Where you turn to when you feel like giving up

Where do you turn to help you overcome that hurdle of completely giving up the weight loss battle, which motivates you to stick with it and your goals, and stops you from throwing in the towel from something you want so much?


  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member

    There's nothing wrong with turning to friends and family for support, but ultimately you are the only one who can make you do things. Remind yourself of the reason you started this. The new you that you've been working hard to become is worth the sacrifice you're making.
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    You have to turn to your friends and family to help. Sometimes they are the ones in real life and sometimes they are your MFP family. You can get through whatever it is that makes you feel like giving up! This is a lifestyle - one that we have to adopt for the rest of our lives if we are to be strong, healthy, and happy!

    You are worth it! You can do it!
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    I hope you can come here. I'm so inspired by the stories on here. The people are generally so open & honest about their successes and when they fall off the wagon too. I'll support you! I'm losing the weight for the second time. Its not easy but I know its only going to get harder as I get older and I want a long healthy life.

    Someday, probably years from now, I'll finally be able to afford traveling. I've gotta be in good enough shape to enjoy it! I want to see the world! :)

    Hang in there & feel free to friend me!
  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    I think of all the people that are expecting me to fail (there are quite a few), and their faces when I actually succeed... and I keep pushing :wink:

    I think of how much I owe it to myself and how I've let myself go, and how much I MISS the old me... and how unhappy I am with my body... and I keep pushing :wink:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I usually turn to my pictures and measurements that I took when I started. Looking at those reminds me that I have made progress even if it feels like I'm just spinning my wheels sometimes.

    I also have to do a mental review and remind myself of the positive things I'm doing for my health. It's not all about weight loss, it's about being healthy and fit enough to do the things I want to. I just recently had a really good reminder of that. Back in December when I decided I really needed to get serious it was because I had just done a Taekwondo belt test and though I passed it had taken me 10 months to get there. Way too long in my opinion! I decided then that I needed to get in better shape if I want to earn my black belt and that was the beginning. I also set a goal for myself that I wanted to get my next belt by June. Guess what? Last Saturday I passed my test and got my next belt! That was what reminded me of why I had started all of this in the first place.

    Set goals other than weight loss and keep track of your starting and your progress. Not just the scale or inches but actual fitness goals or healthier eating goals (like cut out all sugar for example.) Then when that scale is infuriating you, you can remind yourself that there are other things you're working on and succeeding at. :)

    Hang in there!
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    i turn the pages in my photo album and look at a woman that i am no longer familiar with the one who is smiling and happy and feels beautiful inside and out and then i turn to the mirror and say " fat girl you have got to go cause im no longer a resting ground for unhealthy, unfit and most importantly unhappy, ways and emotions and habits. I turn to me because only i can change me!!
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240

    There's nothing wrong with turning to friends and family for support, but ultimately you are the only one who can make you do things. Remind yourself of the reason you started this. The new you that you've been working hard to become is worth the sacrifice you're making.

    Agreed. I've attempted to lose weight about SO many times but for some reason in the past 2 months, something in me clicked. I'm not saying I don't have bad days or indulge more than I should at times but 9.99 out of 10 at the end of the day I am focused on the goal, which is being a healthy me!

    Write down a pros and cons list of losing weight and keep it near you at all times...I've done that and kept pictures of me at a higher weight...Those two things push me to move forward because I never want to go back there again.

    Keep up the amazing work! God bless
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    dig down deep inside yourself and remember why you started to begin with. just get through it minute by minute if you need to. tell yourself that your original reasons are important, YOU ARE IMPORTANT, YOU ARE WORTH IT!! just look yourself in the eye in the mirror and tell yourself YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I am going thru that right now and I did turn to my MFP friends that WON'T let me give up!!! I also changed my profile pic to a pic of myself that shows something is working.

    Don't give up!!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am in the minority...I haven't ever feeling like giving up. I am addicted to the unending pursuit of fitness...when I achieve one goal, the next one is around the corner. If I ever feel like not working out on a certain day, I look in the mirror and check out that gut that is hiding the six pack I one day hope to unveil at 40. I have to finish a second round of P90X, my first round of Insanity, a P90X/Insanity Hybrid, and then probably P90X2 before I look for the next fitness challenge...that has me booked at least until Spring 2012...I will probably start a running program at that time and then later next year I plan on entering one or more Warrior Dashes and/or Tough Mudders to see if I can do one and kick its butt...I have goals, I have a mental picture of myself, I have my AWESOME MFP friends, but most of all, I have myself to keep me motivated...

    You gotta want it more than you want to go back into bad habits...I swear to NEVER see the north side of 200 pounds ever again!!!
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    I am so diiscouraged as I have been logging all food, granted some of it junk food, but stay within my calorie goal and haven't lost anything, does anyone have any suggestioms?
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I honestly don't know. The only thing I can think to do is pray. I also read other people success stories and like to be competitive but not in a mean way. It just helps me see that it is a race and a healthy one. It makes me so happy to see others succeed that it makes me want to be in their shoes. Good luck to you. I know you can do it.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Pictures of me when I was at a happy weight 12 years ago. I want to be there again!!! And, with MFP, I'm finding it a lifestyle change, not just a diet this time!! Also, saw a friend yesterday who hadn't seen me since I started loosing weight (25 lbs. now), and she couldn't believe how good I looked. I don't see it all, so just imagine what she'll say after another 25!!! I can hardly wait!! :happy:
  • headstoes
    headstoes Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you all for such an overwhelming response! All of what you've said has resonated in some way and it's so nice to hear your ways of coping.

    I post this, because last night I felt like giving it all up, and eating out my freezer from ice cream. I had this overwhelming craving and felt so deprived which I always feel, and it feels so unfair.

    I was about to give in, then I thought, this is not worth it. The consequences far outweigh (pun intended) the immediate satisfaction and pleasures. The temporary taste satisfaction, however long it would take me to eat, would be just that: temporary. I knew that once I started I wouldn't want to stop because I wouldn't want the pleasure to stop.

    I said, no. I want to lose weight and achieve my body goals for myself more than that ice cream, or pie, or chocolate or whatever. I am worth more than that. Put a chocolate bar next to x amount of weight loss, and I'd choose the weight loss any day. It's just so hard when cravings hit, and they hit with a vengeance.

    I guess each situation where you do feel like giving up is different. It would be good to hear how you got out of those individual moments of weakness and almost giving in, and where you went to get there.
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    I have felt like giving up at times too!! It definitely helps to have mini goals. That way when you reach one it can be a marker to look back at and say I "am" doing this! Not just I "will"!! It also helps me feel empowered to have that ice cream or whatever I crave but only the serving size!!! Savoring every bite! Good Luck!
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    The success threads. I go to them daily! I love to hear the enthusiasm and pride of people who are 'doing it"!!! I also take pics of myself to see my progress. Some days for some reason, I feel that I look bloated and just fat and I wonder, "Why am I doing all of this measuring and counting....?" Then I look and see the results that constant effort produced in such a short time and I think..."If I keep doing this, my goals will be reached!" Then I can set even BIGGER goals! I just turn the self talk that implies maybe quitting is an option into positive self talk, that reminds me that if you continue, you will get there! There is no way thats not true!!