thunderchld Member


  • Today I am a nerd because I am sad I have to work this weekend and miss my LARP. AND because I was tired of standard Lorem Ipsum and went looking for something new. I found Best. Night. Ever.
  • Ack! This is the first year I CAN'T go. I am so heart broken! It's the ONE and ONLY thing I look forward to all year. AND this year Katee Sackhoff (my girl crush) is going. v_v Le Sigh.
  • I'm an Information (aka Business) Analyst at a University. On a scale of 0 to "W Blue Sky Lives" I would says...2 Nerdy
  • I will sew a costume, or bake something and give it away. Or I will paint my miniatures.
  • Today I am a nerd (really last night) because I got into an argument on the new rules of 40K and how it nerfed my army.
  • I have to admit, I did just that thing today. I got in between two people when open ones were available down. HOWEVER, I have a valid excuse, imo. I go to the gym at 5-5:30 AM and always use the last one on the row. The row has about 3 machines, 3 each of 3 different brands. (like A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3). I really like…
  • My shoulders and collarbone.
  • I am so sad. We can't make it this year. This is my annual vacation. When I told my boss I would be here that weekend (First home football game) He went GREAT!....Wait.....Isn't that your vacation. v_v
  • Today, while chatting (online) with a co-worker, I could not change the font size, color, style of my text, so I put code around it so he would understand.
  • I am a wizard. I find this very acceptable!
  • Today I am a nerd because while working on a website we recently deployed, a script error-ed out. When we saw why - names had hyphens and apostrophes - we started cursing parents and punctuation.
  • Statesboro (45 miles west of Savannah). We've been hitting heat-indexes of 112 for about a week now. Even getting up at 4AM it is too hot/humid/muggy/miserable to go running outside. I've swapped it for Body Pump and a treadmill for the time being.
  • Yea, mine just says "Cardio - 60 minutes - 550 calories" Sometimes it tries to calculate the calories, but I Typically change it back to 550 or 600 depending on if I went up on weights or not.
  • Today I learned my opinion doesn't matter and I shouldn't post it. I also learned that I am so fraking confused I have no idea what to do about eating or not eating except when I exercise or don't. I also learned that I can make chocolate milk with unsweetened cocoa powder. And, because I need to be like everyone…
  • Here's my experience: 4 weeks - You start to notice a difference in the way your clothes fit, even if you can't see it in the mirror 8 weeks - those you see daily will notice a difference 12 weeks - Those people you see once-in-a-while will notice a difference 12 weeks, 1 day - YOU start to see what others see
  • I added mine under Cardio. I am overweight, and burn around 500.
  • I have a ways to go too, but I would love the support as well. I'd love to lose 30 by September myself.
  • I grew up in Canton, just off 20. Now I live in Statesboro.
  • I live in Statesboro too! I know were your picture was taken (that doesn't sound creepy at all). My goal, once I delete all this fat, is to go myself and show off my awesome new bod!
  • I am dying for a standing desk. Sitting all day hurts my knees. If nothing else, standing all day (Yes, does take some getting used to) gives you mental motivation. Well, it does for me anyways.
  • I actually find week days harder than weekends. Weekends, I am up and about after I work out. Weekdays, I have a desk job. I have a great work out and then sit in front of a computer all day. I'm trying to convert to a standing desk, but it kills me. I've stayed the same this week too. Last night I totally blew it. So…
  • I am a morning person too, and I usually wake up without an alarm. I set one, just incase, because I am paranoid. My routine is something like this: Wake up at 4 AM, Let the dogs out (we have a large fenced in back yard), Grab a granola bar and get dressed. Have a glass of water and make lunch. Get all my stuff together **…
  • I am 27, and my husband is 32. Neither of us want kids. I love children but I love the fact I can 'borrow' them more. I am too selfish for kids and I lack the desire to have them. I am the oldest of 6 *youngest sibling is 5* so I know what is is like to raise kids. Yes, I understand it isn't the same as popping them out…
  • So, when I started losing weight, gas prices started to go down. I like to tell myself my weight loss is tied to gas prices. So far, I started at 212 and gas was $3.57 here. Now I am at 204 and gas is $3.19.
  • Thanks! I think I'll go with the weekly weight and monthly measurements. I like that...then I can see progress
  • I've had the "When are you due" comment. My favorite comment was "I didn't realize you were that fat!". >_> thanks?
  • My routine is something like: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - Cardo for 45 to 60 minutes (Tredmill, elliptical, going to start the stationary bike until I get a real one) Tuesday, Thursday - Les Mills Body Pump (Weights). I am always sore Tuesday even though I've been going to Pump for about 2 years now. I never want…
  • OOh, Pick me! Current: 204 Goal for end of August: 190