ColeCake292012 Member


  • How did your first meeting go? I hired a doula for this pregnancy, even though I've already been through a natural labor and delivery in the past without one. I'm hoping that having her by my side will help me stay connected to my husband....with my last I just labored alone in the bedroom and told everyone to leave me…
  • I'm 31 weeks along and I'm just focusing on pelvic exercises like kegels and squats at this point so I quit peeing myself and have an easier delivery. I have had too much pain throughout this pregnancy to be able to do too much exercise, but when I feel good I'll also do a lot of housework which gets my heart pumping! Lol.
  • I could feel completely obvious movements from my little man at 14 weeks! With my daughter, I felt light flutters at 16-17 weeks...but didn't realize it was actually her until after 20 weeks, when I could feel her kicking on the outside.
  • I did 1200 for a while and although I was "successful" it sucked and I was miserable. My husband insisted that I eat no less than 1400 each day (he successfully lost 100 pounds and has maintained it for years now) and I felt SO MUCH better! I'm 5'3 and when I was 135 pounds, I was usually netting around 1600-1700 and…
  • I get what you're saying. Its not that your metabolism slows down when you lose weight, necessarily. Its weigh less so your body doesn't have to work as hard to move. So yeah, you'll burn a little less. As for being stuck in a comfort Its normal for your body to take a while to adjust after losing…
  • Back in the day I lost 50 pounds (until a couple of beautiful babies have since destroyed my body ;) ) For me, it changed SO MUCH. I was always physically fit and active, even when I was quite overweight, so that stayed the same. I became SO much more confident with myself in my own skin. It genuinely made me happy! I…
  • Being pregnant for a second time, I feel really discouraged at times. I'm 27 weeks along, and up 34 pounds because I wasn't logging until the past month. The biggest thing I have accomplished is just logging my food regularly, keeping my diary open to my friends so they can see my good days...and my embarrassingly horrible…
  • At this point it is still quite mild. That's a shot of my belly from the way I see it looking down.
  • I'll definitely look into the Dia Method! @katietee83, the bulge can also be normal. Down the middle of my tummy there is nothing. Its actually indented. I have bulging on both sides of the indent. I think about now my muscles are about 3 finger widths apart from each other. I'll take a picture and attempt to post it in a…
  • No. Never. I just don't find them intellectually stimulating enough. Which is funny, because I like coloring and that's not any more stimulating. But give me Mario or Donkey Kong and I'll be dead to the world.
  • I delete people who starve themselves (NOT a VLCD recommended by a diet), people who can't give advice without belittling me or others...mostly I delete people I just don't like because they annoy me.
  • The good news is, once you drink enough, none of it matters! At least not for me!
  • I'm pretty sure you can buy protein powders made for bulking and are 1,000+ kcals.
  • I didn't hate myself for gaining some water weight...for the first time in pretty much ever. I'm pregnant and I've done nothing but beat myself up this whole time so far.
  • Unless 1350 is your maintenance, you need to up your intake. Women in their third trimesters should be eating maintenance +300-500 extra on top of that. Hell, I'm 5'3 and I don't even eat 1350 when I'm not pregnant and trying to lose weight. What has been working for me is eating between 2000 and 2300 calories each day.…
  • Two nights ago, I had a dream that I was married to one of my exes instead of my husband. This ex is a felon, and in and out of jail. Clearly I was young and stupid for ever dating him in real life. But anyway, back to my dream. Since we were married, I was able to live in jail with him. I was like a prisoner, I just got…
  • I got migraines pretty bad during my first pregnancy. They prescribed me oxycodone, which is safe to take, but made me SO sick. This pregnancy, I haven't had many migraines so far, and I honestly think that seeing an osteopath has really helped with it. OMT (Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy) is AMAZING. The doctor…
  • Unless you're severely overweight...which you aren't, I wouldn't eat at that much of a deficit, if at all. What would probably work is easing up into maintenance. Depending on how you and your doctor feels about your current weight, and your future weight gain, you may be able to just stay at maintenance, instead of…
  • Also,'re not alone! Sometimes I wake up feeling like I need a shower. Except for the one with Channing Tatum. I'll have him any day.
  • I had a dream that I got Ebola, as did my toddler. So my daughter and I, along with a few other people are quarantined. Before you know it, people are dropping like flies, including myself. I remember passing away, and floating through this tunnel that seemed to last forever, watching down on my past life, as well as my…
  • Don't get yourself too down. Get out of the house, get fresh air when you can and just enjoy your pregnancy. Although your doctor told you to take it easy, physical activity alone will not make you miscarry. Also, almost all women who experience one miscarriage, are not more likely than anyone else to miscarry in…
  • 35 pounds at 23 weeks. I'm just gonna go cry now.
  • I'm so sorry for your frustrations. I can't say as though I have fertility issues, but just wanted you to know that someone is out there rooting for you. Congratulations on your weight loss, 74 pounds is an AMAZING accomplishment.
  • Usually only need a day or two might feel naturally tired anyway from having your cervix screwed with, but it isn't bad. I spotted for a few weeks, but I was also 8 weeks postpartum and due for AF anytime, too.
  • Oh my goodness, I swear, I have been thinking this exact same thing!! My first pregnancy was pretty awesome, though. Only very minor discomforts most of the time, no complications, and I kid you not, I felt so freaking beautiful! This time, I can't hep but get depressed. I can't do much of anything, I hurt very badly. I'm…
  • I took a lamaze class, a childcare class and a breastfeeding basics class. I enjoyed it because even though I knew most of what was being taught, I was less scared for labor, delivery and becoming a parent because of it. I wanted a natural birth, and felt like my decision was fully supported in those classes, and even…
  • Sometimes it can simply be hormonal, as well. With my first I had a rash under my boobs and in my "leg-pits"....attractive, I know. This was even through winter. The best thing that helped was to dry off after a shower really well and powder the affected area. At least kept it from itching and burning as bad.
  • 20 weeks along, up 23 pounds. On the bright side, I haven't really gained anything since 16 weeks because I got my butt in gear.