Boxed/Packaged Meals (Good or Bad?)



  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    Yeah, what I meant with the time consuming was that it doesn't take really any longer to make (for example) a giant pot of pasta sauce than to make a little pot of sauce, or to cook a pound of pasta than to cook one serving. It doesn't take any longer to heat up food you've frozen yourself than something you bought frozen. So if you eat a frozen meal for lunch every day but cook yourself dinner every night, it's not really any more time-consuming to just cook extra for dinner and save the money and sodium of the frozen meal. I guess if you're eating packaged meals for every meal, then yes, cooking takes a bit more time.

    But for me the thing that made me drop them was the cost. Even Michaelina's at $1 a pop is more expensive than cooking from scratch, when you figure that that $1 buys you only one meal for Michaelina's, but $1 worth of pasta, rice, veg, etc. could make you two or three meals. I do understand that not everyone has time (or equipment or desire) to cook. And I do agree that they are better than McDonald's. I guess I just get frustrated when I see the advertising for them that implies that they're such a great deal, when really they're not.

    When I did eat them more regularly, though, I liked the Lean Cuisine ones that have the whole grains in them--they were in a blue box. Can't remember the name of the line right now. They had a lemon chicken one that was pretty yummy.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Sometimes I am able to do that, make a meal and take leftovers for lunch, but not all the time. Freezing is something I'd like to do, but never end up doing it. I don't really know why, but I don't. Time and ease of prep/cook/clean up is probably factored in there. Between work, my twin toddlers, working out, and cleaning - there isn't much left but sleep and even that has been lacking lately.

    I would even rather get up in the morn and make a sandwich to take to work, but most days I run out of time. Then, I'm stuck with very few options.

    I would love to cook and do this all the time...someday I will. For now, its just not happening.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I don't really care for them. My mom used to buy them when I lived at home 'cause they were cheap. I will say the Banquet chicken pot pies are divine. Yum. Love pot pies! Anyway... they never really filled me up so I usually don't reach for them. The only thing I'll buy occasionally just to stay away from the real thing are Michelina's Gourmet Pizza Roll Snacks. Taste similar to Totino's pizza rolls but not as high in calories or fat, not as big, and I can stop at 11 which is the serving size. So yummo!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I think the time consuming was meant as when you're cooking dinner already, to package up some and freeze to take to work with you.

    Exactly..................If you are cooking dinner already, making a little extra and package up to take to work is way less time consuming, much healthier and will taste 10000 times better than a chemical filled, frozen concoction.............

    For me personally, I would rather go to burger King or Hardees and get a bunless burger or grilled chicken breast with a side salad than to eat a frozen meal.................
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I don't really care for them. My mom used to buy them when I lived at home 'cause they were cheap. I will say the Banquet chicken pot pies are divine. Yum. Love pot pies! Anyway... they never really filled me up so I usually don't reach for them. The only thing I'll buy occasionally just to stay away from the real thing are Michelina's Gourmet Pizza Roll Snacks. Taste similar to Totino's pizza rolls but not as high in calories or fat, not as big, and I can stop at 11 which is the serving size. So yummo!
    I actually found a pretty healthy potpie recipe more recently, just need to find it again. lol Let me know if you're interested, it's not Banquet but still Pot Pie:wink::tongue:

  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    The times I've noticed I tend to pick one up is while grocery shopping to eat one after getting home. Trying hard not to buy extras but getting exausted from walking all over the store picking up what's on the list, I feel it's an occasional safety net. :laugh: If I don't have energy left after the checkout lane, carrying out the bags, dragging them up the stairs and unpacking them, after a long day, it's far safer for me to be able to pop one in the micro.

    Rarely but it does happen once in awhile. Home cooking healthier? Sure, but better than me making bad decisions on low blood sugar when I get home ( even having had a snack before shopping). We ALL know how shopping can be when the store is crazy busy after work!:noway: It's simply exausting if you have to go at that time, even on occasion.:sad:

    Another good reason for me to restock my freezer with homemade frozen leftovers!:wink:

  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I don't really care for them. My mom used to buy them when I lived at home 'cause they were cheap. I will say the Banquet chicken pot pies are divine. Yum. Love pot pies! Anyway... they never really filled me up so I usually don't reach for them. The only thing I'll buy occasionally just to stay away from the real thing are Michelina's Gourmet Pizza Roll Snacks. Taste similar to Totino's pizza rolls but not as high in calories or fat, not as big, and I can stop at 11 which is the serving size. So yummo!

