

  • Yay! I'm not alone out there. :D
  • I only use the powdered creamer occasionally, and even then lately I've been using the preportioned tubes. Usually, instead of creamer or half and half, I just use 2% milk, and only a little. My hubby won't drink anything lower than 2% - he says it tastes like water! :/
  • I'd say at least try the cheaper HRM - I spent $100 USD on mine, and it's got all sorts of extra bells and whistles on it - not only does it check my heart rate and keep track of calories burned, but it also has a function where I can keep track of the calories I eat each day! (I'd rather keep track of my eaten calories…
  • I'd say trust the heart rate monitor or the treadmill (if it asks your weight and/or keeps track of your heart rate). I get two different amounts of calories burned for walking a few miles - a lower number here on MFP and a higher number from my heart rate monitor, and I tend to go with what the heart rate monitor says…
  • Yeah, I'm thinking that once my three month trial period is over, I may just cancel and see how it goes with just walking. And the bad thing with the junk food is that my fiance buys it, and so it sits there in the kitchen, just calling to me. XD I think by the time I drop five pounds or so I'll have developed an insane…
  • I think that's a good way to start - I think I'll stop eating junk food, and see how that goes. Thanks. :)
  • I have the MioSelect Motiva, and I love it to pieces. It's a little on the clunky and huge size, so I don't wear it as a regular watch, but it's easy enough to check my heart rate with in the middle of a workout. is where you can find more details about it.
  • Well, after hearing all this, maybe I should give it a try! :) It's just that in most of the places I've lived in recently, I've had to take everything down and set it all back up whenever I want to play Wii, because the apartment's too small. I have a little more room here, though, so hopefully that'll help.
  • All I'm taking right now is a multivitamin, and iron when it's that time of the month.
  • I'm working on 20 pounds as my ultimate goal, but I've got a couple of tiny goals- my first tiny goal is to lose 5 pounds!
  • Sure, there may be some days where I have to add in an extra snack to get to where I should be calorie-wise, but I always make sure to hit at least my baseline calorie mark - your body needs food to function, and without the right amount of nutrition, your body goes into starvation mode, like everyone said. Grab a handful…
  • Count me in! I want to actually look good in my swimsuit, instead of feeling embarrassed. :P Current weight: 139.6 Goal 1: 135 Goal 2: 130 Goal 3: 125 Goal Weight: 120!
  • From my own personal experience, the elliptical gives me a better workout. I end up feeling like I actually got a real workout when I spend a half hour on the elliptical, compared to a half hour on the treadmill!