

  • Hi! I was just like your boyfriend through college. I would eat ice cream just to not lose weight. Then came kids... Now my kids are 9 and 7 and I'm 5'7" and 160 hoping to find my way back to 145. Good luck! My best advice is to find ways to work exercise into routine things. A yoga pose while you brush your teeth, pacing…
  • Hang in there! I just started logging again, because a spring and summer of cookies, scotcharoos and Friday pizza day at work have caught up to me. Love that my boss is generous, hate that it's always such yummy/unhealthy food. Good luck finding a strategy that works for you in dealing with your friends and family.
  • Cover with pesto sauce and bake in the oven, covered for about 40 minutes. Serve with pasta or potatoes or salad... :)
  • Sounds like fun. Not quite riding weather here yet though, so I'll just cruise around my basement on the trainer unitl spring decides to arrive (and then I'll be tempted by the horse saddle instead of the bike saddle!)
  • Hi Heather! I agree, the size 8 shorts in the closet are calling me too! Good job with your loss so far. I'm sure you can reach your goals :)
  • Hi! I'm new here too - and our situations sound very similar. I'm 31, married 10 years (11 years in June) with 2 children and 3 horses. I could have written the rest of your post. My weight is within 'normal' range, but I'd like to lose around 10-15 lbs. I care more about the way my clothes fit than the # scale or on the…
  • Hello! My husband had lap band April 2009. It has really changed the way the whole family eats, which has been good for all of us. He learned to cheat the band, and had some setbacks (darned ice cream!) but he is now back on track and losing again. As the family grocery shopper, cook, waitress, ect I would love to get new…
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