Summer Challenge



  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    I'm in.
    CW: 131
    GW: 123.

    Also need to start counting calories...Again! Really been slacking on this and the weight has been creeping up.
  • lisac1422
    lisac1422 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone! So to weigh in, all you have to do is come to this thread and post your weight for that week. I will then take your weight and enter it into the spreadsheet, and then post the link to the chart, where you can track your progress and all the other participants! :)
  • sabermax
    sabermax Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in. Start weight 226 Goal weight 200
  • sandflower81
    sandflower81 Posts: 399 Member
    I am in!!!!
    Current weight: 169
    Goal weight by August: 155
  • lisac1422
    lisac1422 Posts: 102 Member
    So as of right now, I have everyone that has posted on here added to the spreadsheet. I'm sure we'll get some more before the first weigh in, but we are all in it as of now!!
  • chewy1986
    chewy1986 Posts: 9
    Is it to late to join?

    If not my sw is 178
    gw- 160

    is this the begining of aug or the end of aug to do it by?
  • murphmurph07
    murphmurph07 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi there, could I join too please!

    I have no particular event that I am losing weight for - just want to look and feel better in general. My name is Lisa. I had a baby 6 months ago and now feel ready to lose my excess weight. I started diet and exercise yesterday.

    my current weight is 154 and I would like to get to about 134. 10lbs by August 1st. 20lbs by October 1st.
  • molliemia
    molliemia Posts: 4 Member
    Hi i'm in 150.8lb want to get to 135lb
  • I'm in.

    Current weight 172 lbs (12st 4lbs)

    Goal weight for end of August 158 lbs (11st 4lbs)
  • lisac1422
    lisac1422 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey! Not too late to join! This is going to the end of august!
  • thunderchld
    thunderchld Posts: 46 Member
    OOh, Pick me!

    Current: 204
    Goal for end of August: 190
  • kolakross
    kolakross Posts: 39
    I'm in!
    CW: 82.6kg
    End of August GW: 78kg
  • kidskart
    kidskart Posts: 79 Member
    Sounds Great!
    KidsKart/ Lisa K
    Starting Weight: 175
    8/31 Goal Weight: 160

    Thanks, sounds fun!
  • Sounds like fun Im in !! :drinker:

    Starting Weight: 207 lbs

    GW (End of Aug.): 187 lbs
  • travellernikki
    travellernikki Posts: 31 Member
    I'm up for it!

    CW: 130 lbs

    GW end of August: 125 lbs

    Slow but steady wins the race!
  • cathp83
    cathp83 Posts: 11
    Got my friends wedding in September, so I'm in!!

    CW= 208
    GW by the end of august (hopefully) = 187

    Thanks for this got 2 reasons to lose it now!!!!!!
  • lisac1422
    lisac1422 Posts: 102 Member
    Of course! I figured we could all help each other out!
  • arealg
    arealg Posts: 9
    I'm up for the challenge!!!

    My scale broke so I'm thinking my current weight is still probably around
    140 -145

    Goal weight - 120-125

  • ninam0603
    ninam0603 Posts: 3
    I wanna get in on this. My 31st Bday is Sept 29th and I want to wear something really sexy lol

    SW- 152 lbs
    GW- 135 lbs
  • cclara
    cclara Posts: 5
    I have a wedding Sept. 1st--mine :)

    CW: 167
    GW: 150