headstoes Member


  • Me too - I uninstalled my app to try and troubleshoot but now I can't even see the "not loading" photos, it looks like they're all gone. All my entries in my diary are also gone from the app from a certain time frame... Fine on desktop for entries though. Not great. I hope they come back. Has anyone had any help with a…
  • Thank you all for such an overwhelming response! All of what you've said has resonated in some way and it's so nice to hear your ways of coping. I post this, because last night I felt like giving it all up, and eating out my freezer from ice cream. I had this overwhelming craving and felt so deprived which I always feel,…
  • The worst of it those non-supportives just make something which is already hard, even harder.
  • WARNING: Long and in-depth story ahead I’ve been fat and unhappy my whole life. The unhappy part comes along with being fat, but moreover, I am a happy person. Losing weight was something I wanted since I was 15, being overweight since I can remember, through school and highschool. Fat is what everyone has known me as. I…
  • I cannot thank all of you enough! You have helped so very much. You have no idea how much this means to me. Today, I broke the barrier, and I am eating anything I like, much more than I should even. I need to get my body back to be nutritionally sound and get my metabolism moving again, as well as some of my sexy muscle…
  • Gosh, thanks so very much everyone. I've really gotten my head straight today. I will definitely sort something out, any myself out, and I will eat something tomorrow! There is no way you can survive on eating basically nothing. I'm just not sure if I should: - shock my metabolism temporarily by eating normally tomorrow…
  • Thank you to everyone for all the replies, but I am still a little bit confused as to what to do. I was looking over tips for maintenance, where they say to bump up your calories about 50-100 calories every week or so. Would this be a good idea? Or should I keep my diet as it is but include exercise to shift into my new…
  • I too would like to know the answer to this. One day I binged about 6000 calories, no joke, and I gained nothing the next day, about 0.5kg the day after, but then the next day it was gone and I was back to losing? Freebie or what?
  • I'm loving this topic because I am sick of hearing about starvation mode. It's all about energy in/energy out and taking in less than your body uses. Cutting back on food means you will lose weight, nothing complicated about it. Sure many of you have stories about stuffing up your metabolisms, but unfortunately for you,…
  • Unfortunately the only thing we have in Australia is those Kellogg’s bars – I will have to go check them out. @daninicole - Those are pretty general suggestions which I am familiar with too, but thanks anyway. I was after more pre-packaged suggestions also, but I think I'm on my own on this one being Aussie. To answer your…
  • I really do like using frozen meals, the tasty ones at least. I use them mainly for portion control and getting an accurate account of how many calories are in what I am eating. So when I do find one I love I get really excited about them. I'd list my favourites, but I'm an Aussie, and I tend to find the site has a…
  • Anyone else sharing their story?
    in My Story Comment by headstoes June 2010
  • Thank you for everyone's concern, and please don't take this the wrong way (lots of things get lost in translation), but I didn't want to be bombarded by criticism. I am well aware of the supposed risks, and have read and heard a lot about not going under 1200 calories a day, as well as both sides of the concept of…
    in My Story Comment by headstoes June 2010
  • Thanks for all your replies, and as I mentioned, please respect the methods I'm trying. I am not starving myself. I think weight loss is such a pervasive and personal part of anyone's life, and it is all about finding what works for you. It's great to hear your stories too. Keep them coming.
    in My Story Comment by headstoes June 2010
  • No, the 900 is a custom goal. It's going well so far. I'm on my 5th day.
    in My Story Comment by headstoes June 2010
  • Centrum multivitamin---to ensure I get all the vitamins and minerals which I don't get from the food I eat, and for general well-being and energy. 2 Metamucil Fibrecaps---I don't have bowel problems as such, but it's supposed to keep you regular. I also take it to keep me full and add bulk the stuff inside. Centrum…
  • Daily in the mornings after I go to the toilet, I weigh myself about twice on two different scales. This is they give out slightly different readings to each other, and simply because I can---we have two scales so why not use them? I also record my weight when it goes down. I used to keep a daily note of it, but it's not…
  • 40g Pringles Sour Cream & Onion, 207 calories