Food Diary CHEATERS!



  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Who says that they actually ate what was listed. Sometimes people plan ahead and plan for chocolate or another treat only to decide later in the day not to have it... so they take it out of the diary

    I'm assuming you skipped the posts that address this! :happy: Its ok, with all back and forth on this post, if I hadn't started it, I would have skipped around too!

    This refers to someone that eats something, shares their guilt (looking for encouragement, gets it, takes it) then removes it from the diary ( after having ADMITTED they ate it already) so they are under their calories and takes the credit for that!

    I do the same thing. My day was planned last night, but I have since added a banana and removed a 1/2 cups of pineapples. But I am not lying about anything or looking for undeserved encouragment.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it. they are the ones that will end up not losing weight.

    Ditto. Great, simple response. To the point. Do you girl..don't worry about others, we are all adults. They end up cheating themselves. Focus on you. Your doing great, thats all that matters right?
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Until just recently I would hit that button to see how much weight I would lose in 5 weeks if I only ate that amount, not knowing that it posted I finished my day and was under calories!!!! Silly me......But agree with you, that if you are going to do this you need to be honest with yourself most of all, otherwise there will not be any success in the long term and you are still questioning "Why am I not losing weight?" And I appreciate all the kudos I can get, as it is getting harder, not easier as I go along. So many days I so want to sabotauge myself!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Until just recently I would hit that button to see how much weight I would lose in 5 weeks if I only ate that amount
    I do that too - "wonder what I'd weigh in 5 weeks if I only ate breakfast?" :laugh: I know it doesn't actually work that way but its still fun to do.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Until just recently I would hit that button to see how much weight I would lose in 5 weeks if I only ate that amount, not knowing that it posted I finished my day and was under calories!!!! Silly me......But agree with you, that if you are going to do this you need to be honest with yourself most of all, otherwise there will not be any success in the long term and you are still questioning "Why am I not losing weight?" And I appreciate all the kudos I can get, as it is getting harder, not easier as I go along. So many days I so want to sabotauge myself!

    Well we are all here for you in those moments! I had a moment like that last night, and I had calories to spare...but I thought about everyone that encourages me and it would suck to take advantage of them! So I didnt eat, I had a cup of tea and went to bed!
  • naeemahs
    i dont cheat, i put the good ,bad an ugly, but food choices r an individual thing and not cheating. if i drink or eat to much i work out hard the next day and eat less. no one is perfect and you can eat fries small and still lose weight it's about portion size and making better choices, you can always plana meal like I do sometimes and log a food to see how many calories it is 1st before i deceide to eat it!! that always makes me change my mind abotu certain foods. If you think you have to eat only lean meat and veggies to lose weight you will not be very realistic and sucessful inthe long run of your weight lost goals... good luck.. see ya at the Top! :)
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    These people are really only 'cheating' themselves. This isn't a competition, after all...

    Though, this is exactly WHY I keep my food journal private. For the most part, I eat well- but if I know people are watching, I'm going to be more inclined to leave things out than I do if my diary is private. I could just as easily NOT eat the bad stuff but... hey, I'm human after all!

    So if my journal is public, I may log faithfully but not bother putting in that one piece of chocolate I ate because someone brought a box in to work, or something. If my journal is private, I log everything (chocolate and all).
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Most days I don't complete my food diary because I don't want the congratulations for the most part...I actually hate that feature.
    Did you know you can change your News Feed Settings? You can select or deselect all of the following for purposes of notifying your friends when:
    # I become friends with someone
    # I reply to a topic on the message boards
    # I create a new topic on the message boards
    # I create a new blog post
    # I commented on someone else's news feed update
    # I wrote on someone else's profile page
    # I have not logged into MyFitnessPal for an extended period
    # I have logged in for several days in a row
    # I have lost weight
    # I have completed my diary for the day

    I didn't know that! Thank you.

    Where do you change that? lol

    Found it.

    THANK YOU! Going to play with mine now. :bigsmile:

    I log all my crap food, when I bother to log. My diary is for me. Others who view it (I think) would only be encouraged that you CAN lose weight and still have morning coffee with creamer or chocolate chip cookies after dinner.

