Dog Food Bags

So I work at a Vet Clinic. I work at the ft end as well as groom dogs. We sell a lot of dog food. Some of them are 40 lb bags. As I stock our shelvs these bags are HEAVY!! I think WOW Im carrying around like 4 of these all day everday :sad: Funny thing is Im dropping a little dog food outta my extra bags everyday. Thought this would make you all smile :heart:


  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    When you put it like that... WOW! I lost a bag of dog food! Those darn things are heavy!!:noway: I can't believe it!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Good job!

    It's funny to pictures our weight and weight losses as real tangible things. I lost the equivalent of my 3 year old and really I didn't lose much compared to many.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    I know what you mean. the dog bag we get is 35 lbs. when I lift it...Im just disgusted that is on my body + more!!!

    no wonder those pullups are so damn hard!

    WATRD Posts: 25
    But it feels soooooo good when you put it down ;)
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    That is sooo cute!! A little trail of doggie Hansel and Grettle...and like their crumbs your little trail will be taken away and NEVER return....
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    It's amazing to feel representation of the weight that we've lost, although I try to not think about how many bags have to go!
    I started using potato sacks. If I'm feeling down, a trip to the grocery to hold up twenty pounds of potatoes makes me feel a heck of alot better about my small 20 pound progress.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    I got three large dogs and buy one those every two weeks LOL. Got lift off it off the shelf into the trolley into the car and out the other end. That has got to be worth a few calories :happy:
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    You are all sooooooooooo funny but~~~now that I think about it, in the the past 11 months, I lost a whole Red Flyer Wagon loaded with SOLID FAT. If you want to know what that looks like, ask your local butcher in the meat market. BTW, I "lost" it and I never want it back so please don't send me to the "lost 'n found" department.

    ROFL, LOL, lol, lol