

  • Oregon grown!!!!
  • I googled and watched the video of the creator....so it takes his special beans right? it's not just adding butter to a normal cup of coffee....do you know if this is similar to something here in the PNW called Choffy which is 100% premium cacao beans that is full of antioxidants & has long lasting stimulant called…
  • I love all these things too! I have never tried butter in the coffee but do use full fat coconut cream and love it! I am a Mom, small business owner and single employee of a natural soap and beauty company, the cook, domestic engineer, wife, and keeper of pets...so basically SuperWoman like the rest of you! With our powers…
  • I quickly learned that there is no place for me outside of a paleo forum as well (unless I lie or become mute). The saying to each their own is lost to all. I even quit logging my food diary (which I was only doing for my own info) as I was tired of the "hateful" opinions of others about what I do or do not put into my…
  • Thanks Ladies, the responses were very helpful. I am going to start adding paleo to my list of tags on my various websites for my natural products as I can see this is as important as Vegan is to Vegans! I have lots of recipes for natural cleaners and beauty products if anyone is curious on how to's...just PM me!
  • I used to have a dairy addiction...especially cheese! I have been dairy free for a year now and have never felt better. I would add another symptom of dairy intolerance ... acne or skin break outs....just my 2 cents!
  • I am a proud paleo, not as active as I would like to be as I am super busy this month with work but feel free to add me!
  • I am not sure what SAHM is but I live in Estacada, OR .... 41, married with children...and would love a fitness friend near me!
  • Hello...feel free to add me...We can be 40 and fabulous together!
  • No...but that prancing kitty....sure did!
  • Thank you so much for your open honesty and questions....I learned alot about some things I need to research since reading this thread...as I am a Momma of 2 boys so I am the only female in the house and have noticed a bit of a power switch if that is even the correct terminology, in my house since switching from GF to…
  • You look amazing! I bet you feel amazing too! Nice dedication and great results!
  • Here is a link to an awesome Cauliflower pizza crust tutorial with pics that is also dairy free/paleo...I love it! http://nutritionstripped.com/cauliflower-pizza-crust/#.UeVfxo03D2s
  • alot of the above mentioned foods but also one of my favs, Paleo Hummus which is basically hummus made from zucchini instead of garbonzos.....
  • I weigh, measure, and log 1x week ... on Wednesdays which is just random :)
  • I am tall and proud! 5' 10" , 143 lbs. I had always been a bean pole then hit 39 started gaining and blamed it on age. Found out I was intolerant of wheat, got off wheat...it helped but everything finally righted with me and my weight when I went off all grains. Now I am almost at my goal weight of 140 lbs. and have never…
  • 41 feeling great and excited for 42!
  • I do a very similiar version of yours except I sub the coconut cream with paleo mayo that I make and add in a couple chopped chives, onion powder, and minced garlic my little ones will eat so many more fresh finger veggies when I add this to the plate..
  • I buy thick coconut cream in a can and add a TBSP to my cup ... my brother who is a firefighter and always trying to keep some bulk on his paleo body uses eggs and pasture butter ... its all a matter of taste I guess :)
  • I too make my own mayo and would add another oil you may want to try... Macadamia nut! Yummmm
  • I have little ones that sometimes need a treat so I pop in a couple bananas into the freezer then blend them with a cup of fresh/frozen strawberries (or other fruit), 1/2 c. coconut cream, 1 tsp. vanilla and process in the food processor and add a bit of almond milk if it is too thick....they love it and I don't feel…
  • I agree that the school is the worst about supporting an honest approach to nutrition in our children. I have my boys listed as gluten and dairy intolerant at school and they still are offered cake, ice cream, and what ever else they deem as a treat at parties etc. I make sure I know these dates and times and send my boys…
  • Thanks! I appreciate that...it is not easy to work and still totally embrace the lifestyle change needed to be serious Paleo/Primal. I can anything I can to avoid the sugars and high sodiums. I make the mayo, the "ranch", plum ketchup...all the condiments as well as all the daily meals. But hey my family and I are worth it!
  • I am always shocked at the amount of judgment I receive when people learn that we are paleo and so are our children. They always say "they do not need to loose weight" ... and I am always like "your right" they are not loosing weight...and that is not why we eat paleo. I cook from scratch every meal breakfast, lunch,…
  • I am 41 and new to MFP but have been logging daily. Just trying to track my fitness since I was not feeling as strong as when I was younger. Feel free to add me too!
  • http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/foodnut/09302.html A few low-sodium, high-vinegar, fresh-pack pickle recipes have been developed. Any fresh-pack pickle recipe that calls for as much or more vinegar than water and provides a finished product with at least 1/4 cup of 5 percent acid vinegar per pint jar of pickled products…
  • We use Dukkah, a spicy mix made with seeds, nuts and seasonings that is used for dipping or for seasoning. You can also use it as a coating for baked meats. Being Paleo I also make my own catsups, mayos, and other sauces like sriracha so I can do sugar free versions and such.
  • I have been Gluten free for almost 2 years now with similar symptoms. I also have a 9 year old who is gluten intolerant and has mood swings, anger, and depression when he eats gluten. As a family we took the GF a step further when we had our youngest diagnosed with a dairy intolerance and went full Paleo. So no grains,…
  • I have a son who has a high intolerance of wheat gluten that suffers from depression and mood swings when he eats gluten. I did read some articles about celiacs and this type of reaction when eating gluten and had him tested. Thankfully, he is negative for celiacs but still has similar reactions. I read that there is an…
  • Hi, I am in Estacada, OR, and looking forward to encouraging some local PNW'ers :)