    I am not ashamed of my food choices. They are what they are. The results show in my weight loss/ gain/ or maintenance.
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    I know too... I'm trying to be pro-active in the am and MAP out my day... so I tend to put what I think I'm gonna eat into my Diary, and sometimes I don't have that snack, or I change my mind after I see my totals, and I delete it then.

    Just a thought maybe they are doing the same thing....
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Most days I don't complete my food diary because I don't want the congratulations for the most part...I actually hate that feature.
    Did you know you can change your News Feed Settings? You can select or deselect all of the following for purposes of notifying your friends when:
    # I become friends with someone
    # I reply to a topic on the message boards
    # I create a new topic on the message boards
    # I create a new blog post
    # I commented on someone else's news feed update
    # I wrote on someone else's profile page
    # I have not logged into MyFitnessPal for an extended period
    # I have logged in for several days in a row
    # I have lost weight
    # I have completed my diary for the day

    I didn't know that! Thank you.

    Where do you change that? lol

    Found it.

    THANK YOU! Going to play with mine now. :bigsmile:

    I log all my crap food, when I bother to log. My diary is for me. Others who view it (I think) would only be encouraged that you CAN lose weight and still have morning coffee with creamer or chocolate chip cookies after dinner.

    I am not ashamed of my food choices. They are what they are. The results show in my weight loss/ gain/ or maintenance.

    Great job! Your pics in your signature show an amazing difference!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    In defense of public food diaries --
    My diary is public because if someone wants to look at mine and get food ideas (I'm pretty boring the majority of the time, but every once in a while I log a real winner) or wants to try to give me advice, so be it! If I can help or be helped by it, I'm all for it.

    I've never been concerned about logging something because I thought people would see it. I don't care if they see it. Hey guys, guess what! I ate as much as I could of a country fried steak with gravy, most of 2 orders of fried okra, an most of an order of mac & cheese, a biscuit AND half of a corn muffin with butter from Cracker Barrel Sunday!! I was incredibly sick afterwards (seriously), but MMMM MMMM MMM GOOD!

    :laugh: I logged every bite (and was lucky to keep every bite down).

    I used to be so self conscious! :laugh: Eff 'em.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    In defense of public food diaries --
    My diary is public because if someone wants to look at mine and get food ideas (I'm pretty boring the majority of the time, but every once in a while I log a real winner) or wants to try to give me advice, so be it! If I can help or be helped by it, I'm all for it.

    I've never been concerned about logging something because I thought people would see it. I don't care if they see it. Hey guys, guess what! I ate as much as I could of a country fried steak with gravy, most of 2 orders of fried okra, an most of an order of mac & cheese, a biscuit AND half of a corn muffin with butter from Cracker Barrel Sunday!! I was incredibly sick afterwards (seriously), but MMMM MMMM MMM GOOD!

    :laugh: I logged every bite (and was lucky to keep every bite down).

    I used to be so self conscious! :laugh: Eff 'em.

    I'm the exact same way. I don't care what anyone else thinks (besides...1-I'm boring and 2-I'm a not many people would want to look at mine, lol). Besides having mine public keeps me accountable-I log everything that goes into my mouth (if I were to leave it out I would be cheating myself). Also, I do not log on weekends-those are my days (besides I'd be lucky to use the computer-hubby goes graphics)...but I stick to meals that I've eaten earlier that I know the cal/fat/carb/proteins in it.
  • littlesuzieq
    I know too... I'm trying to be pro-active in the am and MAP out my day... so I tend to put what I think I'm gonna eat into my Diary, and sometimes I don't have that snack, or I change my mind after I see my totals, and I delete it then.

    Just a thought maybe they are doing the same thing....

    That's exactly what I do so I know how much I have left for supper. I've never not logged something because I didn't want to be seen "over" my calories. It is what it is.
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    This thread makes me sad. Karma, it sounds like you are going through some personal issues and I am sorry about that. But my experience with MFP has always been so positive up till this point. I just feel kinda sick by people calling each other out on what they eat or how you perceive that they cheat. The whole point of this incredible website is not just tracking. It's not about being entirely honest with your fellow MFPers. It's all about perseverance. There are so many times that I would mess up and feel like it was beyond repair and give up. With MFP, I can review back on encouraging words from others and not give up. Let's face it, whether encouraging words are "deserved" or "undeserved", we all need them to get back to a healthy weight.

