Food Diary CHEATERS!



  • KristinaL
    First of all I just want to say its NOBODY's business to be checking in on anybody... We all are grown adults who make our own decisions!!!!!!!!! I'm going to tell you right now I ate pizza last friday because I allow myself 1 cheat meal a week so now your going to down grade me for that or not congratulate me on anything that I accomplish.. just cause I myself allow a cheat meal... maybe you need to understand why this person had a pizza before assuming things that you dont even know the reason behind it!!!!! Another thing is I always do my food diary ahead so that my day is planned and I wont have to worry about counting and stuff when I'm trying to take care of 3 little boys... so I do it the night before... and then when that day comes I might switch things around a little bit and push that button to see where I stand and if that was a smart choice of switching... I personally think that I have the right to do that its my food diary and my weight loss goal.. And I know that you werent pertaining to me at all when you wrote this but I just cant stand people that accuse when they dont know reasons behind what their saying!!!!!!! If you feel cheated by commenting on some certain person for doing what your upset about why not talk to them and see thier reasons and if its a stupid reason then STOP commenting them but if its a reason like mine then whats the big deal?!?!?!?!?! You are getting stressed out and upset over something thats none of your business... I think that you have enough to worry about with your own weight loss u dont need to be worrying about others!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    wow. I just can't believe there are eight pages of people posting on this issue. Each to his own, I guess.:ohwell:

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    i actually hate that it encourages being under the calories. i'm at 1200 calories/day and have reached a point where i'm so adjusted to it that i'm having trouble consistently hitting my calories. i don't want to be encouraged for under eating.
    I also HATE that it encourages people to be under 1200 cals.

    Me too!! What is up with THAT>?

    But it doesn't! It's apparently a huge misconception that JStar (I think -- sorry I'm not going to go back & check) was kind enough to clear up pages ago in this thread. :laugh:

    It auto-posts to your news feed when you're UNDER your calorie goal because your friends can then provide the support you need to MEET your calorie goal.

    Though, I don't necessarily agree with that angle, either, which is why I've changed my settings so that my feed isn't auto-posted when I complete my diary for the day (also mentioned at some point earlier in this thread).

    I love how everything has been so civil and somewhat resolved on this thread for hours and then...
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    #3. any and everything I post, no matter how well-intended, can be seriously blown out of proportion.
    Yes, that is soooooo true. Just try posting something that calls for evidence that is based on "science" [is needing 8 glasses of water a day really necessary? are urine-based injections a quick fix to losing weight? etc], and if you cross people's preconceived notions, watch out! Rather than learn and have open discussion, some people are quick to fire off a nasty response. Something similar seems to have happened on this thread. Someone dared to complain, and instead of people trying to help by putting the focus back on where it would be useful (like, paying attention to what you can control, ie yourself, and not getting stressed over things that others do online), some people give a dose of anger without a teaspoon of helpfulness.

    IMHO. But, such is life on the internet. Anyway, peace to all, and good luck to all in meeting their goals.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I love how everything has been so civil and somewhat resolved on this thread for hours and then...

    I had the same thought. Loose ends tied up, then.... "I didn't bother reading the whole thread, but...."

    And more fuel on the fire.

    All the reason why it's important to read a whole thread before responding! Not that I always do myself so it's a good reminder to me, too!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I am no longer going to defend myself. Quite frankly, the issue is exhausted. If you dont like what I have to say, stop reading, stop replying, dont visit my page, dont read my posts.

    I know what I meant when I posted this thread and those that have been with it through and through AND have read all 8 pages know where my heart is and that my intentions were sincere.

    Thank you, everyone for your opinions. I have learned soooo much from this thread...and aside from anyone's hurt feelings or egos, I think THAT is the most important aspect.

    Game over. I'm done.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I am no longer going to defend myself. Quite frankly, the issue is exhausted. If you dont like what I have to say, stop reading, stop replying, dont visit my page, dont read my posts.

    I know what I meant when I posted this thread and those that have been with it through and through AND have read all 8 pages know where my heart is and that my intentions were sincere.

    Thank you, everyone for your opinions. I have learned soooo much from this thread...and aside from anyone's hurt feelings or egos, I think THAT is the most important aspect.

    Game over. I'm done.
    One good thing about this thread is I feel like I got to know you, and it was clear to me your intentions were sincere. I'm glad to have added you as a friend. I'm just sorry it seemed like this got all blown out of proportion. But I guess stuff like that happens from time to time. I'd say you handled it very well. :smile:
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I am no longer going to defend myself. Quite frankly, the issue is exhausted. If you dont like what I have to say, stop reading, stop replying, dont visit my page, dont read my posts.

    I know what I meant when I posted this thread and those that have been with it through and through AND have read all 8 pages know where my heart is and that my intentions were sincere.

    Thank you, everyone for your opinions. I have learned soooo much from this thread...and aside from anyone's hurt feelings or egos, I think THAT is the most important aspect.

    Game over. I'm done.

    And the CHURCH SAYS AMEN! Dead this thread!
This discussion has been closed.