Crystaljk78 Member


  • Baby powder for sure! Especially the kind with cornstarch :)
  • Good luck -you can do it! And congratulations in advance :)
  • Yes, baby powder for sure! I especially like the kind with cornstarch :)
  • Right! I have my settings set to lose one pound per week and a "lightly active" activity level. I am allowed 1800 calories per day. I don't usually eat quite that many, to be honest, but I've lost 11 pounds so far (in 3 months). So, not quite a pound a week, but I'm still happy with the results so far :)
  • Thank you all! It's nice to have that clarified for me, since now I know I was eating more calories than I probably should've been and I think this will give me the kick in the butt I need to work out a bit more :)
  • I have three things I can think of: My fiance proposed to me with his grandma's wedding ring. When he gave it to me, I couldn't even get it past my middle knuckle. Now I can slide it on and off my finger with ease. :) I find that I am less sleepy in the afternoons, but also able to sleep better at night. I developed…
  • I am currently using Ortho-Cyclen. I love it - I haven't gained weight, my skin is great and best of all (for me anyway) it's made my periods so precise that I know down to the hour, when I'm going to get it. Good luck to you!
  • That was great! And I must say that after trying 3 or 4 other calorie counting websites, MFP is by far the easiest to understand, has the most foods in the database, and the best ever community of support! I've only been on here about 10 weeks and I love it. It's nice knowing there are other people out there going thru the…
  • I started about 10 weeks ago and I've lost 8 pounds. As someone else on here told me: "It may take a while for the weight to come off, but then you're more likely to keep it off". I remind myself of that when I'm feeling discouraged.
  • According to my elliptical, I burn 305 calories in 30 minutes. I prefer to log that number rather than the higher one given by MFP, just so I know I'm not going over on how many calories I eat that day. :)
  • Count me in if it's not too late. I think a challenge is just what I need :)
  • I think I love those books a little too much. As soon as I finished reading them, I turned around and read 'em again! hahaha I am Team No One because it all works out in the end, right? Unless of course you haven't read the books. The movies are pretty good for what they are, but I find myself getting mad when I watch them…
  • Mom of a four-year-old here. I'm trying to get in shape so I have the energy to keep up with her. Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • You look super good! Love your tattoos :)