Morning exercisers - advice?



  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    I so use to have to make myself get up out of that bed and get moving. I don't eat before i exercise but i make sure i do after, like within 20 minutes of finishing and it should be protein. still trying that one. Now i don't even have to set an alarm i just wake up and go. My incentive right now is to get out and done before the heat hits. Just got to keep trying
  • Fergie2154
    Fergie2154 Posts: 59
    I get up around 5:30-6am to get my exercise out of the way.... just as you are thinking about doing. Which is a good plan, if you tend to get too busy in the day and evening to fit it in.

    What helped me was conditioning my body to go to bed earlier. Rather than 11pm or later (I get up way too tired and want to hit snooze if I go to bed at 11pm and plan to exercise in wee hours....). I go to bed around 10pm. Sleep is what will help ready your body for an early morning rise. Try to get at least 7-8 hours every night.

    I was really tired this morning since I didn't sleep through the night and I surely didn't "feel" like working out today. ....but by 6am I said to myself.."you KNOW you are going to feel better once you get going. By the time I put my exercise gear on (and hit my garage, which is where my weights and cardio equipment are) I was feeling really good within 20 minutes of my routine. today was weights followed by Intervals on my elliptical day...

    Now that I am regularly exercising in the a.m. 6 days per week, my eyelids get sooooo heavy by 9:30 that I know I will be ready to actually fall asleep at 10ish....

    PS, I don't watch TV in my bedroom so once everything is shut down in the house and I hit the bed, I am ready to sleep, sleep, sleep... I try to keep the same schedule on the weekends when I workout. Get up early, don't sleep in...,get it out of the way so I can enjoy my day.

    I rarely set my alarm...even on the weekends I am up and ready to long as I get enough sleep. ....and like others posted, be sure you eat a good balance of healthy protein/carbs/fat within an hour after your workouts. if you don't have time to prepare a meal, this would be a good time to drink a protein shake with some berries of your choice.

    Hope that helps.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    In the mornings I either run outside or do the elliptical. I don't eat anything, I just get out of bed, use the ladies, squeeze on a sports bra, grab my phone, make a water bottle and go.

    I have found that if I'm in bed by 9 p.m., 5:20 a.m. doesn't look quite as bad. Now I'm awake with no alarm at 5:20 every day.

    Give yourself time to adjust, it's taken about 2 months for me to get used to a 5:20 wake up versus a 6:20 wake up.
    For me, it's a mental adjustment as much as a physical one.

    Best of luck! :)
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I'm not a morning person but the way I made myself do it was to go to bed early, you can't get up if you're tired. I go to bed between 9:30pm-10pm to get up at 6am. I don't eat before the treadmill, but do eat something small before body pump class such as a piece of bread or banana. When I come back then I have my protein shake.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I found a happy medium in my life- i exercise over my lunch hour at work!

    Morning just sucks for me, I'm dog tired

    Evenings work some days and not others, commitments, life, school, dogs, etc...

    After I get back to work I eat my lunch while I work.

    I've been doing this for several months and it's the only thing I've been able to continue doing.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I get up every morning at 5 am for a 50-60min cardio work out - I do weights in the evening as they don't take me that long. I HATE mornings. How do I do it? The night before I lay my workout clothes out in the workout room, put a bottle of propel on the elliptical, and make sure there is a DVD of something I want to watch ready to go in the DVD player. I never eat before I work out or I get very sick (even before a 10 mile run the most my stomach can handle is a banana). As soon as my workout is over I hit the shower and then make a protein shake (protein powder, half a banana, some frozen strawberries, almond milk, and flax seed). Some days I don't feel like it so my work outs are slower, some days I feel great and kick *kitten*...but the point is you get up and do it every day. Try doing nice and easy am work outs at first to get used to it...go for a long walk or a light jog and see how you feel then.
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    The absolute worst thing for "non morning people" is the snooze button. Set the alarm for when you need to get up and just get up... it will suck for a few days but you will overcome it quickly. I've watched many "night owls" become "morning people" just by not using the snooze and making a commitment to get up for 2 weeks straight.

