

  • SW 237 GW 217
  • Hey! I'm 21, senior in college.. graduating December 2012! I'm from Central Jersey, but currently I'm in South Jersey for college!
  • I'm 21 with about 70 lbs to lose. CW is 237 GW is 170. I was on here before, but quit after not doing much at all. I came back this week after a year off, full force. I'm ready to get rid of this fat unhealthy girl and I'm ready to be more confident in myself by losing some weight. :)
  • I actually just bought it today and did level 1. It totally kicked my butt. I was sweating and exhausted after it. I really pushed myself and needed to stop for a couple seconds during the exercises though
  • Yea I absolutely hate running.. but I know that it would be a good workout by itself. I just downloaded the couch to 5k app.. it seems pretty slow pace at first which is good since I dont run AT ALL!
  • yea I'm excited to be back. I'm gained like 12lbs since being on here a year ago.. But I'm ready to fight for a healthier self! I don't have a good fitness schedule though. Actually I have no idea what to do.. something that I'll actually stick to and that won't be too much at the beginning that I'll just quit
  • yes yes yes. I need to lose 55lbs for my first goal. I am 225 and that would bring me to 170. I really want to be around 145 though. I need a challenge. :)
  • Count me in as well. Being a college student living on campus, it is really hard to eat right and everything. Plus I've been sick so I haven't been able to work out recently. But I will start again as soon as I'm better. Bring on the April showers of pounds coming offf!
  • I'm new too! I currently weigh 225 at 5'8". I want to weigh 140 but for now I want 170... to make my goal not way too big. So I want to lose 55 first and that's going to be exhausting but I need to do it!
  • hey ladies. I am new as well. Just started today! What on earth is turbo fire? I need a workout I can stick too.. I always seem to lose my rhythm in my workouts. I right now am 5'8" and weigh 225. I want to get down to 140. But I'm making a smaller goal first at 170. That is still 55 pounds though and it's going to be…
  • I just started today. I found the app on my itouch and decided to check out the website. My goal is to lose a lot of weight. As of right now my goal is 55 pounds, but I really want to a bit more. I'm hoping this site gives me inspiration to keep going and not backing down on my goal :)