I'm new to "myfitnespal"

Hi Folks,
My name is June. I am 43 years old. Married 20 years in June and have 2 boys. My body has changed. I'm not that over weight. I would like to lose 15 pounds or so. My legs and my belly are big. I have "cottage cheese theighs" and kind of like a "beer belly" (but I don't drink....LOL) I joined a gym and have been going on a regular basis. I've been watching what I eat. I feel like I'm doing pretty good. The week before last I only lost .08 of a pound and this week only .04. I am very frustrated. Would like to hear from others in my situtation.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.


  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Hi there!! Welcome to the MFP family...and I would consider yourself in the right place for the best advice, encouragement, self discipline etc. I would guess that since you have a 15 lb. goal, that you are close to your ideal weight. That said...I want to encourage you not to become frustrated. The closer one is to their ideal weight...the longer it takes. The calorie counting MFP set up for you based on your goals will get you there. There are several "newbie" topics in the forums that give great advice how to get to your goals and how to overcome plateaus! I wish you the best experience possible in your journey and know that you will hit your goal!
  • SlimmingSarah
    "Abs are made in the kitchen"- My partners favourite saying.

    Unfortunately weightloss revolves greatly around what you put in your mouth, rather than the energy you put out at the gym. Whilst it can help, it means next to nothing without a good, clean, healthy diet.
  • bonkybottoms
    I'm new here too - and our situations sound very similar. I'm 31, married 10 years (11 years in June) with 2 children and 3 horses. I could have written the rest of your post. My weight is within 'normal' range, but I'd like to lose around 10-15 lbs. I care more about the way my clothes fit than the # scale or on the clothing tag, but neither is making me happy these days.

    I've never dieted before and this is all new to me. I'm starting by just documenting what I'm already doing to set a baseline for myself and to figure out what needs to change. 2 days in and so far so good. Good luck!