Accidently binged today for the first time in months

Hey guys,

So I've been trying to lose weight to prepare for a Tough Mudder and have been eating too few calories for the past week (just started counting again). I just had a major binge on nuts, fruit and egg whites. The thing is, I'm STILL hungry. I'm planning on increasing my calories to 1,500 per day instead of floating around at 1,000 (I have a tendency to hoard calories until dinner so I can eat more and don't end up using them).

But as of now I still feel hungry enough to eat a horse. I know I should skip dinner to reset myself but I'm still starving. What should I do? Thanks!

(FYI if this matters: I used to have major food issues but I'm completely recovered now :D. I'm just kind of reaaaally scared that this one binge will turn into restricting/binging again and I ain't ready to do that again. But at the same time I want my six-pack back haha)


  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Not sure how eating less would prepare you for this event. I would imagine trying to get stronger and have more endurance would be the goal. And for that you would need more fuel.
  • Lexandrei
    Lexandrei Posts: 38
    Not sure how eating less would prepare you for this event. I would imagine trying to get stronger and have more endurance would be the goal. And for that you would need more fuel.

    I ended up gaining 15 pounds during Spring Quarter in college since I wasn't counting as strictly and want to shed that because it's really hindering my mile times. Plus I actually want to fit into my clothes again; my shorts have gotten so tight I look like a hooker.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member

    (FYI if this matters: I used to have major food issues but I'm completely recovered now :D.

    You sound like you still have 'issues'
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    Don't panic! If you're still hungry try filling up on vegetables or fruit, if you try to ignore your hunger you might end up bingeing again. You did well for months, one slip doesn't mean you'll slide into a bad pattern. Just put today behind you and start fresh. 1000 calories a day is too low, especially if you're exercising. Restricting that much can cause your body to think it's encountered a famine, and this can trigger binges. It's great you're boosting your intake to 1500. That should help you to keep eating normally without overdoing it.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    log your calories, ACCEPT you over ate and eat a normal portion for dinner. You don't gain a ton of weight, maybe water weight but that will disappear in a few days and just let this be a less to slow down on food. If you only do this like once a month, not a big issue.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I'm not surprised you binged if you've been eating 1000 a day. Even 1500 may be too little depending on your activity level.
  • Lexandrei
    Lexandrei Posts: 38

    (FYI if this matters: I used to have major food issues but I'm completely recovered now :D.

    You sound like you still have 'issues'

    Nope, I'm just trying to catch it before it turns into restricting/binging again. The reason I had food issues a few years ago was because I was on hormones that warned about significant weight gain and I'm off them now. The reason why I've been eating at 1,000 a day the past week is because I just got a summer job and am super busy most of the day. I like having a hearty meal in the evening which is why I keep a closer eye on calories during day but by the time I get home I'm just not that hungry.
  • 1000 calories? You do realise half of that lost weight will be muscle right? you are going to get very very weak and most probably will end up catching colds due to being malnourished.

    Others may be all nice and advisory but I'll say what needs to be said - You are not eating smart in the slightest. Eat more and focus on athletic conditioning to make the changes necessary. eating significantly less will put you in a worse state than you are now and you'll end up sliding back into ****ty eating habits. If that spring break means you aren't going to get the time you wanted, then so be it. It is not THAT important.