Food Diary CHEATERS!



  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    it'll never say when you've gone over or when you hit the calories dead on - just if you're under so that your 'friends' can encourage you to eat all that you're supposed to.

    Oooooooooh. I need the "doh" smiley.

    HA! Thats how I feel!
  • LuvnAG10
    i actually hate that it encourages being under the calories. i'm at 1200 calories/day and have reached a point where i'm so adjusted to it that i'm having trouble consistently hitting my calories. i don't want to be encouraged for under eating.
    I also HATE that it encourages people to be under 1200 cals.

    Me too...I keep my limit at 1380 but eat just over 1200...I figure it helps me lose weight quicker but I am definitely eating what I should!
    So is it bad to be under 1200 calories?
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    i actually hate that it encourages being under the calories. i'm at 1200 calories/day and have reached a point where i'm so adjusted to it that i'm having trouble consistently hitting my calories. i don't want to be encouraged for under eating.
    I also HATE that it encourages people to be under 1200 cals.

    Me too...I keep my limit at 1380 but eat just over 1200...I figure it helps me lose weight quicker but I am definitely eating what I should!
    So is it bad to be under 1200 calories?
    The site doesn't encourage anything under 1200 calories. Most (key word) people shouldn't dip below 1200 calories.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Hmmm, interesting subject...

    I didn't read everyone's responses, so sorry if someone already said something along these lines... but I will say I plan out what I'm going to eat for the entire day (in the morning), and push the button that I'm done recording for the day. I go back throughout the day and change if I don't eat something on the list, or if I eat something extra. More often than not, it's that I didn't eat something that I had planned on... Today for instance, I put in this morning that I was going to eat an apple sauce cup, and a clementine for my 10 am snack. I had the apple sauce, but only half the clementine (tasted like poo) so I altered my diary to reflect that I only ate 1/2 of it.

    I don't really think it's fair for you to assume that you know that someone ate something when they have it on their diary, then take it off later... Besides, why not just focus on yourselves and let the people who are 'cheating' worry about themselves!?
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Unfortunately, I think you may have just caused alot of people to change their diary settings to private with this thread.....I know I just did. Not because I am one of the diary "cheaters" but because now I know how closely people scrutinize and so closely examine what I am putting in my mouth every day. I don't need the extra pressure of knowing that on top of learning how to become a healthier eater. People are using this site to learn new habits, and that doesn't change overnight.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    i actually hate that it encourages being under the calories. i'm at 1200 calories/day and have reached a point where i'm so adjusted to it that i'm having trouble consistently hitting my calories. i don't want to be encouraged for under eating.
    I also HATE that it encourages people to be under 1200 cals.

    Me too...I keep my limit at 1380 but eat just over 1200...I figure it helps me lose weight quicker but I am definitely eating what I should!
    So is it bad to be under 1200 calories?
    The site doesn't encourage anything under 1200 calories. Most (key word) people shouldn't dip below 1200 calories.

    From independent research, I have read that less than 1200 calories does not allow your body to function properly. That translates to your body shutting down at small intervals to preserve itself. It also takes the lack of calories as a sign that your body is starving so it shuts down your metabolism, which we all know, is the mechanism we need to lose weight.

    Hope this helps!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    My beef with the diaries is when people only have 10lbs total to lose & then complain that they'll never hit their goal weight & when you check out their diary you see that they stop every morning for fast food, snack all day long on candy & crap & then skip dinner....these are also usually the ones that want to lose that 10lbs in the next 2 weeks. :ohwell: Lets get real people.

    Wow!! LOL.....I feel like you are talking about me in particular.:ohwell: Most times I don't skip dinner either, I am just too lazy to get online at home and log it. I go home from work knowing how many calories I have left for the day and go from there......
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Hmmm, interesting subject...

    I didn't read everyone's responses, so sorry if someone already said something along these lines... but I will say I plan out what I'm going to eat for the entire day (in the morning), and push the button that I'm done recording for the day. I go back throughout the day and change if I don't eat something on the list, or if I eat something extra. More often than not, it's that I didn't eat something that I had planned on... Today for instance, I put in this morning that I was going to eat an apple sauce cup, and a clementine for my 10 am snack. I had the apple sauce, but only half the clementine (tasted like poo) so I altered my diary to reflect that I only ate 1/2 of it.

    I don't really think it's fair for you to assume that you know that someone ate something when they have it on their diary, then take it off later... Besides, why not just focus on yourselves and let the people who are 'cheating' worry about themselves!?

