question for the ladies!

of course, this is dealing with TOM!!! i am in my pre-TOM phase, and i always get bloated (amongst other various maladies) during the week before. i mean insanely bloated. i could watch my salt intake a little more, but that's besides the point. any of you find that during your time of water retention, your weight loss stagnates? does it seem that you lose double the amount then the next week? is it as simples as that you are still losing fat weight, but because of water retention, it just doesn't seem to show up? i just don't want to lose my motivation when i step on the scale friday and see that it hasn't moved.


  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Yes, I try to drink extra water during that time to help battle the bloating.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    TOM's just a couple days away for me (I hope... *gulp* :laugh:) and I'm sure I'm bloated. The scale isn't down very much from last Friday but I'm not concerned because I know I've been good.

    I find I don't show a loss (or sometimes I even show, *gasp*, a gain) from a few days before TOM to about the 3rd day into TOM. Then the water drops and I pee my life away for a day and the next day I'm down several pounds. Anyway, I've been here for 5 months and that's been the norm for me.

    And, as a side note, I also seem to retain water while I'm ovulating. Girl hormones sure are fun!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member

    I find I don't show a loss (or sometimes I even show, *gasp*, a gain) from a few days before TOM to about the 3rd day into TOM. Then the water drops and I pee my life away for a day and the next day I'm down several pounds. Anyway, I've been here for 5 months and that's been the norm for me.

    And, as a side note, I also seem to retain water while I'm ovulating. Girl hormones sure are fun!

    LOL!! This sounds just like me!! For a couple days towards the end of TOM, I pee what seems like a thousand times a day!:laugh: :laugh:
  • ractayjon
    If I have a weigh in 2 days before, 1 day before, Day 1 or Day 2 of TOM I WILL show a gain (once it was 7 pounds) usually aorund 4-5 pounds. If I have a weigh in Day 3,4,5 it is still there but only 1-2 pounds. What I try to do is not weigh any time within that 7 day time period, watch my salt, drink extra water and not use the TOM as an excuse not to exercise.
    Btw - I figured this out by weighing everyday for 6 cycles (6 months) and tracking the outcome - this isnt the best suggestion for everyone some people are motivated by the scale other people can get unmotivated very quickly by scale fluctuations.
  • KristinaL
    This was some helpful information cause I too just started yesterday (Wednesday) and I too will be weighing in for the first time Friday... So I will only be 2 days into TOM!!! So Whatever it says on the scale I guess I shouldnt get overwhelmed if it wasnt what I was expecting... Although I would like to still see some loss even though its that TOM!!! Well Thank you all for your help and kindness to share your experienced information!! God Bless and may all your weight loss goals come true!!!!