first but it goes away once your body is used to it
  • I find that fruit gives me alot of energy when I need it. It has alot of natural sugars,but they are carbs that are good for you!!! And you can eat as much fruit as you want during the day! But try not to eat fruit after 6pm. Then its too much sugar for your body to digest at night and you'll end up with a little pouch…
  • I can never eat as many calories as it says I need too. I constantly work out and sometimes my calorie intake is 2000 but I average 1000 a day. I'm a normally petite person and eat healthy most of the times (everyone has to break down and eat a chocolate bar once in a while) and also eat in smaller portions. Everyone is…
  • If you eat well during the day, you shouldn't be hungry at night!! I try to do that and yes, every once in a while I will be hungry at night but I would NEVER do it every day.
  • If I have time to work out first thing in moring (40 minutes), i dont eat anything until after. It's a good kick start for your metabolism. When I go see my personal trainer he also suggests I eat 2 hours before going and eat something with alot of protein when I'm done.
  • the whole point to eat eggs is for a source of protien which is all found in the yolk. if your not going to eat the yolk whats the point in eating an egg?
  • I try not to eat after 8pm, but sometimes you can't help being hungry. My nutrionist suggested I eat a fruit source bar if I'm ever hungry late at night. They are so delicious! And it's okay to eat later at night, just don't make a habit of doing it every day!
  • Be positive!! It's the most important thing!!
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