
The title of the post says it all - I'm struggling. I've been trying since January to lose some weight, but I just keep falling back into old habits - eating junk food, eating before bed, sitting in front of my computer all day long, stuff like that. I've even signed up for Jazzercise, but I haven't been in a week. I need to get myself back on track, but it's hard. I'm just not as motivated as I should be. I really need to kick my own butt about this, and get other people to cheer me on. I dunno. I'm just rambling, hoping I'm not alone.


  • Lady_C_the_1st
    You're definately not alone in this, it is a difficult journey for us all to make but we are all here to support each other. The forums are great for support and making friends too. You will get that motivation back once you see it can be done. If your struggling not eating junk try going for a week without eating any junk, your body will stop craving it and you will start to feel better very soon. xx
  • princessbee728
    You're definately not alone in this, it is a difficult journey for us all to make but we are all here to support each other. The forums are great for support and making friends too. You will get that motivation back once you see it can be done. If your struggling not eating junk try going for a week without eating any junk, your body will stop craving it and you will start to feel better very soon. xx

    I think that's a good way to start - I think I'll stop eating junk food, and see how that goes. Thanks. :)
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    you're not's hard. ESPECIALLY if you're in it all alone! I will route for you! I'm doing weight watchers with a buddy that keeps falling off the band wagon and we try to hold each other accountable by letting each other know how we do on a weigh in day. I weighed in this morning and lost 1# last week. Doesn't sound like much but considering I'd lost ZERO in the past three....I'll take it! I'll be here in whatever way you need me. If you need me to hold you accountable for your workouts or weigh-in's...just let me know. Be my "friend" and we can shoot each other updates on out daily workouts and how our eating went. Good luck!!!! You're not alone, but you only have yourself to please and only you can make you do right! :) We can only help!
  • littletiger972000
    Another thing I've noticed about eating junk...don't even buy it or keep it in the house. If you are craving it and it's not there, you will either find a healthier alternative or just not eat it and then the craving will go away! It's such a waste of $$ to buy things that will not help you reach the goal you are after. Even when it comes to Jazzercise...I still haven't signed up at a gym because I know that I would come up with excuses not to go and therefore waste a lot of $$ in the process. Good luck and know that it's not just you, a lot of us are struggling also! :smile:
  • princessbee728
    Another thing I've noticed about eating junk...don't even buy it or keep it in the house. If you are craving it and it's not there, you will either find a healthier alternative or just not eat it and then the craving will go away! It's such a waste of $$ to buy things that will not help you reach the goal you are after. Even when it comes to Jazzercise...I still haven't signed up at a gym because I know that I would come up with excuses not to go and therefore waste a lot of $$ in the process. Good luck and know that it's not just you, a lot of us are struggling also! :smile:

    Yeah, I'm thinking that once my three month trial period is over, I may just cancel and see how it goes with just walking. And the bad thing with the junk food is that my fiance buys it, and so it sits there in the kitchen, just calling to me. XD I think by the time I drop five pounds or so I'll have developed an insane amount of willpower!
  • CreativeRedhead
    I applaud you for admitting the struggle. I think so many of us don't. I was in a struggle for the past few years. But I also wasn't changing my exercise (I wasn't doing any) and I wasn't changing what I was eating. Last year I began the change. I started buying healthier foods and taking processed foods out of the equation and off the grocery list. Gradually I took out all the junk food. My theory was to replace the junk food I was buying with fresh fruit. It doesn't happen overnight so don't expect to wake up one morning and say "I'm going to eat healthy from now on" :). I think taking it one thing at a time is excellent advice. I've recently just replaced everything I was drinking during the day (sweet tea, soda, and juice) with water. And since January this year I've steadily increased what I do for exercise. I still have days where I just wanna lie in bed all day and not move but I get over them. And I honestly thought food cravings would never go away but they do. And it's important to allow yourself something that you enjoy just do it in moderation. I like ice cream so about once a month I'll buy a small container and allow myself that treat. But like someone said above....if it's not in the house you can't eat it. :) Good luck with getting over this hump. You can do it!!!
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    We all struggle at various times with various things...I have a few sayings that help me...

    "How bad do you want it??" Meaning overall health, fitness and slim physique...

    "Just do it." Meaning don't think about having to run when you get home, get home and run without thinking about it.

    "Everything in moderation"

    Hope this helps, :flowerforyou:

  • littletiger972000
    Another thing I've noticed about eating junk...don't even buy it or keep it in the house. If you are craving it and it's not there, you will either find a healthier alternative or just not eat it and then the craving will go away! It's such a waste of $$ to buy things that will not help you reach the goal you are after. Even when it comes to Jazzercise...I still haven't signed up at a gym because I know that I would come up with excuses not to go and therefore waste a lot of $$ in the process. Good luck and know that it's not just you, a lot of us are struggling also! :smile:

    Yeah, I'm thinking that once my three month trial period is over, I may just cancel and see how it goes with just walking. And the bad thing with the junk food is that my fiance buys it, and so it sits there in the kitchen, just calling to me. XD I think by the time I drop five pounds or so I'll have developed an insane amount of willpower!

    To bad your fiance isn't helping you out by NOT bringing in the junk food. Maybe you can talk him into keeping it OUT of the house! If he really wants something he can eat it away from home, during lunch at work or stopping somewhere to get something on the way home...this way he still gets HIS fix and you aren't tempted!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I see a lot of people give up because they try to introduce a ton of changes at the same time and it's just too hard to be "perfect" right away. What if you tried introducing new healthy changes only after you can mantain changes you've already made? For example: Week 1 get in 8 glasses of water, Week 2 start adding more veggies to your diet, etc. Maybe if it wasn't all at once it would be easier to maintain.
  • angelwing97
    Taste the food, the junk food tastes like it's called. If you stop and remember what something tasted like AND how you felt the last time you ate it might help. I have started really focusing before I put something in my mouth and decide if it is really going to taste so good that it's worth the fight. I buy "better" quality stuff; expensive dark chocolate for when I need a fix. I still have the junk in the house, I live with people too, but I try and keep a stash of worthy treats.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Another thing I've noticed about eating junk...don't even buy it or keep it in the house. If you are craving it and it's not there, you will either find a healthier alternative or just not eat it and then the craving will go away! It's such a waste of $$ to buy things that will not help you reach the goal you are after. Even when it comes to Jazzercise...I still haven't signed up at a gym because I know that I would come up with excuses not to go and therefore waste a lot of $$ in the process. Good luck and know that it's not just you, a lot of us are struggling also! :smile:

    This! I had to completely overhaul my shopping. If my bf and his brother want junk food, THEY buy it and I don't touch it. Otherwise, I buy fruits & veggies, my meat, WHOLE grains, and don't even keep money in my bank account to eat fast food because I'd overdraft!! :happy:

    If you like snacking (and I have to snack to stay full and keep my weight loss going) and you still have to keep junk around (for others), make sure to keep healthy snacks close to where the JUNK is. I find if I go in the pantry and see the Doritos...just a step over, I have my pretzels and sunflower seeds, and same thing in the fridge. They've got cake...but guess what, I have strawberries right underneath!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    i got some good advice not to long ago, if you crave something wait thirty minutes and do something like laundry or jumping jacks and thirty minutes later you probably wont want it anymore i do that here at work bc they have alot of junk food in the lounge. so i bring fruit or i eat my fiber one bars.