    None of us are perfect and will never be even close as long as we view it as a comparative competition. I don't mean this offensively, but I consider MFP friendship to be a big responsibility and if you don't feel that you can selflessly give encouragement to others, it might be best if you limit your number of friends to only those that you can benefit from or help.

    We all have hard days. No one should ever feel called out like that. It seems like people are getting their feelings hurt by this post and while it may have started out innocent, I think we must be careful about harming others on a site that can do so much good. To be honest, if I had seen this kind of post when I was a newbie, I definitely would have viewed MFP in a more negative light.

    I wish everyone good luck with their weight loss despite their current status. Sometimes judgment from others can make weight gain worse. Anyone that is heavy should understand that. My theory is, maybe you can eventually lose the martyr cause and be grateful for a site with so many amazing people willing to befriend you and help you improve day by day.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    This thread makes me sad. Karma, it sounds like you are going through some personal issues and I am sorry about that. But my experience with MFP has always been so positive up till this point. I just feel kinda sick by people calling each other out on what they eat or how you perceive that they cheat. The whole point of this incredible website is not just tracking. It's not about being entirely honest with your fellow MFPers. It's all about perseverance. There are so many times that I would mess up and feel like it was beyond repair and give up. With MFP, I can review back on encouraging words from others and not give up. Let's face it, whether encouraging words are deserved or undeserved, we all need them to get back to a healthy weight.

    None of us are perfect and will never be even close as long as we view it as a comparative competition. I don't mean this offensively, but I consider MFP friendship to be a big responsibility and if you don't feel that you can selflessly give encouragement to others, it might be best if you limit your number of friends to only those that you can benefit from or help.

    We all have hard days. No one should ever feel called out like that. It seems like people are getting their feelings hurt by this post and while it may have started out innocent, I think we must be careful about harming others on a site that can do so much good. To be honest, if I had seen this kind of post when I was a newbie, I definitely would have viewed MFP in a more negative light.

    I wish everyone good luck with their weight loss despite their current status. Sometimes judgment from others can make weight gain worse. Anyone that is heavy should understand that. My theory is, maybe you can eventually lose the martyr cause and be grateful for a site with so many amazing people willing to befriend you and help you improve day by day.

    I think this was beautifully said and I agree completely. I don't get frustrated about what other people do because they are responsible for their own journey. I will offer support to them whether they 'deserve it' or not. Because at the end of the day, none of us are perfect. I mess up from time to time- but it's because I have such beautiful, wonderful friends here that I keep getting back on the horse. Because they support me unconditionally, and I know that they have my back. If I slip up, they STILL praise me, and I feel guilty for letting them down, so I push harder.

    I guess I'm saying that MFP has been such a great place for me. I don't want to focus on ANYTHING negative when I'm here. Really, I beat up myself enough as it is.

  • LuvnAG10
    This thread makes me sad. Karma, it sounds like you are going through some personal issues and I am sorry about that. But my experience with MFP has always been so positive up till this point. I just feel kinda sick by people calling each other out on what they eat or how you perceive that they cheat. The whole point of this incredible website is not just tracking. It's not about being entirely honest with your fellow MFPers. It's all about perseverance. There are so many times that I would mess up and feel like it was beyond repair and give up. With MFP, I can review back on encouraging words from others and not give up. Let's face it, whether encouraging words are "deserved" or "undeserved", we all need them to get back to a healthy weight.

    None of us are perfect and will never be even close as long as we view it as a comparative competition. I don't mean this offensively, but I consider MFP friendship to be a big responsibility and if you don't feel that you can selflessly give encouragement to others, it might be best if you limit your number of friends to only those that you can benefit from or help.

    We all have hard days. No one should ever feel called out like that. It seems like people are getting their feelings hurt by this post and while it may have started out innocent, I think we must be careful about harming others on a site that can do so much good. To be honest, if I had seen this kind of post when I was a newbie, I definitely would have viewed MFP in a more negative light.

