Best Of Luck, I Give Up



  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I've been pondering about this post for a while. I read your history - you only JUST found out that you were undereating. Like last week?? You have to give your body a chance to level back out!! If you up your calories to what your nutritionist said, you need to let it rest there for about a month. In the first 1 - 3 weeks you will maintain, possibly gain a little, until your body figures out that you are adequately fueling it and are going to continue fueling it. Then you will probably start losing weight. Look at SHBoss blogs and posts and Banks - you've been around here long enough to be familiar with the name. I understand your frustration - I'm right there with you. But you can't expect that you've fixed it and in a few days for all to have righted itself with your body!! Give it some time with your new level and see what happens.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Sorry i posted on the wrong account. I am the OP, I am not a big poster on forums. For those of you with suggestions, my measurements have stayed the same for last 5 months as well, whenever i go to the doctor she tells me to just exercise more. My cloths don't fit any better, and it is getting harder to find things that fit at all in stores.

    I just had my RMR tested and I was really hopeful that eating around that number would start to show results, but nothing but more weight is my reward for trying to do that.

    I won't be sharing my tracker as I am a tad paranoid of how much information I share about myself on public websites. I am not looking for a critique, simply saying best of luck to those of you who have posted over the months that kept me going this long.

    I think that I'd be trying a new doctor at that point... if you have shared with her all you have doing and only gotten that response.

    I don't see that showing your food diary would be giving away private information. No one is going to track you down and find you by knowing what you ate for the day. :) I am pretty sure you can keep your location and all of that private and just make your food diary public. I think that would help those of us trying to help see what you *have* been doing and offer suggestions.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Your post about just finding out you are in Survival Mode was only 6 days ago. You were just informed about how much you are under-eating by your nutritionist right?? Give it time. Not seeing the pounds come off is very discouraging but you need to put in perspective that even if the pound don't come off right away you are treating your body well (if you are working out and eating well). That can never be a bad thing.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I was on a 6 month plateau only because I never gave any thought to my sweet tea. Someone on mfp did the math for my lazy butt and pointed out I was consuming 120 calories for a 16oz glass. I realized I was drinking 4-5 32 oz glasses a day...OMG no wonder the scale had stopped moving. I'm seeing results now.
    It can be that simply..Just don't give up!!!.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    maybe you have a physical problem? My mother was having trouble kind of like you are describing. She found out she had a thyroid problem. She is on a very low dose of thyroid meds and is now steadily losing weight. It's worth looking into!
  • msmokie
    msmokie Posts: 16
    I'm not being a smart___. If you are doing everything you say you are, have you noticed a change in the way you feel or the way your clothes fit. Surely there is some thing wrong since you've been trying so hard. I don't have a thyroid problem but I am on a very low dose of thyroid med for something but I've forgotten for what. It seems to help. But I'll have to ask the Doc what I'm taking it for next time I see him. And to make you laugh...maybe the darn scale is broke! Please don't give up. It will only get worse. May God give you the strength you need.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    You should check with your Dr. There may be a medical reason you aren't losing any weight.
  • cypridae
    cypridae Posts: 10 Member
    I've been going through the same thing, using the exact meal plan given to me by a nutritionist.It used to work and now it doesn't.
    I've had thyroid testing too.I've got tons of muscles underneath the fat that won't go away.One thing I've noticed about this site is that
    I think some of the exercise calorie burns are inflated. For example I spent over an hour raking up leaves and stuff in the yard. According to the exercise part of this site, I burned over 500 calories. There's no way I worked that hard.It also said that my workout of treadmill and elliptical was over 500 calories burned too, but the machines only had 230 calories burned.
    I don't have any answers except to tell you you're not alone. You might also want to print out several pages of your food diary, take it to your doc and ask for thyroid testing.