Should I go to this wedding?



  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member

    Yes. Too subtle, just like your apparent insecurity....

    Okay. You're right. I'm insecure and sharing this totally true store about my actual cousin and not at all making a reference to multiple threads. Which is why I used terms like 'momcousin' and 'mommom' and someone asked if I was taking my 'Man Brother' as an escort.

    Because of my insecurity. You have hit the nail on the head and figured me out. Darn social media.

    MFP meets Jeremy Kyle show. Good grief.

    This isn't some new thing. I you even go here?

    Yeah, I would do if I really wanted to ask random people whether I should go to someone else's wedding.

    I might have to wait another 20 years though before I am bored enough to study the MFP archives and articles listed as "i-want-a-oh-peen" (cant believe you took the time to post all these links for my 'benefit).

    So how long are your horses legs anyway?.............get it? Wait you will have to have a sense of humor to get it. Your life would be way more enjoyable with a sense of humor, and way less painful if you could have that stick removed.

    No I dont get it..... I was too busy enjoying the rest of your witty banter. I didnt realise that the Early Learning Centre did joke books?

    Awww did you make a little funny. Good for you see you can learn. But don't be mad, you were on your high horse (get it now) and being uppity and too many people called you on it so you're defensive now, we understand, learn from it and next time try not to be so judgemental, you'll probably get better results.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member


    Nothing to add, but considering all the quoting in this thread, id lose my ****ing mind if someone didn't quote this wonderful sorcery.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Is there a man brother?

    Darn it. I was going to say this but I was late for the party. What about a husband brother?
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Sounds like a dull wedding! Just because she doesn't like cake, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't! Sheesh.

    ETA: Cite financial does sound like it will get expensive for you!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    Yes. Too subtle, just like your apparent insecurity....

    Okay. You're right. I'm insecure and sharing this totally true store about my actual cousin and not at all making a reference to multiple threads. Which is why I used terms like 'momcousin' and 'mommom' and someone asked if I was taking my 'Man Brother' as an escort.

    Because of my insecurity. You have hit the nail on the head and figured me out. Darn social media.

    MFP meets Jeremy Kyle show. Good grief.

    This isn't some new thing. I you even go here?

    Yeah, I would do if I really wanted to ask random people whether I should go to someone else's wedding.

    I might have to wait another 20 years though before I am bored enough to study the MFP archives and articles listed as "i-want-a-oh-peen" (cant believe you took the time to post all these links for my 'benefit).

    Jokes among friends. You should get some... you might enjoy this place a little more.

    Thanks for the lesson in life. I am sure it will be invaluable. I will stick with my non-electronic friends for now though.

    You should call them and go hang out. I'm sure it is infinitely more fun than arguing with electronic strangers.
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I know this thread is all fun and games at this point but seeing as she wants you to wear a dress can I ask if that means you would be a bridesmaid?

    Honestly, if I ask someone to be a bridesmaid I do want them there, for family's sake or because I love them or some other far fetched reason. Maybe she asked you so she can be close to you. It sucks that there won't be cake or booze but you can always take a flask or 3! Just go up a dress size or a small bra and wa-la room for a flask in each boob. Not that I've ever done that before...
  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
    I really don't understand the mentality of people on these forums. Have none of you been to the internet before? Maybe it's because I've been on different forums for 10+ years now that topics like these are commonplace and unsurprising. What I DON'T understand is why people come in here and feel the need to pass judgement on the OP rather than 1 -joining in the conversation or 2- ignore the topic and move on to one that doesn't offend you in some way.

    I just get really tired of trying to enjoy myself in the "Chit-Chat, Fun and Games" forum and running into so many people who want to shoot down topics for one reason or another. Super annoying.

  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Just break up.

    But seriously, no cake? They should just get married at the courthouse because people only care if there's cake. And booze.

    We can't break up, sadly. It's not like I don't want to (Do you think I want to be friends with someone who doesn't eat cake or drink? Hell no.) but my mommom would give me crap if I just cut off part of the family.

    She cray tho. Who doesn't let other people have cake? It's a wedding! Hell, even funerals have cake sometimes.

    Take your own cake...and your own booze...bam instant life of the party...let her hate...:drinker:

    Seriously cake and no booze...that's not a wedding..that's a petting zoo..
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I know this thread is all fun and games at this point but seeing as she wants you to wear a dress can I ask if that means you would be a bridesmaid?

    Honestly, if I ask someone to be a bridesmaid I do want them there, for family's sake or because I love them or some other far fetched reason. Maybe she asked you so she can be close to you. It sucks that there won't be cake or booze but you can always take a flask or 3! Just go up a dress size or a small bra and wa-la room for a flask in each boob. Not that I've ever done that before...

    Oh, honey.
  • Ninguneado77
    say no first, then show up for half an hour
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    A wedding with no booze? I would be surprised if a third of my friends showed up for that!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
  • marshrowan
    marshrowan Posts: 64 Member
    don't go I hate wedding !!!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Just break up.

    But seriously, no cake? They should just get married at the courthouse because people only care if there's cake. And booze.

    We can't break up, sadly. It's not like I don't want to (Do you think I want to be friends with someone who doesn't eat cake or drink? Hell no.) but my mommom would give me crap if I just cut off part of the family.

    She cray tho. Who doesn't let other people have cake? It's a wedding! Hell, even funerals have cake sometimes.

    Take your own cake...and your own booze...bam instant life of the party...let her hate...:drinker:

    Seriously cake and no booze...that's not a wedding..that's a petting zoo..

    FFS I gotta remember to read the entire thread before I reply...Carry on!
  • marshrowan
    marshrowan Posts: 64 Member
    Is the enough attention for you now? Cos it's more than the topic deserves. What a waste of time.

    Then why did you waste your time replying??
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member

    I know right? Where is the outrage? The horror?

    Maybe dry weddings are more common than I thought. Which is scary in and of itself.

    I went to a wedding once and found out AFTER the fact it was dry. Thankfully I roll to all weddings packing hooch in the car. I broughtt a great gift too - I should always bring a substitute cheap gift in case someone pulls the unannounced dry move again.

    You. You get me. You really get me. *sniffle*
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I went to a wedding last year that had no booze and no cake. It was miserable. Don't go.

    ^This. Especially knowing how completely crap most wedding DJs are, so you'd be stuck listening to the "hokey pokey" while drinking seltzer and eating tofu. OUT OUT OUT.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I've always wondered what it would be like to go to someone's wedding wearing a big poofy wedding dress.
    I bet the reactions would be priceless.
  • Thatsmywrapgirl
    Skip the wedding... Stay home, get drunk and eat cake. Winning!