    The snooze allows you to drift in and out of sleep and causes you to remain sleepier, thinking you might get to go to sleep again, after you get up.
  • chaletlynn
    Find a friend. It is so much easier to get up when you know someone is waiting for you! I hve been getting up at 5:00 3x a week for a year and now I hate to miss a day. It is all about the buddy system!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Thanks everyone, these are great ideas!! I'm really feeling like if I put some of these to practice it'll be like 2nd nature very quickly!
    I know it seems silly but it has helped SO much to hear about everyone's morning routine, I can more easily picture it working into mine now!
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    I'm NOT a morning person, but if I don't exercise first thing in the morning, it doesn't get done. I have kids, and I work full-time, and we have afternoon/evening activities, and if I exercise right before bed (the only other time I'd have), then I sleep like utter crap, so - morning it is!

    I started setting the alarm an hour earlier than usual, and man, was that tough. I love my bed, and my bed loves me, ha ha.

    For me, the trick is - keep your workout clothes in the bathroom. I get up (sometimes 10 minutes after the alarm, sometimes 30 minutes after - I'm still not one to jump out of bed singing, you know? - but that extra time is 'built in' to a degree), head for the bathroom, and grab my clothes from the hook on the way to the toilet. Perhaps TMI, but as I'm sitting there, I kick off my jammies and put the workout gear on, so once I'm up, I'm also ready to go - practically without even realizing it. I throw my hair into a ponytail, put my shoes on, fill my water jug, and go exercise. Either elliptical, or right now I'm doing P90.

    I'm not usually *thrilled* to go do it, but I just do do it anyway - once the gear is on, might as well, you know? And once I begin, and finish, I'm usually glad I did. It's easier once you start. I've gotten into enough of a habit now that I'm starting to like it, and I know I'd miss it if I didn't. It was *really* tough this morning, though, I just wanted to sleep, but I did it anyway, and I feel better, though my workout was a bit slower than usual.

    After I finish, I drink a bunch of my water, stretch, then head upstairs and start my coffee while I go shower. (I hate steaming-hot coffee, so I punch the Keurig and let it cool off while I do, LOL!) After I dry off and get dressed, I go get my breakfast - usually some oatmeal because it's fast. Sometimes an egg or two, sometimes cereal and a banana if I'm really craving it, or the other day I whipped up a protein shake. I've found that I can't really eat before I exercise - I'm prone to side-stitches, so if I even have too much water beforehand, I feel like crap while working out. Plus, I like to catch up on my email or surf (or log here at MFP) while I eat, and if I do that before I exercise, it becomes way too easy to keep doing that and blow off the exercise entirely. :-P

    By that time, the kids are up and eating, and it's a mad rush to get everyone out the door, so I've come to enjoy my's a little 'me-time' before the day begins in earnest.

    I also get to bed by 10pm at the latest - it's not natural to me, I tend to want to be a night-owl, but my husband needs to get to bed by 8/8:30 pm to get up at 3:30 for his shift, so I've taken to going to bed when he does, because it's easier for the household routine (and the kids should go down then too). It feels a little odd, but then when my alarm goes off at 5:50, I'm actually (usually) rested enough to force myself out of bed!

    That's how I do it. Hope you find a plan that works for you! The best way is to make it mindless, so you don't even have to think about it - you just do it. However you get there is up to you. (I've heard that some people sleep in their (clean) workout clothes, so they can just get up and go - hey, whatever works, you know?)
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Ok...I am NOT a morning person. My typical morning goes something like this:
    Alarm goes off at 6, hit snooze, sleep for another half hour until bf leaves for work & wakes me up between 630-7, get up and stagger to kitchen to make coffee, lounge around and drink my coffee while casually getting ready, leave the house at 8 for work.

    Now, I just joined the gym, and I find i'm having a difficult time getting into an evening routine, I would like to go in the morning so that it's just done and I don't have to worry about whether or not something comes up after work. I have tried morning exercise before (doing 30DS at home) and found that I didn't get that burst of energy everyone talks about, I actually just felt more tired and kinda sick. My question to all of you morning exercisers do you do it? What do you eat before you workout? Ideally i'd like to get up at 6, and workout from 630-730, but I have visions of myself looking like a zombie on the treadmill or something lol. Any advice for how to make this transition easier, or how to achieve that "feel good" feeling afterwards so I don't feel awful and sleepy at work? Thanks!

