

  • I found it really helped to share it with a physical friend. I know the cyber friendship is great support but a face to face person that you know can be more helpful They can call you on your crap, be supportive when they see the look of discouragement creep into your face (when my weight went up instead of down) and help…
  • I take stuff easily prepped at home. I use those reusable (Ziplok or sliced lunchmeat) containers so that if I leave it somewhere Im not distressed. I cut up celery sticks. They keep well. I also put in Manns sugar snap stringless peas. Sliced red bell pepper strips are a nice color compliment and they are sweet. I dip…
  • Im believing it to be 8 8oz glasses of water. At first i thought it was extreme but after 2 (approx) weeks on MFP I find it quite do-able. I carry a Nalgene or Camelbak bottle with me that is easy to open and drink out of. I have always mage a large pot of Celestial Seasonings Green tea and guzzled that room temperature…
  • The elliptical in and of itself shouldn't create numbness but you refer to having had previous back problems. You may well be exacerbating a pinched nerve condition. I am in the 4th month of recovery from a surgical procedure on my cervical spine to correct pinched nerves. Be careful. See a neurosurgeon.
  • I would like to know the answer tooth's also. I have myself set at 1200 calories also. After the exercise is tallied I get more calories to budget. I try not to look at that and to stick to my set limit. I don't want to get accustomed to eating/craving more if I wont necessarily always be getting all of that exercise in…
  • Consumer Reports recently reviewed home exercise equipment. If you aren't a subscriber you can read the article at the library. They rate these machines. among other things, according to how easy they are (or aren't) to put out of the way when not in use. Some have far too many bells and whistles. And the recommendation is…
  • Fortunately my gym isn't very glossy so its not uncomfortable to be there. And I also go at 6 am every day so I really don't share it with many people. No show-offs at that hour!
  • 2 Ryvita Oat and Bran crackers and one wedge of Laughing cow Light garlic and herb "cheese". (And of course loads of water....)
  • Nope. Yogurt is yogurt. You don't have to eat it.
  • Wow. I hear you. I have been working out 5 times a week at the gym since January 5 am just was getting bigger. I cannot fit into any of the jeans that I could wear before Christmas. Muscle. Its heavy and its pushing all my fluffy puffy skin out. It has been discouraging to say the least. But the exercise has been good for…
  • I count it that way. I was placing my massive quantity of green tea that I have always consumed (no additives of course) along with my meal entries and then it appeared as if I hadn't met my water quota. So I tally it up as water now. I just don't want to get into the habit of making adjustments because I don't trust…
  • I thought that there was some sort of glitch in it too. Im afraid it doesn't make sense to me, even after the replied response. Having to find and enter the various food items in the daily diary for a person who works full time and does the housework, gets to the gym to work out etc...(you get my drift) is sometimes hard…
  • Oh My Dear! Of course you look different. I don't know about you, but I am truly my own worse enemy. There is a remarkable difference in your photographs. I cannot wait to see the same changes in myself. I want to loose that cottage cheese look in my skin too! Keep going! Bathing suit weather is around the corner. (At…