    I acknowledge that you havent read all of the posts so I will repeat. I do know, for a fact, that people eat it and then remove it to accomodate calorie intake because they display their guilt for eating it on their status....they take all the encouragement from that, then remove the item from their diary to stay under their calories, and then take that credit too. It reminds me of that syndrome that people do negative things to themselves for the attention. Its sad, really.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    My beef with the diaries is when people only have 10lbs total to lose & then complain that they'll never hit their goal weight & when you check out their diary you see that they stop every morning for fast food, snack all day long on candy & crap & then skip dinner....these are also usually the ones that want to lose that 10lbs in the next 2 weeks. :ohwell: Lets get real people.

    Wow!! LOL.....I feel like you are talking about me in particular.:ohwell: Most times I don't skip dinner either, I am just too lazy to get online at home and log it. I go home from work knowing how many calories I have left for the day and go from there......

    I dont think anyone is referring to anyone particularly (except me) on this post. I think its things we see over and over if we are looking for new ideas in people's diaries. I never saw your profile before your post, but I, too have seen the snacking all day and then no dinner. And you are right, it could be because they, like you, do not log in from home. That is an excellent point.

    I apologize for making you feel like you need to make your diary private. That was not my intention. I think we are all here to learn and a food diary being public is for that purpose. Why would someone have their diet public if they DIDNT want people to look at it?
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    My beef with the diaries is when people only have 10lbs total to lose & then complain that they'll never hit their goal weight & when you check out their diary you see that they stop every morning for fast food, snack all day long on candy & crap & then skip dinner....these are also usually the ones that want to lose that 10lbs in the next 2 weeks. :ohwell: Lets get real people.

    Wow!! LOL.....I feel like you are talking about me in particular.:ohwell: Most times I don't skip dinner either, I am just too lazy to get online at home and log it. I go home from work knowing how many calories I have left for the day and go from there......
    :laugh: If you just joined last week & want to lose 10lbs by March 1st then yes, I'm talking about you. :tongue:

    I don't log any of my food anymore - I haven't in months, but I've also never had mine public for the very same reason. It just seems so obvious when you look at someones diary that taco bell for lunch every day & donuts for breakfast isn't exactly 'eating right' that is a change that one can make overnight. But I also would never say anything directly to anybody, bc as everyone has said, what they eat is their business - UNTIL they ask for advice on it.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Hmmm, interesting subject...

    I didn't read everyone's responses, so sorry if someone already said something along these lines... but I will say I plan out what I'm going to eat for the entire day (in the morning), and push the button that I'm done recording for the day. I go back throughout the day and change if I don't eat something on the list, or if I eat something extra. More often than not, it's that I didn't eat something that I had planned on... Today for instance, I put in this morning that I was going to eat an apple sauce cup, and a clementine for my 10 am snack. I had the apple sauce, but only half the clementine (tasted like poo) so I altered my diary to reflect that I only ate 1/2 of it.

    I don't really think it's fair for you to assume that you know that someone ate something when they have it on their diary, then take it off later... Besides, why not just focus on yourselves and let the people who are 'cheating' worry about themselves!?

    I acknowledge that you havent read all of the posts so I will repeat. I do know, for a fact, that people eat it and then remove it to accomodate calorie intake because they display their guilt for eating it on their status....they take all the encouragement from that, then remove the item from their diary to stay under their calories, and then take that credit too. It reminds me of that syndrome that people do negative things to themselves for the attention. Its sad, really.

    I getcha... Eh, let them worry about that. They are the ones who will gain/not lose/give up....
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Hmmm, interesting subject...

    I didn't read everyone's responses, so sorry if someone already said something along these lines... but I will say I plan out what I'm going to eat for the entire day (in the morning), and push the button that I'm done recording for the day. I go back throughout the day and change if I don't eat something on the list, or if I eat something extra. More often than not, it's that I didn't eat something that I had planned on... Today for instance, I put in this morning that I was going to eat an apple sauce cup, and a clementine for my 10 am snack. I had the apple sauce, but only half the clementine (tasted like poo) so I altered my diary to reflect that I only ate 1/2 of it.

    I don't really think it's fair for you to assume that you know that someone ate something when they have it on their diary, then take it off later... Besides, why not just focus on yourselves and let the people who are 'cheating' worry about themselves!?

    I acknowledge that you havent read all of the posts so I will repeat. I do know, for a fact, that people eat it and then remove it to accomodate calorie intake because they display their guilt for eating it on their status....they take all the encouragement from that, then remove the item from their diary to stay under their calories, and then take that credit too. It reminds me of that syndrome that people do negative things to themselves for the attention. Its sad, really.

    I getcha... Eh, let them worry about that. They are the ones who will gain/not lose/give up....

    so true!
  • LuvnAG10
    i actually hate that it encourages being under the calories. i'm at 1200 calories/day and have reached a point where i'm so adjusted to it that i'm having trouble consistently hitting my calories. i don't want to be encouraged for under eating.
    I also HATE that it encourages people to be under 1200 cals.