    You don't say if you completed the 30DS. If not I would suggest starting there again and working up slowly from there. For me I always want things fast and often overwhelm myself into giving up to many times. Start with level 1 and stay there until you can complete the circuit with ease (just b/c its a 30 day program doesn't mean it has to be completed in 30 days. It is better to take 40 to complete rather than overwhelm yourself and give up at day 13) then move up and do the same with level 2 and 3. W

    By the time you complete level 3 it should be routine by that time and then you can consider adding something more or different to work up to 60 minutes a day.

    In addition you may want to consider getting up 30 minutes earlier so you have some relax time either before or after exercising.

    I hope this helps
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    It definitely takes some getting used to. Keep with it and you might start to feel better and you will actually just get up instead of sleeping through the alarm
  • thunderchld
    thunderchld Posts: 46 Member
    I am a morning person too, and I usually wake up without an alarm. I set one, just incase, because I am paranoid. My routine is something like this:

    Wake up at 4 AM, Let the dogs out (we have a large fenced in back yard), Grab a granola bar and get dressed.
    Have a glass of water and make lunch. Get all my stuff together ** and head to the gym.

    Now, a few things that have helped me is I actually pick out all my clothes for work on Sunday night - everything, shoes, socks, undies. Have it all set up so I just grab the hanger , throw a clean towel, undies, and shoes in my gym back and go.

    Once I get to the gym, I found having an iPad helps. I can watch Netflix and catch up on a show. If I don't want to stay long, I will watch a 30 minute show. If I want to go longer, 1 45 min or 2 30 min. It allows me to track my time and sidetracks me from how long I've been on the treadmill.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    The truest thing you need to love here is this:

    Its uncomfortable until it's a habit.
    Its going to feel foreign until its the norm.
    Its going to be weird and energy sapping at first.
    Its slowly going to morph.
    It will eventually become something you adore. need.
    It wont take nearly as long as you think.
    Maybe a month/month and a half.
    You WILL need determination and willpower and the need to prove you want this - more than you'll need motivation.

    You dont need motivation to make it happen- but having something at the end of your workout and before going in to work - like a coffee - a sexy healthy breakfast at some adorable cafe, some special morning tradition you create that you love - may help.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    One motivator for me to go to bed earlier is that my wife insists on watching Little House on the Praire, omg. So, I have no problems falling asleep. I would much prefer running in the early AM to staying awake to watch that!!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    The truest thing you need to love here is this:

    Its uncomfortable until it's a habit.
    Its going to feel foreign until its the norm.
    Its going to be weird and energy sapping at first.
    Its slowly going to morph.
    It will eventually become something you adore. need.
    It wont take nearly as long as you think.
    Maybe a month/month and a half.
    You WILL need determination and willpower and the need to prove you want this - more than you'll need motivation.

    You dont need motivation to make it happen- but having something at the end of your workout and before going in to work - like a coffee - a sexy healthy breakfast at some adorable cafe, some special morning tradition you create that you love - may help.

    I love this, and printed it out - thank you! Little reminders to myself until it doesn't suck so much.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    One motivator for me to go to bed earlier is that my wife insists on watching Little House on the Praire, omg. So, I have no problems falling asleep. I would much prefer running in the early AM to staying awake to watch that!!

  • scgroom
    scgroom Posts: 7
    I find it helpful to turn off my computer about an hour before bedtime, and stop watching television about 15 minutes before bedtime, and to try to be in bed by 10-10:15 p.m. It makes it easier for me to get up at 5:30 to workout. I generally don't eat until after I've worked out, but that has more to do with taking my thyroid medication first thing in the morning.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I'm up at 5:00 in the gym by 5:30. I don't eat before. It was a hard transition at first. After a while, my body just got used to the new hours. Took a couple of weeks, though.
  • eli_802
    eli_802 Posts: 60
    i never eat before i exercise in the morning. i can force myself out of bed, but i can't force anything into my nauseous stomach except for water. by the end of my workout i do feel hungry though, and then it feels great to fill up on healthy food. good luck!