Another weight loss gimic?

I've done everything I have actually lost weight, and I always gain it back. I've done weight watchers... it didn't work I ended up eating frozen meals most of the time. I feel like I'm crazy busy (too busy to diet) and nothing ever works. I have been dedicated to exercising at least 4 times a week now for 3 weeks, and I have cut out (or at least tried to) chocolate, and alcohol. I haven't lost anything.

My name is Ruth I'm a 27 year old with at least 50 lbs to loose. I have a really hard time sticking with things, so I have done 3 big things in the last month- I signed up for a marathon in October, I started Jazzercise, and I signed up here.... I have to stick to the marathon so I'm hoping to stick to the other two... Here goes nothing!


  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    You are doing a great job. I ate healthy, worked out for 3 weeks and only lost 1 lbs. It takes some time. U r doing the right steps.
    Feel free to add me if you want :-)
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    You are off to a great start! It's good to set goals and this site will give you all the tools and support you will need. It's helped me lose over 55 pounds. Welcome and I wish you all the best.
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    My approach to my weight loss began on January 1st and instead of the ever popular "I'm gonna lose weight this year" I made the following promises to myself:

    1. I'm going to drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of water a day. (Hard to drink anything else, it's a LOT of water!)
    2. I'm going to eat at least the minimum recommended servings of fruits and veggies a day. (again, hard to get in junk, it's a LOT of food!
    3. I'm going to exercise daily (so even the days I go over in calories, my metabolism stays high and I recoup quickly even if I do gain a tad)
    4. Get 8-9 hours of sleep a night on a "sleep schedule" (sleeping 10-6 feels WAY different than sleeping the same 8 hours from 2am - 10am!)

    It's ALL POSITIVE!! I never deny myself anything, but when I have something that is 'processed' I only have one serving of it. (except for sugar, but it's only 15 calories a pop!) Made it a lot easier to do. I never ever deny myself anything I want, I just have a portion vs. an entire box. With only 50 to lose, try changing your settings to 1.5 for added calories, you are very possibly eating too little. The smaller you are the slower it needs to come off because the smaller you are the less calories you need to make it through your day. HOWEVER, going lower than 1200 for more than 3-7 days will possibly put your body into starvation mode. Your first clue is if you're saying things like, "I'm never hungry" If you're not hungry when you SHOULD be hungry, it's your body slowing down considerably because it's NOT expecting a meal any time soon. Good luck :)
  • RWeaver08
    RWeaver08 Posts: 44 Member
    You are doing great just by continuing to try and not giving up! This site is really amazing and it's so easy to use. You will be fine! I wish I had the courage to run in a marathon! Go you! (:
  • marspec1maven
    Wow. I hear you. I have been working out 5 times a week at the gym since January 5 am just was getting bigger. I cannot fit into any of the jeans that I could wear before Christmas. Muscle. Its heavy and its pushing all my fluffy puffy skin out. It has been discouraging to say the least. But the exercise has been good for me. I don't jiggle as much as I used to. I kept getting suggestions from successfully trimmer friends about calorie counting. So I signed up on MFP last Thursday. The counting is a chore right now but it is a proven method and I should try it myself. Have hope. Have faith in the proof of others and that it will be your success too.
  • popsicle33
    popsicle33 Posts: 108 Member
    I can't blame you for feeling skeptical if you have been working so hard and haven't seen any change. I wondered if you FEEL more energetic and healthier?

    I believe that exercise and healthy food is just like good medicine. Just like any medicine, it's based on general scientific knowledge, but every individual responds differently to it. I believe that if you keep it up and give your body time, you will begin to see changes in your numbers. I do not know how you are looking at your calories - as just calories? Or are you also looking at the quality of the calories you consume. For instance, if you are staying within your calorie range but they are high-fat, that is not as good as if you are getting much of your the calories from protein and dietary fiber.

    I don't see this website as a weight loss gimic. It is the most reasonable/logical weight loss plan I have seen in ages. There could be some other reasons for not seeing progress yet... possibly something in your physical health that is affecting your metabolism. If you keep on having trouble you might consider asking your doctor for a physical and blood test.
    Good luck!
    Amy from Albuquerque
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    hey, welcome! same here is very hard for me to stick to things, honestly I love it here! I have been trying my hardeset to lose the last ten pounds to reach pre pregnancy weight, and nothing has happen for the past month. I refuse to give up, instead of thinking about my weight all the time, i focus on how much energy i have after each workout, and eating healthy. Good luck
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Good for you! I couldn't take on 3 major things at once, I would get frustrated and give up. This time around I kind of eased into it. I did one thing at a time for a few weeks until it was a habit. Then I would do another... and another...and another. I haven't given up yet, lost 55 pounds and have a bunch of healthier habits! :bigsmile: Just something to think about if you get frustrated early in your journey.
  • trinitystrix
    I do feel better, and my boyfriend says my attitude is much better. He says my stomach is much smaller, although my jeans don't say so hehehe...