I'm 130lbs and 5'2. My lowest weight was 107 lb and that was when I was weightlifting like a maniac. I've found that my happy weight when this nonsense was non-existent is between 115 and 120lbs. The thing is that I've got this weird gallbladder issue I'm trying to sort out with my gastro that has me bent over the…
Nope, I'm just trying to catch it before it turns into restricting/binging again. The reason I had food issues a few years ago was because I was on hormones that warned about significant weight gain and I'm off them now. The reason why I've been eating at 1,000 a day the past week is because I just got a summer job and am…
I ended up gaining 15 pounds during Spring Quarter in college since I wasn't counting as strictly and want to shed that because it's really hindering my mile times. Plus I actually want to fit into my clothes again; my shorts have gotten so tight I look like a hooker.
High-five and ask to breakfast
Stay, why not haha
Don't single her out anymore. Make lifestyle changes for all of you. Toss out the junk food in your house and ask her to go on walks with you. Instead of sitting around watching TV or something, plan a hiking trip. Lead by example
When I was bouncing back from my anorexic stint, I dealt with binge eating and still kind of do. You could be nutrient deficient if you've been low carbing or have something going on in your life that's eating YOU. Are you bored, stressed or tired? I found myself mindlessly snacking when I want to avoid doing something.…
When I need a snack I spread pb on one whole wheat wrap, roll a banana up and chop it into bit-sized portions. A mix of healthy carbs, protein and fat :)
What happened when you cut out carbs?
College student here that runs and weight trains. This sounds gross but is really filling: I mix low-fat cottage cheese, tuna, a bit of black beans and brown rice together if I'm in a hurry. If you have time to make a stir-fry go to the store and buy a head of cabbage with your other ingredients. Shred half (or even the…
Absolutely not. People think of fat as the enemy because it usually contains MORE calories than say, protein. Healthy fats found in foods such as olive oils, cold water fish, nuts and avocado contain many beneficial properties and even aid weight loss due to their satiating properties. You'd be doing yourself a dis-service…
Stupid question but would complex carbs such as sweet potatoes have the same bloating effect? Would it be necessary for me to cut out all major carbs or just gluten?
I mix it in with tuna for a low-cal tuna salad spread. You can do the same with egg. It also tastes really good by itself if you sprinkle cinnamon on it.
definitely not. Those machines only provide a ballpark estimate and some are off as much as 25-30% of their counts. Maybe even more.
Your hand is a convenient measuring device. A cup is about the size of a fist, half a cup is half a fist or the surface area of the front of a clenched hand, a tablespoon is about the size of your entire thumb and a teaspoon is the tip of your index finger. 3oz of meat is the size of your palm and an ounce of nuts is about…
Binge-eating is identified by your mental state. When I was recovering from an ED I'd literally shove down thousands of calories worth of food until I couldn't move from pain. I'm not talking about 3 cookies, I'm talking about like, boxes of poptarts and granola bars along with more stuff. You don't even taste the food and…
That's just bro science. Our bodies are complex machines that adapt to change. We'd be extinct by now if something as minor as a few carbs is enough to mess up our systems. Even calorie-counting isn't very accurate. Just do your best to aim for good carbs and keep track of what/how much you eat. It is most definitely not…
I'm trying the best I can now. The thing is I'm a university student and I take my meals in the dining hall. It'd be kind of weird to be lugging my scale and measuring cups in. And I'm not super sure what's in my food as well. We have a nutrition website but I know they make mistakes.
I was very happy with my body last year. It was mostly lean mass and almost no fat. Now I have more muscle but more fat as well. I don't want to lose the gains I made though which is why I'm hesitating to slash calories like I did last year.
Body fat measurements can be really inaccurate. They're used more to check consistency. I've gotten measurements varying from 11% to 20%. I squat 140lbs and, deadlift 115lbs and bench 65lbs if that can help you gauge where I'm at. There's a thin layer of fat over my stomach and my thighs got bigger...
I'm 19, btw
I gained back 8 pounds. The thing is, I eat really healthy. The only difference is the intensity/plate increase of my workouts and the fact that I'm not tracking my calorie intake as rigidly as I was. And as terrible as this sounds, I think it was worth it for me. I'm at a weight where my body's not going to fight me and I…