
  • First: Led Zeppelin solo, then a few months later, Led Zeppelin, the Doors, the Flying Burrito Brothers and a few others at a festival. Last: REO Speedwagon, Styx and Journey. With quite literally dozens and dozens more in the intervening 40+ years.
  • Timely quesion as I just got immersed in the tank yesterday. 6.8% 6.9% and 7.1%. Male 5'10" 155lbs
  • It's got to be "Up". The first 13 minutes ranks up there with the best scenes on film and the rest of it is not too shabby either.
  • Thanks! It's about the only skill I get to have at the gym, EVERYONE out lifts me, so I was glad to see a thread where I could chime in too ;) Back to lurking for me. ;)
  • When I started this thing a little over year ago, on one of my first outdoor walks, I encountered a "fitness station" along the trail. No one was looking so, I went over and tried for a chin-up (palms facing). I got about half-way up and that was all she wrote. That was 5-10" and 206 lbs and like 32% body fat. I made a vow…
  • That all sounds consistent with what I experience. I shoot for a certain low grade soreness from whatever muscle group I was targeting, but I don't go for being incapacitated. Just rotate the soreness around and it never gets too old ;)
  • Congratulations. I hit my goal as well today and also don't want to lose any more. I think maintaining is turning out to scarier than the losing ever was.
  • It happened that way for me as well, but I guess I should have expected it. Belly fat was the first that I started to put on, so it makes sense that it was the last to come off. Once it started to come off 'though, it makes an obvious difference.
    in belly fat Comment by WATRD November 2011
  • I had a bit of that going on and read pretty extensively about it on various fitness/nutrition forums. The consensus seemed to be around two points; 1. It's mostly whey protein and you might have a bit of intolerance around that much pure whey. 2. You are overwhelming your ability to digest that much protein in one shot.…
  • Oooh! You have touched on my pet peeve. This summer, I LOVED running on the local trail. Level gravel, 32 miles of country trail. But dozens of unleashed dogs, some more friendly than the other and tons of "land mines" *almost* makes me glad I have moved into the gym for the winter. This, from a dog lover for all my life.
  • 4.2 miles in 30 minutes is 8.4 MPH, that's 7:10 mile pace, 5K in 22:16 and 5 miles in 35:50. Pretty darn respectable and competitive in some races.
  • But it feels soooooo good when you put it down ;)
  • I just checked and it's by "FullQuieting" "Body Fat Calculator - FullQuieting" It's got a blob of something, presumably fat? being squeezed by a tape measure for a logo.
  • /me applauds your efforts :) A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)
  • When my suit didn't fit for the company holiday party and I had to do the walk of shame to a store for new pants...
  • BMI is a statistical thing that applies mostly to groups of people. That's why it's such a broad range. Pay more attention to Body Fat Percentage and what your body tells you is your ideal weight. If you have been heavy for a while, you might find that your target looks really low to your eye, but as you get closer, it…
  • If you don't, you have to be REALLY careful not to exercise yourself into "starvation mode". The numbers are a plus or minus thing, but for the most part they indicate a deficit already, so be careful not to end up with way more deficit than is healthy. I generally come close to eating mine back, but I don't worry about…
  • Your list pretty well covers it, but I will add: Have gym membership. Use said gym membership. Enjoy using said gym membership. Have someone ask me about my "routine", while using said gym membership. Have someone comment on the "definition" of my muscles. Get bored doing chin-ups, before my arms run out...
  • Gotta pass on this one... the world does not need me in a bikini ;) But I will watch ;)
  • "It puts the lotion in the basket, or it gets the hose again..." Haunts me for months every time I see it...
  • Last Christmas, I found that my favorite suit no longer fit and I had to scramble to find a substitute. The scale stared back at me in accusatory fashion and it was time to face facts. At 206lbs and 5'10", the suit was plainly not shrinking, as I had handily explained away the snugness the year before... That very next…
  • FireFox all the way. If you use the addon "IE Tab", you can click an icon to render your current page with IE, within the FireFox window. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab-plus-ff-36/ The best of both worlds.
    in Firefox? Comment by WATRD May 2011
  • How do you FEEL? Do you FEEL good? If so, concentrate on that, it's what really matters, not some artificial self image that may or may not be the real you. You have managed a huge accomplishment. Celebrate it and the muffing top will take care of itself in time.