arussell53 Member


  • Sorry, just came back... In regards to exercise - There was none. Exercise makes me *Very* hungry and is completely counter productive for me. -If I exercise, I gorge on food. For me, losing weight, *then* exercising is a much better plan. Again, this may just be something that applies only to me or a select few; YMMV. If…
  • STEP 1: Should be not eating out. Once you master that step, then you can move on. But not eating out should be your very first step.
  • I know that food looks very "blecky" to everyone, but honestly, once you re-train your body to eat like that, it is much easier. We are so used to super fat, ultra salty high sugar foods, that the idea of *not* eating those scares the crap out of us. I think I should mention that it was never intended to be a diet plan -…
  • Fast food in general was the hardest thing to give up. When you eat like we ate, you have to prepare your own meals. No restaurant is going to give you half a broiled chicken-breast on a plate of millet with corn and black beans lol. For Crystal, I know she had a hard time with sweets, but the thing I craved the most and…
  • I know how to knit. And can take out a 300m target with an M16.
  • Raven: Honestly, no. Once you become re-sensitized to the salt fat and sugar, food starts to taste so much better. We genuinely savored and enjoyed every evening meal. You can do so much with the few ingredients I listed, of course most of us have no idea how to cook. (we still don't) There is a whole world of food out…
  • If a man(or woman) has gotten you naked to the point of seeing stretchmarks or c-section scars I can almost guarantee that's the last thing on their mind. I have news for you girls (and boys). We are all imperfect. We all wear our fat weird, have scars, stretch marks, moles, dark patches of skin, stubborn hair, saggy…
  • My personal experience is to not drink them. I LOVE Diet Coke. But, the chemicals released when you drink soda in your brain trigger that "pleasure center" and that's no good (for me). Also, Diet Soda is a trigger drink for me. It says I am about to have some fast-food, or a sweet treat from the gas station or some pizza.…
  • It ultimately wont matter, but my preference is count sleep as a "new day" since I am up well past midnight.
  • Whenever I have a taste of something bad (fats, salt, sugar) it usually sends me into a feeding frenzy. I liken it to a "drug fix". If you are a crack addict and are recovering a month into it, you hit the pipe again chances are you are going to be craving it pretty bad the next day. When you went over, was it something…
  • In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that 320-330lbs was VERY unusual for me. I was 230 in high-school and 220 in the Army. At one point, for a few years I was around 200. So 300+ was an EXTREMELY unnatural weight for me to be.
  • Thanks! lol.. boy, uploading the pictures was challenging... lol
  • Yeah, I'm 6'5 and when I was 320 people said I didn't need to lose weight (when I would say I wanted to lose 100lbs). When I was close to 230 they said I was too thin - Even though I was "overweight" according to the BMI. I want to get down to around 200 and people act as though I am trying to be "manorexic". <-- a term my…