KatJ_NZ Member


  • If your thyroid meds are calculated right, you won't have any more issues losing weight than 'regular' people. I'm completely hypothyroid, post radiation. I get my blood tested annually, or if I'm feeling a bit off (I got used to how I should feel, and notice changes). As long as my dose is right, no worries losing weight.…
  • If I don't get enough fibre, I find that I look and feel more bloated (things just aren't moving fast enough!)... if I manage 25g a day, that's plenty for me. Just one more thing for you to consider, I guess. Hope you find a solution!
  • My favourite quick meals are steamed vegetables and a grilled chicken breast, fish fillet, or piece of steak. You can add couscous if you want a carb. The whole thing will be done in 10 minutes. Stirfry is also really quick, and has the benefit of being all in one pan. Throw in meat, add some vegetables, and a packet of…
  • I can offer my personal experience (I lost about 40 pounds this year netting 1300 a day)... fruit makes me hungrier. I found better snacks (for me!) were cup-a-soups, protein shakes, sugar-free hot chocolate, yoghurt, or even just a boiled egg. I also drink a lot of water, which helps. I also find it harder to stick to my…
  • Must be amazing to have so much energy :smile: Why not increase the intensity to burn off your energy faster? Go faster/more uphill/higher resistance, or add in some HIIT or weight training. Unless you have a spare three hours each day that you want to spend on cardio (feel free to come and speed-vacuum my house, if so…
  • You could also try putting the dumbbells down onto a step (if the dumbbells aren't too heavy). Like the others said, I think it's a range of motion thing - not many people could keep good form and put the dumbbells on the floor. The deadlift shouldn't look like a squat, regardless. Have a look at exrx for some gifs showing…
  • Just be aware that what you are doing is not a 1400-1500cal diet, it's more like a 1000cal diet if you are eating 1200, burning 500, and only eating back half of that. That's almost certainly too low. If you've just changed up your exercise from none to a decent amount, yes it can affect your cycle. But do another test to…
  • What exactly do you need help with?
  • Honestly? If you can't lift the "manly" weights you are no use to him as a spotter anyway. Find a way to make those 40 minutes useful *to you*. The other posters have some great suggestions. My two cents worth is that you should talk to a trainer at your gym, and ask them to write you up a couple of workouts that you can…
  • I like wine (and various other non-nutritious treats). I just fit them into my calories/macros, remembering that treats should generally be no more than 10-20% of my calories in a well-rounded diet. Don't give up food calories for alcohol though - if you find yourself doing this regularly, you should consider seeking…
    in WINE Comment by KatJ_NZ September 2014
  • Thanks MrsH1987! I love that I can now wear regular bikinis with a bit more confidence.
  • Thank you Iansmommy! Like for everyone, it's been hard work but finally it's starting to pay off.
  • Thank you jehavin :drinker: ! The suit was a present to myself - just from Asos, nothing too fancy. And it's mid-winter here, so it's only going to see the inside of a heated pool most of the time...
  • Good on you! What an amazing change :smile: This is my first time posting pics, hope it works... Before (about 5kg less than my top weight :sad: ) 165cm tall, 79.5kg -January 7, 2014 After (during, really, I'm not finished yet!) 64.5kg - July 16, 2014
  • It is daunting to start the day out well and then realise your calories are all eaten by 1pm! (that has happened to me more than I wish). One thing that made it easier for me was to sit down the night before, log what I plan to eat the next day, and then blindly follow what I've written down. If I pre-logged a little bit…
  • lol, you'll be lucky if you can leave the bathroom for more than five minutes after taking the prep solution! Seriously, if you're feeling okay, go work out. But I wouldn't plan on it. :flowerforyou:
  • There have been some good suggestions here already. I wonder, how have you decided on 1600 calories? Did MFP generate this for you? I ask this because I am 165cm tall and currently 67kg, and my maintenance calories are not much more than 1600. I suggest you check whether this is an appropriate quantity for you. Whatever…
    in Need help! Comment by KatJ_NZ June 2014
  • I totally understand that your mind is willing but your body is not :smile: That said, forget about exercise until your body is more able. You do not need to do any exercise *at all* to lose weight (though of course it's healthy to do what you can). If you've not lost any weight for months, you are certainly not in a…
  • I hope you get time to find some solutions that work for you :smile: Good on you for asking for help, now you know where to come if you want to ask anything else! :flowerforyou:
  • I find a healthy time-saver is to roast a week's worth of chicken breasts on a Sunday. I take them to work each day with a single-serve packet of frozen veggies, and microwave it all together at lunchtime. I know you said you can't cook, but it's worth learning a couple of simple things (and roasting chicken breasts is not…
  • I love this post! Personally, it makes me feel so nauseated that I tend to be *under* calories. This probably puts me in a minority! I try to eat red meat where possible, a burger is good because it's bland, high-cal, and meaty. However, any time is cake time as far as I'm concerned :happy:
  • I get away with wearing loose tops for a while longer than pants (probably because they don't just fall off!). I buy new pants when my workmates tell me that my current ones look terrible. They're good and honest like that ;-) Like lots of the others here, I'm buying my "interim" sizes from second-hand stores, and donating…
  • I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease when I was 25, and swung between hyper/hypo for years. Now that I've had radioiodine, I too am permanently hypo and taking levothyroxine for life. Truthfully? It's no big deal for me. I take the pills every morning when I wake up (then wait an hour to eat breakfast). I have blood tests…
  • Good on you for wanting to get started! I used to hate exercise when I was at my heaviest - everything hurt and I felt slow and stupid. Walking was the only cardio I could comfortably do. Lifting weights, or even using bodyweight exercises, has worked for me. I've been at a calorie deficit for a while, and lifting weights…
  • Agree with the others. I was irritable, hot (at all times), jittery, unable to concentrate, and struggled to sleep due to a resting heart rate of about 110bpm - felt like I was jogging in my sleep. Basically, it was unpleasant! I sympathise with anyone else dealing with this :flowerforyou:
  • I've got essentially no thyroid function of my own, following radiation for Grave's Disease. If you are taking the right amount of medication (levothyroxine or whatever you were prescribed), there should be no net difference between your thyroid function and that of an "average" person. If you think your medication is…
  • Bathers can be so hard to buy! I currently wear about a 30GG. Try Figleaves - they always seem to have sales! You can buy tops (in bra sizes) separately to the bottoms, so you should be able to get a good fit.
  • Eating out is hard. I try to choose menu items that I can easily quantify. I know you said you don't eat much meat, but bear with me... I find it much easier to estimate the calories in a portion of steak plus a portion of steamed vegetables than if I tried to guess the content of a soup, or a sauce, or a curry, etc. Other…
  • I think I'm genetically stuck with my body type - I'm just aiming for a bit less fat and a bit more muscle :-) Good health, basically!
  • I try to not make a treat food-related. Get a haircut (or just a wash/blowout), have a massage, buy a new nail polish, take a day off from chores... anything but food!