marlea_0619 Member


  • Wow. I love this topic! What would i tell myself?? So many things! 1. Lift weights! Don't leave that for AFTER the weight is lost! It's made every difference in my journey! 2. Don't weigh yourself! I have not weighed myself in months...and I probably weigh about the same. But I've dropped almost 3 sizes, and have…
  • I LOOOOVE me some Pump. And I took my first Body flow yesterday and loved it! Pump has completely changed my body...I have definition and feel strong. I love and am completely addicted to that burn feeling you get when you're done!!! I've tried Combat, but I was awful!
  • WOW!!!!!!! You look great, and such an inspiring story!!!! WOW WOW WOW!
  • I work out 3 times a week at lunch, and I used to run on my lunch break 4 days a week. I really don't care much about showering after, but I don't meet with external customers. I love getting it over with so I don't have to go to the gym after work.
  • I hate the scale. Normally, I don't weigh myself at all-I judge success by better fitting clothes and physique. I used to hop on those d@mned things all the time...but honestly, I hardly ever weigh myself anymore. Anyway, yesterday, I broke my rules and I weighed myself and was totally upset. I had gained back to where I…
  • I use a Polar FT4 HRM every workout (except yoga, since it's really loud) and I weigh my food with a digital scale....all the more reason why I am so disappointed!
  • After being afraid to run hard (stress fractured hip that sidelined me for 10 months), I ran a 10-minute mile last night! Felt wonderful!
  • Oh! I am SO jealous! Venison is super lean...and you really can't get more organic either!!!! I've been eating it as a substitute for ground beef for years. Honestly, I've never been able to taste any considerable difference between the two when it's ground. I will say that we eat the loins as well, and those do taste a…
  • I've never had one in the heel, but I have had one in the hip joint. I'm not going to lie-it was excruciating. I have broken bones, given birth -no tears, but this thing made me cry! I could hardly walk. Pain was at least an 8. I will say that in two days, though, my pain was gone. And it has stayed gone. But if I ever was…
  • The same thing happens for me, to, but a little less now that I am spacing it out every other day. I run about 3 miles every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and then a slow, easy, shorter run on Sunday. That way, I get rest days in between. You may want to give yourself more time in between to rest your muscles. Of course, there…
  • I am in the same boat too! I've used MFP before, but then I got hurt and really just stopped. Now I am back, and this time for good. Will add you so we can try to stay motivated! Good luck!
  • I could sure use a little extra motivation, too. I'd be happy to nag, cajole, whatever! We can do this for sure.
  • I don't know if this helps, but I used to be a diet soda junkie....I realized I had to give it up to lose some weight :-( Anyway, I found La Criox-it is carbonated, flavored water with zero calories, sugars, and salt. The only ingredients are carbonated water and natural flavor.... It takes some getting used to, but now, I…