Does the scale stress you out?



  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    My scale was my friend until this last couple of weeks where nothing has changed but I am seeing changes in my body overall. I am seriously beyond frustrated as I am still needing to lose weight to get to a normal BMI but the scale isn't budging :explode: Trying to keep it calm and just stick with it but its proving very hard.
    If you don't have a fabric measurer, get one!

    Yeah i need to get one, I just hate not seeing the scale reflect all the work I am doing. :sad: especially since that is what my doctor is watching
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    My scale was my friend until this last couple of weeks where nothing has changed but I am seeing changes in my body overall. I am seriously beyond frustrated as I am still needing to lose weight to get to a normal BMI but the scale isn't budging :explode: Trying to keep it calm and just stick with it but its proving very hard.
    If you don't have a fabric measurer, get one!

    Yeah i need to get one, I just hate not seeing the scale reflect all the work I am doing. :sad: especially since that is what my doctor is watching

    Eh, the hell with your doc. Take the other signs of progress in as well and make your doc see the global view. Because inches lost are important as well. And sometimes the scale is awful but that doesn't mean no progress.
  • marlea_0619
    marlea_0619 Posts: 16 Member
    I hate the scale. Normally, I don't weigh myself at all-I judge success by better fitting clothes and physique. I used to hop on those d@mned things all the time...but honestly, I hardly ever weigh myself anymore.

    Anyway, yesterday, I broke my rules and I weighed myself and was totally upset. I had gained back to where I started...but I've dropped almost 2 pant sizes and got up over 10 miles running the other day. I know I've lost fat and look better than I have for a while.

    I still cried and felt like giving up. The scale is the devil.
  • keziak1
    keziak1 Posts: 204 Member
    I had my husband hide the digital scale so now I need to ask for it back if I want to use it. Since starting back on MFP this week I have started sneaking a look at my old-fashioned scale. It's hard to read so I still want to check on the digital once a week to make sure I'm on track.

    I think the woman who lost 2 sizes of pants and runs 10 miles a day should feel pretty darn good about herself!
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    According to my calorie burns in the last two weeks, I should have lost 2.5-4 lbs.

    In the last two weeks, I've lost 1 lb.

    Oddly enough though . . . I ordered new clothes, which arrived Tuesday. A particular pair of pants I ordered was XXL/20, and not of an especially forgiving or stretchy fabric. I am about a 22 per their sizing chart, and I figured I'd be good for these later in the summer, when I'd really want to wear the lighter fabric anyway. But I tried them on, to see how much more I needed to lose to fit in them well. And son of a gun - they FIT. I'm still in shock (and afraid to wash them, lest they shrink).

    Scale only tells a partial tale of a specific relationship with gravity at a specific point in time. Weirdly, I ALWAYS weigh at least 1.5 lbs lighter in the evening (after a full day of eating/drinking) on my mom's scale than I do naked first thing in the morning before breakfast at my house. I like her scale better.

    How wonderful! You should post this under Success Stories.
    complete agreement. This screams success