New!...two kids later!

I am new to this site! I over heard some friends talking about it and thought I would give it a try seems how nothing else works! I used to be a wonderful 135 pounds and now after two children I am pushing 175 (The same I did at delivery of both of my children)! I miss the confidence I used to have and being able to go to the mall and actually try on the clothes in the window! In the few days I have started doing this I have realized that I consumed way too many calories before! I hope to meet some friends through this "journey" and get on the right track!


  • cchildr
    Welcome. I have found this site to be very helpful. My sister and I and two friends have been getting on here for about a month. It is very helpful to log my food so I can see how much I am actually consuming. Send me mail anytime.
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    Welcome. This site is very helpful in tracking what you eat and you can make adjustments as needed. Be honest with putting what you eat. The friends I have found here are great for support and motivation. Good Luck and add me as a friend if you like.
  • KristinaL
    Hi I just wanted let you know I'm in the same situation as you are... I have 3 little boys that are 1, 2, and 3 years old and total I gained 85 lbs .... I also just lost my little brother on the 4th of July ... and I went into major depression he was only 19 years old with a 2 week old baby.... I use to weigh around 145 - 150 ish before all this ... I'm hoping for 140 ish ... I just joined exactly a week ago today and I lost 13 lbs. already in just one week ... its been a great site .. I will recommend this site to anyone ... I hope your goals come true and just stay strong .. I klnow its not easy doing this with little ones but u need to do it ... if its what you really want and make sure you stick to it... GOOD LUCK>>> If you want to you can add me as a friend too ~~~
  • Mcovert1
    This site has been very helpful. It helps me to see how many calories everything and what to eat that is healthy and less in calories. Get into an excerise routine is very helpful.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    This is a good place to be. I've lost nearly 10 pounds in a month. It's pretty eye opening when you start recording everything you eat and drink during a day. Usually only small adjustments can lead to big results.