

  • OMG!!!! I cant believe so many of you are experiencing the same thing as I am... I too will be starting my one time of the month thing here in a lil bit and I just forgot about my weight loss goal for a week now... A WEEK!!!!!! But I started back up again... everyone seems to fall at that time and even if its not that time…
  • lo.. I hear ya .. I'm the same way I actually do the same thing you had mentioned in your original message about fluctuating from 3 -5 lbs... I go off on the weekends or special occasions and it sucks!!! I eat at Eat N Park when we eat out and try to eat as healthy as possible!!!
  • I use to do the south beach diet... I might start it again .. I will have to look up some recipes for it tho.. lol caue I dont remember any of them!!
  • OMG!!!! This is insane... I mean ppl will do the diet cause they lose a tremendous amount of weight but its not safe at all!!! Well I hope all goes well with your sister!!!
  • I use to have a digital scale and I personally dont think they are very accurate... I could never get it to match any ot the other scales I would get on ... I worked at the hospital and their scales showed a different number so I invested in a different scale.. although I wouldnt go by the doctors scale either cause they…
  • First of all I just want to say its NOBODY's business to be checking in on anybody... We all are grown adults who make our own decisions!!!!!!!!! I'm going to tell you right now I ate pizza last friday because I allow myself 1 cheat meal a week so now your going to down grade me for that or not congratulate me on anything…
  • Wow I will have to try these .. thanks for the idea!!!
  • I have 3 boys that are 1 ,2 and 3 years old and I too am carrying the weight around still ... I would love to be a supportive friend!!!!
  • I bet it was frustrating waiting on the pothole to be filled... I was getting annoyed with it here at home... It was a good race tho..
  • I'd like to do this challenge everyday with you... that is if your doing it everyday... I'm actually off to a bad start today cause I havent had any yet ... I'm actually still very sick so all together I'm not doing my best... I mean I'm still eating healthy but I havent exercised or drink my water ... I will get back on…
  • Mmmmm that sounds good to put the chocolate chips in with it .. alrhough that would add some more calories... either way they are delicious!!!!
  • lol .. Well thanks .. I do have a tough time but they are everything to me ... they keep me going everyday ..
  • Yea I need some too .. I just cant seem to think of any ... I'm eating the same things over and over again ...Please help us!!!
  • I actually was having a lot of problems and went to get a colonoscopy done... they actually told me that I wasnt getting enough fiber because I was always constipated... so I have to get more fiber into me to have regular BM's ... I dont know what your situation is caused from... I wish I could help you... I would maybe…
  • Wow tha was very thoughtful for you to share all this information with us... This is actually very helpful to me anyways... HHmmm I soon will be making a few changes, but for right now I'm sick and am trying to just concentrate on getting better!!! Thanks again!!!
  • Thank you to all of you for helping and guiding me through this ... I guess I cant expect too much from my body... So I need to just worry about getting better for right now.. Thanks again!!
  • I have 3 boys and they are 1, 2 , and 3 years old ... I usually never had a problem with them eating their veggies... I mean there are some veggies that they dont.. so I make corn , green beans, peas, mashed potatoes ... I cant think of what other veggies they like.. now that I think of it I really dont ha ve a hard time…
  • I know exactly what you mean .. I have a 1, 2, and 3 year old boys ... I tried to workout with them around and I have a Gazelle machine where you glide and they would walk right in front of me and I would hit them with the machine .. I had no time to stop.. I didnt do it on purpose and my husband got upset with me .. so…
  • I was always told to weigh yourself in the mornings when you first wake up ( naked to be very accurate.. lol) Your weight does go up and down through the day... so u wont have an accurate reading ... my doctor told me that my real weight is when I first wake up in the mornings... also I'm a Certified nurse assistant and I…
  • Hi I just wanted let you know I'm in the same situation as you are... I have 3 little boys that are 1, 2, and 3 years old and total I gained 85 lbs .... I also just lost my little brother on the 4th of July ... and I went into major depression he was only 19 years old with a 2 week old baby.... I use to weigh around 145 -…
  • Thank you all for your comments and wonderful kindness... You all are amazing people to take the time to write these comments for me.. I really does mean a lot!!! Thanks!!!
  • Who are you talking to Exermon??? If your talking to me ... the smart ones sundaes are sold at Wal Mart in the frozen section with frozen dinners...
  • This was some helpful information cause I too just started yesterday (Wednesday) and I too will be weighing in for the first time Friday... So I will only be 2 days into TOM!!! So Whatever it says on the scale I guess I shouldnt get overwhelmed if it wasnt what I was expecting... Although I would like to still see some…
  • Weight watchers Smart Ones.... Hope you enjoy!!!
  • Well I dont think you reall need to worry about how many calories you eat on Saturday.. everyone needs a cheap day to take care of all those cravings... and it gives you something to look forward to and to keep your self going .. I mean look at it this way .. if you were on a diet without a cheat day then your going to end…
  • Wow that sounds so good!!! I'm gonna have to stop at the store to get the ingredients to make it tonight!!! Thank you for sharing!!
  • Hi I would like to start.. I'm new here... What day do u start?? Wednesday?? and weigh in that day 2??? also how do u know the percentage that you lost???
  • Wow!! You should be very proud of yourself for loosing all the weight that you did.. How did you do it??? Congratulations!!!!