

  • Feel free to add me if you'd like! You don't have to go outside there's plenty of things you can do inside to get fit again if you don't go to the gym. You can do things like when you're just watching tv, during the commercials you can do situps or another workout until it comes back on. It's small but it makes a…
  • I've tried Bystrictin and it worked pretty well for me. It helped me to save on my calorie count which was great and I lost about 5 lbs in two weeks with it once a day. I stopped it because I want to do this whole thing on my own without any 'help', even though it would be SO much easier keeping calories down without being…
  • Thanks for all of the advice!! :)
  • Thanks so much for the advice! :)
  • Awesome post! :)
  • Go ahead and add me! I'm looking for the same thing! I'm horrible at staying on track on my own and motivation is always welcomed and returned! I'm 21 too btw so around same age :)
  • "I'm not losing weight. I'm getting rid of it. I have no intention of finding it ever again" :)!
  • Thanks to all for the welcome and advice! The support is very welcome and appreciated. I'm new to 'seriously' trying weight loss. I now realize that I've given half efforts in the past at best. I wish you all luck with reaching your goals as well and to all other new arrivals to MFP welcome!! :)
  • Wow angel7472! Congrats on all you've accomplished and thank you so much for the advice. I'm am absolutely serious and I will add honestly. I go to the gym three times a week for at least an hour and I've started doing things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I did think that you had to restrict what you ate,…
  • Great, thanks! Congrats on the weight loss! I've heard of it, but never tried it. I'm kind going through a phase of researching and wanting to try out things that will work. I'll check it out! :)
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