

  • A lot of the sodium comes from the cold cuts. Sure theres sodium in the condiments but a majority of it is from the meat.
  • If you're eating cold cuts you're pretty much going to get a lot of sodium. As for subway you can get an oven roasted chicken breast sub and thats only ~1100 mgs of sodium for a foot long on wheat. Aside from subway I like submarina a lot because they have sprouts.
  • How often are you weighing in? Are you eating differently or eating foods high in sodium and drinking less water? Personally I find that if I eat a lot of sodium (4000 mgs+) in a day and fail to drink enough water to get it out of my system I'll gain 2 - 3 pounds of bloat weight which goes away in a couple days.
  • I've been using a stationary bike for 3 months as my only source of cardiovascular exercise and I've managed to lose 34 pounds. I basically cycle at a constant rate of 15mph for 60 - 80 minutes 5 times a week and by the end of that I'm totally drenched in sweat and my heart rate is way up.
  • My blood pressure is a little on the high side, physician recommended that I try cutting sodium intake. I drink 2 - 3 liters of water a day and when I was eating 4000+ mgs of sodium a day I found that I'd see bloat gains of upwards of 3 pounds over night. I guess I'm more concerned about it now because my body went into…
  • Yes, you should be eating back or try to eat back as much of the calories that you burn. If you eat 1619 calories and burn 300 calories through exercise your deficit for the day ends up being 1,300 not the intended 1,000.
  • I find that get an extra 2 - 3 pounds pretty regularly I'm never over my calorie goal but I often eat prepackaged meals/foods like sausages/low calorie TV dinners sure they're low calorie but they're ridiculously high in sodium. I find it usually takes 3 - 4 days to leave my system and as a result I find myself weighing…
  • I biked for 80 - 120 minutes a day 5 days a week for 3 months straight and while my lower legs are really toned, my thighs are still quite flabby, sure I lost a bit of fat off my thighs but I'd suggest a different exercise if you really want to concentrate on that part of your body.
  • Are you not eating those exercise calories back? I used to go 300 - 400 under my goal of 1200 pretty frequently and it took 3 months but I hit starvation mode and haven't lost a pound in over 2 weeks. I'd suggest trying to eat back those calories. It's pretty easy to make back 500 calories too. A cup of oatmeal and a large…
  • I'll second oatmeal, if you get the plain stuff it's only 100 calories per packet, or you can go with the bulk stuff which is 150 cals for half a cup. I pretty much ate 1 cup of oatmeal for breakfast and dinner for 3 months and never felt hungry afterwards.
  • I was using the lower number for 3 months and I think it may have put me in the starvation mode that I'm trying to get out of now. Back then I was doing 1200 net cals a day and putting down 400 from my bike. The problem is that I'd often eat under that net 1200, I'd eat 1500 calories then burn 400 according to my bike and…
  • Thanks for the suggestions. I'm in a bit of a predicament when it comes to exercise variety, I live in a cramped apartment miles away from any fitness facilities so all I really have room for is my exercise bike and some free weights. I've been doing bicep curls in between biking but aside from walking is there anything I…
  • Thanks for the tips, I think I'll start walking in the evenings instead of biking that extra hour in addition to upping net calories to ~1500. I have been doing some weight training, basically bicep curls and military press with 5 pound weights (up to 10 pound weights now). I did lose 6" off my waist though.
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