

  • I don't know what kind of music you listen to, but I like listening to Daughtry and Kelly Clarkson. The harder beats really get me moving (especially during a run). I also love "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera. That one will really get you going. I just recently started listening to Within Temptation too. They have a nice…
  • I love oatmeal for breakfast! I have it just about every morning too! I don't even add milk to mine anymore, just a cup of water with 1/2 cup of oatmeal. But, my favorite right now is blueberries. We just get a bag of frozen blueberries and I do 1/2 cup blueberries (either cooked with the oatmeal or added afterward).…
  • Definitely more than that if you're doing lighter weights! We do an exercise routine that focuses on muscular endurance (so lighter weights and more reps) and the instructor does around 30 to 40 reps of everything (I do it with five pound weights). But she does rotate a little, like for bicep curls she does them for a…
  • I would say do some light strength training along with a lot of cardio. You don't want to bulk up on top of the weight you're trying to lose but you also want to work on your muscle while you're losing weight. "Muscle burns fat" so you want to build your muscle to boost your metabolism and help increase your burn.
  • I've been stuck around 140 for a REALLY long time and I'm just starting to really attack it and work to get under that! The best thing you can do when you're stuck is to find a way to shock your body! If you're stuck that means your body has gotten used to the amount of calories you're eating and the amount of exercise…
  • I think that no matter how many fancy programs and equipment come out walking will always be at the top of the list of best workouts! You burn lots of calories, work your entire body, and most importantly you have fun so you'll keep doing it! If walking is all you're doing, though, you might want to add variety like…
    in walking Comment by evanness April 2011
  • The cardio with the BBL program should be adequate on its own, but if you wanted to add more to it one option would be simply adding running to the schedule. If going out for a run is an option for you it would be a good cardio addition. Personally, I think it's better to go through each program individually before you…
  • Hi! We're going to be starting Turbo Fire this month, so I haven't gotten to see what it's like yet, but I can guarantee you it will be a blast! We've done Turbo Jam and ChaLEAN Extreme (which are both done by the same instructor as Turbo Fire) and she is the best instructor I've ever worked out "with." She's very…
  • The Shakeology drinks from Beachbody would be a great option to grab real quick on your way out. They work as a meal replacement with lots of vitamins and nutrients. The recovery drinks might work for a little while, but they're not really filling so you'll probably get hungry pretty fast. Depending on how long it is until…
  • That's wonderful! Congratulations (on both losing the weight and your soon to be fiance!) :bigsmile:
  • Wow, sounds GREAT! I'm writing it down to try for breakfast tomorrow! Thanks for sharing it! :)
  • I'm training for my first 5K too! The run is this weekend! I'm so excited! :)
  • Wheat thins or snow peas are my favorite snacks!
  • I weigh around 135 to 140 (it fluctuates a lot), am 5' 6" and wear a size 8
  • Happy Friday to you too! And Happy April Fools Day! :flowerforyou:
  • I started out with 8s mostly and then 10s as my highest during the first phase. In the second and third phases 10s were my lowest and I used mostly 14s. For lower body workouts and some upper body I was able to bump it up to 18, but that was the highest I got.
  • We just finished ChaLEAN Extreme but we're still doing the "fit for life" schedule for a little while. I absolutely loved it! I'm sure you're going to do great and see a lot of success! I hope you reach your goals!
  • For your dinner issues I'd suggest the "Flat Belly Diet! Family Cookbook." My Mom uses it and it's great! We've got three younger boys and my Dad (all pretty picky eaters) so she couldn't just do strict diet meals for everyone. The cookbook gives healthy recipes and then gives you tips on how much you personally should eat…
  • I use a Sportline Heart Rate Monitor (around $30 at Walmart). It's very basic and cheap but you just put in your age, gender, height, and weight and then take your heart rate while you're working out and it tracks your calories. It can get kind of frustrating having to take your heart through the whole workout but it gets…
  • Hi! Welcome to MFP! Good luck with your journey! I'm sure you'll do great! Bitzy
  • I had a similar issue! I went on vacation and stayed with my brother for awhile. So I completely changed my lifestyle, spent a lot of time sitting around inside, and ate a lot of junk food! When I came back I had gained around 10 pounds. It's hard and discouraging, but you need to just admit it, log it into your ticker and…
  • For the last weight-loss program I did they had you measure your chest, arms, waist, hips, and thighs. The best way is to find a sewing measuring tape that you can wrap around and measure the inches. Measuring your body fat percentage is also an important measurement but you need some specific tools for that so that's a…
  • Do you spread your eating out, eating every two hours rather than just the three big meals? That has made a huge difference for me! Also, drinking lots and lots of water.
  • We just finished Chalean Extreme and I would go running almost every day in addition to my Chalean workout. I wasn't doing the extreme running that you would be doing with the C25K but I don't see why it would be an issue. Chalean extreme doesn't have too much of the intense cardio so I think it's actually better to mix…