Why am I so hungry??

Ok so I've been on mfp (this time around) for about a month now, and the weight has been coming off, although quite slowly. but i'm fine with that. Everything has been going fine, and I haven't really had any problems sticking to my calorie allowance, haven't been hungry or anything. But these past two days I feel like I've been constantly hungry no matter how much I eat! The days preceding this hunger, I did go over my calorie allowance quite a bit (i think, i was bad this weekend and didn't log everything). Can it be that my body is just getting used to smaller calorie intake again?

my calorie allowance is currently 1390, recently increased from 1200 as I changed my weightloss goal from 2 lbs to 1 lb a week.

also, does anyone have any suggestions for low calorie foods that satisfies hunger well? I'm gonna try to stick to my calorie allowance, but it sucks having to be constantly hungry!


  • shedmonds
    shedmonds Posts: 5 Member
    You should eat when you're super hungry! Listen to your body :)

    I generally find I lose weight after super hungry days, even though I've eaten lots more
  • arussell53
    arussell53 Posts: 15 Member
    Whenever I have a taste of something bad (fats, salt, sugar) it usually sends me into a feeding frenzy.

    I liken it to a "drug fix". If you are a crack addict and are recovering a month into it, you hit the pipe again chances are you are going to be craving it pretty bad the next day.

    When you went over, was it something "naughty" that you ate?
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    hunger like that usually happens when your body gets low on its sugar. the best thing to combat this is to eat small complex carb meals during the day. it'll keep you feeling fuller, and you wont have that hunger feeling later. your body will get used how you eat in time. when i was cutting fat i didnt feel hungry at all, and when i did eat i found myself fuller with smaller amounts. now that i am eating a calorie surplus to put on muscle, i find myself hungry a lot and can eat much more in one sitting. your body adapts. and dont eat a lot when you feel super hungry, this is binging and it adds tons of cals in one sitting and will leave you more hungry later and open to another binge.
  • lalalalyndsey
    When I first started out on MFP I was really dedicated to sticking to my calorie intake, but I ended up having a couple "cheat" days, where I didn't care what I ate and ended up going quite a bit over my cals. I also noticed that after these cheat days I would be super hungry. My logic was that my stomach stretched out so I didn't feel full when I started cutting my cals again. I could be wrong though.

    Also, could it be T.O.M.? I'm usually super hungry the week before, and during. I also heard that you need more cals during that time so don't fret if you are a little over.

    In regards to low cal foods that satisfy hunger... I try to drink a glass of water when I feel hungry before heading to the fridge. A lot of people confuse thirst with hunger. If that doesn't work, whole grains are good (I recently got some cinnamon burst cheerios that are 110 cals per serving) and also fruit is always a good option! Hope that helps!
  • ValeriaWins
    Personally, I am very sensitive to sugar and carbs so even if I eat a balanced diet but rich in carbs I feel hungry. Try to eat more protein+vegetables. For me it works, but I always go back eating bread (OHI ohi) .....
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    If you expend a lot of calories, the energy burn tends to catch up, so your body wants to consume more in order to compensate for the output. At least that's what I personally think it is, in theory. There are days when I'm not so hungry, so I'll eat calorie-dense foods such as nuts, fruits, dairy, etc. to fill in as snacks.

    I wouldn't worry too much about going over on calories since I would just chalk it up to an increased calorie intake for that day, then go right back to a limited calorie intake the next day and continue from there. Or, if you happen to go over earlier in the day and you have time and/or are planning to work out later, you can consider it "pre-eating" your exercise calories. Either way, it's never really so bad unless it's consistent.

    If you want low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods, vegetables and berries are very low in calorie and high in fiber. Such as romaine lettuce, spinach, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. They will keep you fuller longer and keep your glucose levels stable. Lean meat and protein will also do the same. Egg whites are only 16 calories per egg, or if you're using a substitute like Egg Beaters or something, it's 30 calories per 1/4 cup. And they pack a lot of protein per serving.
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary and it doesn't look like you're eating many fruits and veggies! If you eat at least one serving of fruit or veggie paired with a protein with every meal and snack then it will really help! A protein can be meat, fat free milk, string cheese, egg whites, or nuts and seeds (in moderation). Fruits and Veggies are low in calories and water rich foods so they help to keep you fuller longer. It will really help the weight to come off as well! Try to eat at least 5 servings of fruit and/or veggies per day. It makes a huge difference. Try to limit the amount of processed foods you eat so you can maximize your calorie intake! :)
  • Vmsunderland
    Our bodies are built to eat mass amounts of food, everyone who is on a diet is hungry... it's in our genes to hunt the mammoth, eat all of the mammoth as humanly possible and then go back to our caves... difference being the food we eat now is awful for us and we don't have to chase our food 12 miles and then wrestle with it
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Our bodies are built to eat mass amounts of food, everyone who is on a diet is hungry... it's in our genes to hunt the mammoth, eat all of the mammoth as humanly possible and then go back to our caves... difference being the food we eat now is awful for us and we don't have to chase our food 12 miles and then wrestle with it

    Haha! I love this!