    Ooooh, thanks for the tip on the pizza rolls! I LOVED :love: those Totino kill-your-calorie-day ones! I might look into Michelina's. :smile:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I don't really care for them. My mom used to buy them when I lived at home 'cause they were cheap. I will say the Banquet chicken pot pies are divine. Yum. Love pot pies! Anyway... they never really filled me up so I usually don't reach for them. The only thing I'll buy occasionally just to stay away from the real thing are Michelina's Gourmet Pizza Roll Snacks. Taste similar to Totino's pizza rolls but not as high in calories or fat, not as big, and I can stop at 11 which is the serving size. So yummo!
    I actually found a pretty healthy potpie recipe more recently, just need to find it again. lol Let me know if you're interested, it's not Banquet but still Pot Pie:wink::tongue:


    chicken pot pie is so easy to make!!

    2 pie crusts (refrigerated pre-packaged pillsbury or make your own)
    2 cans veg-all,drained
    1 can green beans, drained
    1 can cream of chicken (fat-free or reduced fat works well too)
    3/4 cup chopped chicken (or 1 can of chicken)
    splash of milk

    place pie crust in deep deep pie tin. add 1/2 can of chicken soup to bottom. add chicken (if you use the canned chicken, be sure to drain well). add 1 can veg-all and can of green beans. add splash of milk. add 1 can of veg-all and the rest of the cream of chicken soup. (you don't have to mix together, but you can if you want.) place pie crust over the top and seal. pierce center with fork a few times to vent.

    350 in the oven for 45 minutes to an hour. crust will be flaky and lightly browned.

    you can also add corn, mushrooms, additional potatoes, etc. but will need another can of cream of chicken soup.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    The first year I started using MFP, I was eating the frozen meals for lunch at work just about every day and lost 33 pounds. I kind of fell of the wagon on my weight loss though and gained some weight back. As long as I kept a good track of my sodium, I never went over.
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I eat them quite often because I have a hard time doing my own portion control! I know they are high in sodium, but I just watch everything else i eat through out the day! I talked to the dr. about it and she said that if it is helping me lose weight then it out weights the cons of the sodium! I also always add vegetables with it as I find they never have enough!

    A few of my favs. are
    -Thai style chicken and rice noodle (smart ones, ww)
    -chicken and cheese quesadilla (smart ones ww)
    - Meat Loaf With Mashed Potatoes and Gravy (Michalinnas Signature)
    -Chicken Tikka Masala (presidents choice blue menu)
  • Lightonmyfeet
    I'm trying to stay away from processed foods. But they're great if you're in a rush and need a quick meal.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    I don't really care for them. My mom used to buy them when I lived at home 'cause they were cheap. I will say the Banquet chicken pot pies are divine. Yum. Love pot pies! Anyway... they never really filled me up so I usually don't reach for them. The only thing I'll buy occasionally just to stay away from the real thing are Michelina's Gourmet Pizza Roll Snacks. Taste similar to Totino's pizza rolls but not as high in calories or fat, not as big, and I can stop at 11 which is the serving size. So yummo!

    Ooooh, thanks for the tip on the pizza rolls! I LOVED :love: those Totino kill-your-calorie-day ones! I might look into Michelina's. :smile:
    The Michelina's buffalo chicken rolls are also really good and will fix that hot wing craving! I I will eat these on occasion. In fact, when I first started working from home, I stocked up on the Michelina's low cal meals because they were cheap and I knew I couldn't trust myself to make a "healthy" lunch when left on my own in my well-stocked kitchen. They did the trick until I adjusted to my new work environment.

