

  • add me if u like :)
  • yep! im in australia and im with big brothers big sisters here!
  • me too!! im always way over :( i think the goal setting is unrealistic.
    in Sugaaar! Comment by JJ_27 May 2011
  • im sorry to ask a silly question but what does NSV stand for. ive read it so many times and i still dont know what it means!! haha
  • Don't give up. try not to be upset. You're doing really well. think about the fact that you have done so well for the first few days - that's great. some days will be harder than others but just stick with it. some of the things i try when i feel like eating but feel i dont really *need* to. Delay eating by 15-20 minutes -…
  • it's not only Americans that have this problem :)
  • I think it's okay to be a bit gentle on yourself on that day. As long as I dont go overboard i let myself have more if I feel I need it, hope that helps :)
  • Thanks heaps guys, for all your replies! the analogy of the fire place is really helpful and makes a lot of sense. i never thought about it like that before. i generally just eat toast for breakfast because i dont think Im really a fan of oatmeal/porridge - never really tried it, but i think i might give it a go!! thanks…
    in is this weird? Comment by JJ_27 May 2011
  • i definitely agree. sometimes you have to go over and it doesnt mean you're bad or that you've failed in any way or the diet's over. birthdays and celebrations are just a part of life and there's nothing wrong with enjoying them! :)
  • I am not a personal trainer or in any way qualified, but I just know that the last time I was at my lowest weight was when I was swimming 3 times a week (for about 30-45 minutes). i find it harder than some exercises in terms of getting the motivation to do it, but find when I get into the pattern I really enjoy it. Good…
    in Swimming Comment by JJ_27 May 2011
  • That's great! i couldn't run 2km... well done.