cypridae Member


  • I've struggled over the years too.But one of the things I've learned is NOT to avoid fat.You need some fat in your diet.I notice you said your food was prepped without any additional fats.An evening snack of a whole grain cracker,plus about a teaspoon of peanut butter might help. I know it helped me to add a little fat to…
  • I recently saw an info-mercial about some DVDs called Brazilian ButtLift.Why do these things always come from Brazil?Until then, if you're using a treadmill walk uphill,or find some hills to walk on. You'll really feel it ,besides giving your heart a boost.
  • I've learned to love cottage cheese for breakfast. I eat 1/2 c with diced apple or fresh seasonal fruit. I also add 2 tablespoons walnut pieces for crunch. For me it's really satisfying and "meaty",and holds me far longer than a dish of cereal.
  • I've been where Vino is. I did MFP all last summer, using a 1350 calorie program designed by a nutritionist.I was doing Zumba and a high intensity deep water class. I didn't lose a thing, but the previous summer while using the 1350 cal.program, I did.So I'm back at MFP again. Now I'm still doing the water class but have…
  • I've been at this for a month and haven't lost a thing. Some suggested I wasn't eating enough,so I added a little more.Nothing. I didn't think I was eating enough fat just because i tend not to eat much fat. Nothing.Of course someone will scream about water intake. That has never had any impact on my weight and in fact…
  • And then there are those people like me who do all the same things that you do and it makes no difference in my weight.I started this 3 weeks ago. I've lost absolutely nothing.
  • I'm not sure everything on this site is accurate. They keep raising the weight I'd be at in five weeks. They also change the daily calorie goal too. My problem is that I've been at this two weeks and haven't lost an ounce. I think the exercise /calories burned part has to be carefully considered. For example, I took a…
  • I've been going through the same thing, using the exact meal plan given to me by a nutritionist.It used to work and now it doesn't. I've had thyroid testing too.I've got tons of muscles underneath the fat that won't go away.One thing I've noticed about this site is that I think some of the exercise calorie burns are…
  • I know exactly how you feel. I've been on MFP since last week and I haven't lost a thing. Last spring I met with a nutritionist from my gym. We put together a good food plan that worked wonders. In a month I dropped 17 pounds.So here I am, working at the same program but using MFP to keep myself honest, and I'm not losing…
  • Dee I could easily do your one week challenge. I already do everything on the list. Unlike everyone else I have consistent daily weight gains rather than losses. After 8 days on this site I'm over a pound heavier.