    They are high in sodium and even South Beach says to eat a salad along with their frozen meals (do they even sell those anymore?), so nutritionally they are a bit lacking. But if you're only eating them as one meal a few days a week, and you make sure to get more veggies in along with them, I see nothing wrong with them. Especially if your alternative would be to Hoover up everything in your fridge or hit the nearest fast food chain....of which I have been very guilty!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I also buy them, and have eaten them 2 in a day. Now they are just for emergency lunches.

    Here is a link to the thread Courtney had created. Link to video in thread.
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    MODERATION is the key to everything when eating healthy. I figure we all make the best choices that meet the need of our individual lives. After posting this I started looking at my healthier meal choices not from a box but not homemade and they are about the same. Thank the Lord we have MFP - Knowledge Is Power - The Power given to each of us to make good choices.

    Turkey & Ham 1256
    Turkey 1170
    Veggie 582

    Chargrilled Club 1370
    Grilled Wrap 1130
    Chargrilled Chicken (no butter 1000)

    I love all the wonderful feedback that I have gotten on this issue!
  • Xannthippe
    Xannthippe Posts: 126 Member
    XANNNTHIPPE........Am I reading this correctly? You have lost over 100lbs?! If so, how AWESOME are you!!! KEEP IT UP, girl!!!!

    Yes I have, thank you! I have some before pics on my profile. Still have a couple pounds to go, but i"ve been in "maintenance" for a couple months. This website has been so helpful, keeps me honest!
  • Xannthippe
    Xannthippe Posts: 126 Member
    So I guess everyone on here who voted for 'yes" missed the segment on the Today Show this morning? They actually took some of these frozen meals to an independent lab which found huge errors in the calories and fat that is advertised. When questioned about this, the company spokesperson said, it's an average and the FDA doesn't require us to be accurate.

    So if you want to eat one of those frozen meals, go right ahead but buyer beware!!! You won't catch any of them in my house, sodium is way too high anyway. I would rather make a quick meal out of stir fry veggies and a protein or take a rotisserie chicken apart and put 4 oz in a tortilla wrap with some tomato and hummus any day rather than eating those frozen boxes.

    Yes! I saw the online video of this yesterday and honestly, wasn't that shocked. Greatly disappointed though. That one with 350% more fat was pretty bad though! Geesh! The FDA I guess only mandates these companies to be, what was it, around 20% of the actual fat and calorie content? Bleh.
  • headstoes
    headstoes Posts: 25 Member
    I really do like using frozen meals, the tasty ones at least. I use them mainly for portion control and getting an accurate account of how many calories are in what I am eating. So when I do find one I love I get really excited about them. I'd list my favourites, but I'm an Aussie, and I tend to find the site has a predominantly US base, so my efforts would be in vain.

    Some of the meals can be really horrible and atrocious though, the mainstream Weight Watchers being a repeat offender where a lot of them taste very artificial and a bit like vomit. The sodium levels do concern me, as I have developed quite a savoury tooth consequently, but the positives outweigh the negatives really. Having one or two a day is definitely safe, especially since dinner and lunch are really the only big salty meals.

    Definitely try them and see what works for you. I just wish I had a comprehensive list of what I should avoid and which meals are really nice because I hate wasting money on something which is foul and I’m not going to eat.
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Frozen meals are really handy when one is in a rush, but because of the sodium content, I usually only have about 1 a week. Lots of prepared foods are really off the wall with their sodium levels, but I think some are starting to come around. I see more labels than ever which claim lower sodium content.

    Having said that, I like some of the variety you can find.. Amy's meals, Tandoor Chef, etc give you a taste of the more exotic, without having to buy expensive or odd ingredients or spices.

    If buying something mainstream, or if it's on sale, I chose Lean Cuisine's Spa entrees, as they have more veggies, whole grains, less salt. Someone mentioned the lemon chicken... that's my fav too, or the salmon.

    But truly, it's better to cook at home, with fresh ingredients. I often make a hearty, whole meal soup, with lots of veggies, whole grains and some protein. I can control what's in it, use up leftovers, take advantage of sales and it's really easy.. just cutting up and throwing things into a pot or slow cooker. I freeze leftovers in meal size containers. Easy to thaw, heat and eat. That's my favorite "frozen meal".