
  • Can you send me a friend request please? I'd love to be apart of your blog group!
  • I'm a photographer too! Feel free to take a look at some of my photos at PhotosByShaz.com Your tutus are too too cute ;)
    in Hobbies! Comment by SFH58 April 2011
  • I'll friend anyone who needs/wants support. But, I do feel a certain kinship with women who are around my same age because of the dreaded metabolic changes we experience at this time of life. I'm happy for the younger folks on here who want to get healthier now, because I can sure tell you when you're over 50 it's a lot…
  • Hey, I'm a big snacker too. I've found though that taking fiber supplements really help me have more of a "full" feeling throughout the day, so I'm not as likely to snack. You might want to try them too. I actually take the Fiber Advanced Gummies (2 a day) and they are really yummy!
    in *Sigh* Comment by SFH58 April 2011
  • Wow! That is so great! I'd like to walk a 5k soon, but I've only made it up to 1.5 mi before I tucker out. You inspire me!
  • Thanks for your encouragement! The thing that I like about MFP is how easy it is to log foods, and see the nutritional info.. When I lost weight before, I had to log everything in a notebook, and then (most of the time) look up the nutritional info on the internet, then write it back in my food journal. I would always get…
    in I'm new Comment by SFH58 March 2011