

  • Thanks sweet, I usually add quick Cals as its easier than adding my recipes in.. I weight all my meals to be exact.. i use Kitchen scales to do this, Main reasons why its hard to add into her as i mostly use the phone app and as it is american its cals are not excat so i add everything up myself. Thanks
  • good advice, yeh i currently workout 5-6 days a week. lots of cardio, weight training and circuit. I need my belly and arms to reduce thats where all of my fat is :(
  • I had 1 month off duromine and didnt put anything back on, Im looking for something to help me lose the weight as excersise and diet isnt working as well as i hoped. In saying that once i lose the weight im going to still maintain my healthly life style. Its quite hard and depressing when the scales say you have lost but…
  • I'm in the exact same position as you right now, I've lost 9kilos since nov28 and I've hit plateau! I've tried everything that you have and more and nothing Works. My friend advised me that I just got To let it run it's course. It's super hard seen as I wanna Lose 16kilos more b4 June as I'm getting married In Nov and I…
  • yeh i have tried that, I eat alot of fruit as snacks and vege for dinner also
  • wow thankyou every1 for your opinons. I really didnt expect anyone to notice and see that i have lost weight. I honestly put this post up to find out what the hell is wrong with me as i have lost weight but just cant see how or where from. Im glad that you all have been kind enough to keep me going and encourage me.…
  • thanks guys, my measurements have barely budged. my arms started at 33cm now 32cm my belly was 101cm now 99cm my hips 104cm now 102cm legs were 61cm now 59 and my bust was 107cm now 105cm
  • i wish i saw a difference.. im super unhappy with myself but i take pics once a week and same day and no one can see a difference and neither can i. Thanks for your support guys :)
  • thanks heaps, im actually looking into bootcamp in my area so sounds like it works. yeh i do alot of weights.. i suck at pain.. i dont know how to get through it.. i do stuff i like but still im terrible lol
  • FYI its only visible to my friends
  • I'm 5ft started at 79.9k now 72.9k
  • My diary is now open. Not that I'm doing great at the moment with it
  • I have tried to change that in mfp but it still tells me 1200 cals For two weeks I upped my cals myself but it didn't work for me.
  • Hrrrrm I'm so lost on what to do
  • at the moment i do 5-6wk gym and maybe 1-2 rest days.. i drink quite a bit of water and 1200 cals but just not getting numbers! do you go really hard at the gym?
  • nah i didnt i just did my details... hope it is wrong!
  • ive been working out doing cardio and weights but im not fit so its not like ive been going great.. but i have been doing it 5-6times a week.. im slowly increasing my fitness and changing my routine alot.
  • i used stressing cause i need to lose 25kilos in 6months
  • yeh i did it over and over and it says the same thing :( my clothes, measurements ect are all the same... i seriously dont feel different.. worst feeling ever
  • how much have u lost so far? how tall are u? ive been pretty down the last few days cause im the same i cant seem to shred any more. I started off at 80kilos and im down to 73kilos but i cannot get pass the 73 mark.. havent loss anything in 2.5 weeks.. the 7kilos came off in 3 weeks but now nothing. your doing amazing!!
  • great work! im super jeleous cause ive been doing MFP for 6weeks and lost 7kilos but cannot tell at all, i did the same.. tooks pics and measurements but no difference not even clothes! :(
  • Thanks guys for the support, I'm really thankful, I will add u guys :-) I work out 5-6times a week and Try my best to stick to 1200 cals but I do go over Sometimes but it's still healthy stuff that I eat I don't ever Go over the $1500 mark and I try to burn off what I eat. I've taken pics and measurements but cannot see a…
  • thanks guys, when i work out for 30min i burn around 200 cal, i have a heart rate monitor that i follow already but when i work out i workout till i cant anymore.. my partner is in the defence and he trains and pushes me. im going to start intival training tonight, hopefully then ill see a difference.
  • Yep when I set up my acc I put in that I have a desk job, Which it gave me the 1200 cal a day and then daily I place in My excersise routine which does give me more calories yes but I'm still struggling. I burn about 200cal a day I work out anywhere from 30min to 60min and I do shake it up.
  • I drink between 2-3 litres of water a day, I have breakfeast, A snack and then lunch then another snack and then dinner, My snacks usually are fruit and a healthy snack bar. Mfp recoomends 1200 cal and I did put my fitness into it.
  • I cud try but I do work out for an hr a day and I struggle to even fit this in cause of work :-(
  • Thanks guys, I do feel quite heavy in my legs today After a few squats yesterday, do you think this would affect the scales? Also when I started at 79.9kilos I was 44% body fat now that I'm 73kilos it says I'm 48% body fat? Missfluffyuk I've been doing this with the help of my dr and he did assure me that A kilo a week is…
  • yep ADELAIDE here :)
  • GW: 123.20 CW: 160.6 SW: 175.78 Height: 5'0 Sex: female Age: 24
  • thanks guys, i just hope i will see some difference soon.. really wanna go wedding dress shopping soon :)