Ontario ,Canada
deffinetely love lifting!!!
I agree people get soo upset when you mention clean eating!! don't know why they get soo judgy when that is some ones goal!!
I can weight train one day and the next day I'm up 2-3lbs
p.s Good come back!!! lol but i'm doing just fine, lol
so I'll only have success if I open my diary ?? P.S I never said I was low carb, and I have an empty diary cause I DON'T count calories and Ive had great success for 5+ years but thanks for your concern,lol
Hmm I was gonna have chicken tonight, I'm gonna wrap it in bacon now, Mmmmmm!
make sure you are eating NORMAL foods , cause you don't want to be a failure if you try to eat healthy all the time, society says Taco bell is normal so that's what you should eat to be successful, oh as long as you count your calories then you are completely not dieting!!
Just curious what your definition is for normal common foods?? because for everyone that might mean something different.
What is normal??
I sure as hell want visible muscles!!! to each their own, pretty much all the women at my gym do lift heavy and its AWESOME!!!
thats's what I thought too!!
I don't count calories either i'm just more conscious of what i'm putting in my mouth! counting calories made me crazy and didn't lose weight until I stopped ! but for some they still want to eat doritos and taco Bell for the rest of their life and eat a calorie deficit thinking that that's the healthy way, I said it…
So all your eating it meat?? basically that can't be good
Then why did you waste your time replying??
don't go I hate wedding !!!
if thats what someone needs to do to reach their deficit then they should!
why do people get soo upset when someone mentions Paleo diet!!?? If that's what they wanna do then the more power to them , who are we to judge?? Geesh!!
I'm a huge coffee drinker and I like starbucks coffee better, its stronger and the people that work that give great service
I have taken them for 4 months now and I have noticed a huge difference in muscle tone!! I do still eat healthy its just something I have added to my daily routine i'm not relying on it to lose weight .
I'm with you before my second child I got super fit and when I got pregnant with my second I got huge !! she is 2 .5 now and I weigh less then I did before I had her but my body is for sure not the same, lol I'm just focusing on weight training lifting heavy and it is working so don't give up it just takes time . Remember…
Ya I actually do like cardio its my time to think!! lol But i've cut back on it alot and started focusing on weight training ! the results have been amazing too!
would you suggest doing cardio separate from weight lifting days??
hmm well I'm exhausted after heavy lifting!!
Obviously!!! . lol I'm all for weights before cardio!!!