

  • I would think a stationary bike would be ideal if you really want to be quiet. They can be had pretty cheap on Craigslist.
  • Keep us updated. I'm curious if I should increase mine but like I said I'm reluctant to pull the trigger since my diet has been going well. Maybe it would go better if I went to 1600.
  • Im no expert so I'm gonna rehash what my Dr. told me. He said 1200 is low but sufficient if I did no exercise on that day. The days I run and lift he told me 1600 minimum. I'm still sticking around 1400 just cause I'm losing weight and scared that if I bump up to 1600 it will slow the process but...
  • How long have you been dieting? I was the same way but the urge went away after a few weeks. Was just a matter of getting my body use to the new routine.
    in Help? Comment by bragz June 2011
  • Im 39, 215 with about a 24% Body fat reading. On a week I might gorge I will go six days normal which is a protein shake for breakfast. I jsut don't like to eat breakfast so started doing this. A Smart ones for lunch. Sometimes a small bowl of popcorn for snack. Healthy dinner like chicken breast with veggies or pasta.…
  • Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna go check a few out today.
  • I don't really stretch before lifting but I do before running. If I don't my calfs start hurting. I can walk a mile without stretching but once i start running they hurt. If I stretch beforehand I'm ok. I actually hate stretching but for me I feel its a must.
  • 3 things. 1. I'm 39 and still very active in sports. I want to be able to play baseball, surf, skimboard ect... for myself and also do these things with my son well into my later years. 2. Want to have a better love life performance wise. Extra weight makes things more difficult and the I've already noticed that losing…
  • Thanks. I was just under the assumption that it just used the chart you see on the wall at gyms that says if your # tall and # weight your body fat is this. Did not know about the current deal. Have to get one. I just had mine measured recently at a checkup and will have to see how close it is.
  • Is the body fat monitor is just a calculation rather than a true reading? Are there scales that can actually tell? I'm assuming a 200lb 5'11" non muscular person would register the same as a 200lb 5"11" muscular person?
  • I don't think there is any sure fire method. Since i started dieting I've read all the articles i can and there are so many different methods and opinions. My personal opinion is its good to kick start yourself here and there. I do cardio m-f and change my running every day. Go from regular pace to intervals to fat burn to…
    in Cheat Days Comment by bragz May 2011
  • I would change your weigh in to the day or 2 before your cheat day. My cheat day is Saturday simply because I like to have a few beers and BBQ on the weekend. Keeps me sane from the work week. I weigh on Thursday night. I might bounce a lb up after the weekend but I lose it quick. I still resort to grilled chicken and the…
    in Cheat Days Comment by bragz May 2011
  • I'm with ya. Lost 23 lbs (240 to 217) and I've lost a little off my waist. Maybe and inch. I took pics when I started and took some new ones last week and I look the same. My face is skinnier but that's about it. I've been doing mostly cardio with some lifting here and there. I just look at it this way. The fat is coming…
  • The cals MFP gave me is 1460. Would it be in my best interest to try to hit that exactly? I came into this with the opinion that the less calories the better but after reading about starvation mode I've been trying to get closer to my allowed calories. Also does it matter how I get to my calories? Since I'm coming in below…
    in This normal? Comment by bragz April 2011
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