    I wish everyone good luck with their weight loss despite their current status. Sometimes judgment from others can make weight gain worse. Anyone that is heavy should understand that. My theory is, maybe you can eventually lose the martyr cause and be grateful for a site with so many amazing people willing to befriend you and help you improve day by day.

    Beautifully put!!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    This thread makes me sad. Karma, it sounds like you are going through some personal issues and I am sorry about that. But my experience with MFP has always been so positive up till this point. I just feel kinda sick by people calling each other out on what they eat or how you perceive that they cheat. The whole point of this incredible website is not just tracking. It's not about being entirely honest with your fellow MFPers. It's all about perseverance. There are so many times that I would mess up and feel like it was beyond repair and give up. With MFP, I can review back on encouraging words from others and not give up. Let's face it, whether encouraging words are deserved or undeserved, we all need them to get back to a healthy weight.

    None of us are perfect and will never be even close as long as we view it as a comparative competition. I don't mean this offensively, but I consider MFP friendship to be a big responsibility and if you don't feel that you can selflessly give encouragement to others, it might be best if you limit your number of friends to only those that you can benefit from or help.

    We all have hard days. No one should ever feel called out like that. It seems like people are getting their feelings hurt by this post and while it may have started out innocent, I think we must be careful about harming others on a site that can do so much good. To be honest, if I had seen this kind of post when I was a newbie, I definitely would have viewed MFP in a more negative light.

    I wish everyone good luck with their weight loss despite their current status. Sometimes judgment from others can make weight gain worse. Anyone that is heavy should understand that. My theory is, maybe you can eventually lose the martyr cause and be grateful for a site with so many amazing people willing to befriend you and help you improve day by day.

    I hope that you read the entire thread before you posted because that would explain what I mean by saying they "cheat" or "lie"; its not perceived, its proven. You are absoulely right in saying that people need the encouragement, but I do not agree with your stating that I cannot do it selflessly. Encouragement should be deserved. What I mean is if a student was cheating, and you knew it, would you commend them on the good grades. Would you tell them to keep doing what they are doing? I do not think that you would, or most people for that matter.

    If people are getting their feelings hurt, perhaps they should ask themselves why. If your diary is public and you are doing it with the best intentions of doing it the healthy way, your feelings are not at risk. But if you feel the slightest sting from this and are not walking away, at least educated on the subject, then that's for you to question and answer. I have over 100 friends on this site and am constantly praised for the issues I raise, the support I offer, and my positive attitude. I recommend you request me to see my true colors, and so that you are not biased by one thread.

    Because I consider this a big responsibility also, I would imagine you would understand why I am passionate about this.

    But, then again, maybe not.
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    I did read the entire thread Karma. And in fact, I have read some of your previous threads so I am not trying to be biased in any way. I have seen ways that you have contributed to MFP, and it's appreciated. Food isn't the same as cheating in school, but I can see why you would feel that way. In school, if a person cheats, it messes up the overall average and makes it unfair to other students and brings them down. In this case, it isn't personally affecting your progress. In this case, you aren't encouraging them in something harmful, but rather encouraging positive improvement. The mere fact that people log their food is a HUGE step in the right direction. It is educational and healthy (whether logged in part or full) and I applaude that.

    You acknowledge that in an earlier thread so I know that you understand that. I do not feel a sting in the least personally, but when I see people feeling bad it makes me hurt. I just think that we need to be good examples of support on this website because there are enough people to judge us offline. Telling someone that they need to check their diary before they throw stones is harsh, not helpful. I believe in putting things straight and being honest. Your other posts are always very candid and honest. I always admire honesty. I get that you are trying to educate people here, but I will honestly tell cannot educate people by insulting them or calling them out. The part of your brain that processes information works at a decreased rate when you get upset. I prefer positivity.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    This thread makes me sad. Karma, it sounds like you are going through some personal issues and I am sorry about that. But my experience with MFP has always been so positive up till this point. I just feel kinda sick by people calling each other out on what they eat or how you perceive that they cheat. The whole point of this incredible website is not just tracking. It's not about being entirely honest with your fellow MFPers. It's all about perseverance. There are so many times that I would mess up and feel like it was beyond repair and give up. With MFP, I can review back on encouraging words from others and not give up. Let's face it, whether encouraging words are deserved or undeserved, we all need them to get back to a healthy weight.

