

  • Hummus is never a bad call.
  • Way to go! I've had the DVD's laying around for a while bc I thought I needed to lose some weight before I started the program. Looks like April 1st will be my first date with Tony Horton!
  • Tennis is a fantastic sport. The stop/start cardio is also a nice change from long distance running. Looking forward to the French Open in May. Go Andy Murray!
  • I'm fairly new to the site as well so I'm no pro...All I can say is just get used to logging in and tracking your food and exercise. That way it just becomes routine. The first week or two of your new routine are going to be the toughest so just take it day by day and keep building your confidence in the fact that your…
  • Well played, Samerah12.
  • Thanks for the link. Zeppelin and Bowie are definitely good choices that I had over looked. Good suggestions! Keep 'em coming... On my playlist right now is: Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings Baile Funk Diplo and oddly enough the latest Pearl Jam record seemed to keep me moving even with a handful of mellower song. I know…
  • I cam to the boards for some snack tips and these are fantastic. I came home drunk last night and ate tacos. I'm headed to Trader Joe's now so hopefully the next late night pillaging of my kitchen will turn up these healthier snacks!
  • All I can ever do is bust my *kitten* in the gym asap the next day. Wipe away the negative thoughts about the previous day and concentrate on what lies ahead. That's all we can do with just about any negative issue really.
  • It definitely helps with working more muscle groups, as it takes more muscles to keep you balance. Obviously there is the advantage of becoming better coordinated and developing better balance. Depending of the types of workouts you plan on doing, you could burn around more than a few hundred calories in 35 min. I do some…
  • Welcome! I am a new member as well. this site is perfect for tracking caloric intake and your fitness routine. Good luck reaching your goal!
  • karincakes pretty much said it all. Cutting out certain guilty pleasure foods/comfort foods is a plus, but eliminating such a essential source of natural energy and vitamins seems unwise.
  • Thanks guys!