

  • Only really need a change of cloths to go home in and I also HIGHLY recemend a PILLOW for the ride home. Hold it against your belly for the car ride.
  • Eating slow is not so good after. it almost become grazing when you spread a meal out to long. It takes me about 25 minutes to finsh a bowl of broth. remember your not drinking 15 minutes prior and 1 hour after practice.
  • My pre-op nurse was impressed that my blood pressure was 110 over 72 prior to going into surgery. She asked how I am so calm and I simply said this is the first step to a better me. She smiled and said great attitude. Just know this is what you want and believe the tool is for you and will help and you will be fine. GOOD…
    in 2days Comment by fire_Falcon April 2014
  • What types of protein drinks are you having? Maybe flavors may help. Also it takes me about 30 minutes to drink 1 eleven ounce drink or Premier Protein. I sip it slowely. Also I make my own in the evening with my Ninja. I use Fat free milk and Carnivore protein. It gives me 35grams in one serving and blending it mixes it…
  • Good luck. I am sure you will feel great when your out.....Looking forwards for an update.
  • Best advice. It is a GREAT tool. The I was sleeved on 3/19 and started my phase 3 eating. LOVING IT. Loose pants and all.
  • Think of what it is leading to. I struggled and it is WELL worth it. Soon, you will not want to eat and will have to. I had mine 3/19 and started my Phase 3 this past Saturday. Loving it.
  • Good luck to you.
  • Makes 2 of us....I did find this on the web.............
  • I wish you the best. I was sleeved on 3/19 and am about to move on the Phase 3 on Saturday. My battle was a long one because of scheduling issues with various doctors. be ready for paying co-pays like crazy. The surgical team and support staff was GREAT for me. the pulminologist, cardiologist were difficult but I managed.…
  • I had a few issues Post-Op. First was the chest pain form the dam air they use to inflate the area. Felt like a constant heart burn. WALK WALK WALK... this leads to the second issue. the telemetry module which hung to a point that was PERFECT with my groin (did I mention Cathidor?). while walking was not fun. Third was the…
  • This is strange. I only had to do a 5 day pre-op diet. first 3 days was protein shakes and water. The last 2 we clear fluids only. That was not so bad because I kept my mind set on the change of life I was going through with this process and had my health as my mental end goal. Hope this helps.
  • Best advice from me would be to sample different shakes. Carefully evaluate the cost per shake. Also start practicing not drinking 15 minutes prior to a meal and 1 hour after. That was the toughest I had to do. I had mine on 3/19 and I am looking SO FORWARDS to my new eating habits. GOOD LUCK to you.
  • My surgery was 3/19. I too had to get off COFFEE. To the point, I have my own Kaurig. The best was I would go t half caf/decaf then got to total decaf. I am looking forwards to my next cup which I can have any time now but want to hold of till I can eat food without it needing to be puree'd. Good luck with your surgery.…
  • I am from Philly. I had mine on 3/19 at Abington. AWESOME hospital all around except for the dam IV Pole I was walking with. Woke people up at 4:00am.
  • Mine was 3/19. Home and doing a LOT of walking. Best thing post surgery. Worst thing so far was removing the dam bandages. lol
  • Mine was almost a year from beginning t surgery. It came down to the last minute sleep study after the AT HOME study was inconclusive. ASK for the In Lab study from the beginning. Beyond that it was a matter of getting appoitments with doctors.