Need help and motivation

Hi, my name is Brittany and I am a full time college student. I started college at 135 lbs and I am now at about 150 lbs (5 ft 9 in) I am going into my sophomore year and I really want to get back down to my pre college weight and get healthy again. My issue is I lack the motivation required. I really need some help staying on track and staying focused. I live with my boyfriend who can eat whatever he wants and not gain a single pound so it makes it really hard for me to stay on track I take over a full time class load so I don't have a lot of time to workout or cook. When I do get the chance to workout I feel good so I eat whatever I want which completely defeats my entire work out. I'm looking for friends and for some motivation. When I don't see progress fast I just stop counting calories because I feel like it's a lost cause. I'm looking for help. I feel hopeless:( Looking for friends and advice! Thank you.


  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Friend request sent.

    Hard to live with someone who can eat whatever he wants. Ugh. Men! ;-)
  • cjsmommy7
    cjsmommy7 Posts: 135 Member
    Im Jo 33 from Uk
    Log everyday add me if you like
  • bonkybottoms
    Hi! I was just like your boyfriend through college. I would eat ice cream just to not lose weight.
    Then came kids... Now my kids are 9 and 7 and I'm 5'7" and 160 hoping to find my way back to 145.

    Good luck! My best advice is to find ways to work exercise into routine things. A yoga pose while you brush your teeth, pacing while you read, etc.
  • heretoloseit95
    Never lose hope :) . It's a slow and difficult process and you don't have much to lose anyways so stick to your healthy eating and 4x a week jogging/walking. If you want to eat back your exercise calories, make sure it's healthy :) , Ask your boyfriend to join you and support you by not buying these stuff as much as he can, if you do it with someone you love, it'll definitely be easier, and ofcourse if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to. I'm here = ). Feel free to add me. Good luck girl~!:flowerforyou:
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    Never give up, even if it seems you're not making progress.

    When you first start out into a routine of maintaining a certain caloric intake and exercise - there's a period where you won't see progress. In fact, I even found myself gaining weight and that was depressing as hell. But you have to remember - you gain muscle when exercising and muscle is heavier.

    Over time, your metabolism will catch up and the pounds will start shedding off. The last time I seriously applied myself to diet/exercise was 4 years ago and it took 3 months before I really started to see a difference.

    So keep at it. Never quit and never lose hope.

    If you feel like you need a boost, turn to this marvelous community of people for support because support is as important as the diet/exercise itself if not more!