    Me too...I keep my limit at 1380 but eat just over 1200...I figure it helps me lose weight quicker but I am definitely eating what I should!
    So is it bad to be under 1200 calories?
    The site doesn't encourage anything under 1200 calories. Most (key word) people shouldn't dip below 1200 calories.

    From independent research, I have read that less than 1200 calories does not allow your body to function properly. That translates to your body shutting down at small intervals to preserve itself. It also takes the lack of calories as a sign that your body is starving so it shuts down your metabolism, which we all know, is the mechanism we need to lose weight.

    Hope this helps!

    Yesterday was my first day on the site. I went over my 1200 calories by 217 so I got on the treadmill and burned 390. So overall, with the exercise, I was just under 1200. Should I have been at 1200 even with the exercise? So at the end of the day I should at least have 1200 calories but should aim to not exceed it by too much?
  • TwentyTen
    I haven't read all of the responses yet so forgive me if this has been said - but the auto response with the under calorie thing is actually so you can support people who aren't eating enough, the people that aren't meeting their calorie goal (or at least that's how I read it in Mikes blog about the new features) it'll never say when you've gone over or when you hit the calories dead on - just if you're under so that your 'friends' can encourage you to eat all that you're supposed to.

    ETA - so apparently I was wrong, but I swear I read that somewhere, maybe Mike posted on a thread about it or something.

    I would like to find that post, it could use a big bump!!
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    I haven't read all the posts but....People are funny & fickle. People are not always the way we would like them to be. Most of us just like to play around & see what results we get by pushing different buttons.:ohwell: or saying this & doing that. And were all hanging on the wagon by our finger tips at times. Some of us has "got it" & some of us are still trying to "figure it out". Our Minds are Willing but our Flesh is weak:laugh: :noway:

    Were all here on the awesome free website to learn to loose & eat healthy. It's taken me a year to loose the little bit I've lost! That ole saying of Practice Makes Perfect is true. Sooner or Later we'll "get it". I just do my thing & be as supportive as I can be.

    Like my Husband famous saying is when something is bugging me " WHO CARES" and then my son says yah mom "WHO CARES" and then suddenly I'm like yah who cares?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Let's all go eat some Pizza now:smokin:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Yesterday was my first day on the site. I went over my 1200 calories by 217 so I got on the treadmill and burned 390. So overall, with the exercise, I was just under 1200. Should I have been at 1200 even with the exercise? So at the end of the day I should at least have 1200 calories but should aim to not exceed it by too much?
    If you are set to eat 1200 a day and plan on burning 300 thru exercise you need to EAT 1500, that'll put your net at 1200. Like the difference between your gross & net income.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Yesterday was my first day on the site. I went over my 1200 calories by 217 so I got on the treadmill and burned 390. So overall, with the exercise, I was just under 1200. Should I have been at 1200 even with the exercise? So at the end of the day I should at least have 1200 calories but should aim to not exceed it by too much?
    If you are set to eat 1200 a day and plan on burning 300 thru exercise you need to EAT 1500, that'll put your net at 1200. Like the difference between your gross & net income.

  • LuvnAG10
    Yesterday was my first day on the site. I went over my 1200 calories by 217 so I got on the treadmill and burned 390. So overall, with the exercise, I was just under 1200. Should I have been at 1200 even with the exercise? So at the end of the day I should at least have 1200 calories but should aim to not exceed it by too much?
    If you are set to eat 1200 a day and plan on burning 300 thru exercise you need to EAT 1500, that'll put your net at 1200. Like the difference between your gross & net income.

  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I haven't read all the posts but....People are funny & fickle. People are not always the way we would like them to be. Most of us just like to play around & see what results we get by pushing different buttons.:ohwell: or saying this & doing that. And were all hanging on the wagon by our finger tips at times. Some of us has "got it" & some of us are still trying to "figure it out". Our Minds are Willing but our Flesh is weak:laugh: :noway:

    Were all here on the awesome free website to learn to loose & eat healthy. It's taken me a year to loose the little bit I've lost! That ole saying of Practice Makes Perfect is true. Sooner or Later we'll "get it". I just do my thing & be as supportive as I can be.

    Like my Husband famous saying is when something is bugging me " WHO CARES" and then my son says yah mom "WHO CARES" and then suddenly I'm like yah who cares?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Let's all go eat some Pizza now:smokin:

    Yeah, Karma, WHO CARES!? MMMM, pizza! LOL
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    Who says that they actually ate what was listed. Sometimes people plan ahead and plan for chocolate or another treat only to decide later in the day not to have it... so they take it out of the diary
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