    None of us are perfect and will never be even close as long as we view it as a comparative competition. I don't mean this offensively, but I consider MFP friendship to be a big responsibility and if you don't feel that you can selflessly give encouragement to others, it might be best if you limit your number of friends to only those that you can benefit from or help.

    We all have hard days. No one should ever feel called out like that. It seems like people are getting their feelings hurt by this post and while it may have started out innocent, I think we must be careful about harming others on a site that can do so much good. To be honest, if I had seen this kind of post when I was a newbie, I definitely would have viewed MFP in a more negative light.

    I wish everyone good luck with their weight loss despite their current status. Sometimes judgment from others can make weight gain worse. Anyone that is heavy should understand that. My theory is, maybe you can eventually lose the martyr cause and be grateful for a site with so many amazing people willing to befriend you and help you improve day by day.

    I hope that you read the entire thread before you posted because that would explain what I mean by saying they "cheat" or "lie"; its not perceived, its proven. You are absoulely right in saying that people need the encouragement, but I do not agree with your stating that I cannot do it selflessly. Encouragement should be deserved. What I mean is if a student was cheating, and you knew it, would you commend them on the good grades. Would you tell them to keep doing what they are doing? I do not think that you would, or most people for that matter.

    If people are getting their feelings hurt, perhaps they should ask themselves why. If your diary is public and you are doing it with the best intentions of doing it the healthy way, your feelings are not at risk. But if you feel the slightest sting from this and are not walking away, at least educated on the subject, then that's for you to question and answer. I have over 100 friends on this site and am constantly praised for the issues I raise, the support I offer, and my positive attitude. I recommend you request me to see my true colors, and so that you are not biased by one thread.

    Because I consider this a big responsibility also, I would imagine you would understand why I am passionate about this.

    But, then again, maybe not.

    I think it is hypocritical for you to state something about calling people out. You did exactly that, by using my name in the very beginning of your post. I am not the only person on this particular thread that feels this way so using my name because I started it is a very weak argument. Granted, you are definitely entitled to an opinion and I do welcome it because THAT IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR, but dont say you prefer positivity and then call someone out in the same post.

    But for those that are being hypocritical and throwing stones, I will call out because that is a personal attack, as far as I am concerned.

    I know everyone has bad days, even bad weeks. I know I do, too. But I am referring to people doing this every day for months and months and months and then weeping about the inability to lose weight. I understand that it takes time for people to get it. and ultimately, it does affect me BECAUSE I care about the people on here.

    I think from here we will agree to disagree. I think we hold the same values with regard to everyone losing weight and learning from this experience. We just dont agree on how we choose to go about it.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I did read the entire thread Karma. And in fact, I have read some of your previous threads so I am not trying to be biased in any way. I have seen ways that you have contributed to MFP, and it's appreciated. Food isn't the same as cheating in school, but I can see why you would feel that way. In school, if a person cheats, it messes up the overall average and makes it unfair to other students and brings them down. In this case, it isn't personally affecting your progress. In this case, you aren't encouraging them in something harmful, but rather encouraging positive improvement. The mere fact that people log their food is a HUGE step in the right direction. It is educational and healthy (whether logged in part or full) and I applaude that.

    You acknowledge that in an earlier thread so I know that you understand that. I do not feel a sting in the least personally, but when I see people feeling bad it makes me hurt. I just think that we need to be good examples of support on this website because there are enough people to judge us offline. Telling someone that they need to check their diary before they throw stones is harsh, not helpful. I believe in putting things straight and being honest. Your other posts are always very candid and honest. I always admire honesty. I get that you are trying to educate people here, but I will honestly tell cannot educate people by insulting them or calling them out. The part of your brain that processes information works at a decreased rate when you get upset. I prefer positivity.

    On a side note, as I am by no means trying to make internet enemies, I am impressed with your writing abilities! You make for a great debate! :drinker:
This discussion has been closed.