Need advice with Morning Meal (post workout)

raptor5k Posts: 9 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, This is my first post, and I apologize for bringing up a subject that seems to be beaten to death. I have read through several related posts but just can't seem to apply them to me. I am looking for something to eat post workout. A little more explanation- I have lost 25 lbs so far, just by eating less. It's awesome, but it's the first time I have ever made an attempt to lose weight, so I'm a huge rookie. I have been at 25 lbs down for like 3 weeks now, and feeling a little frustrated, so I decided to try P90X. Today started week two. I usually wake up early, do my P90x for the day, and then have to get to school by 8. I'm wondering what I should eat/drink to start my day off, etc. If I choose to, I have time to make eggs, etc, I'm just wondering if a protein shake/recovery shake would be a good thing to grab on the way out the door on days where I'm limited on time? I see a lot of people say they just drink milk/chocolate milk, but is that a meal replacement or just a post workout drink and then you would eat a regular breakfast as well? Any insight is appreciated. If you suggest a protein shake/recovery shake please be specific as I know next to nothing when it comes to brands, etc.


  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I don't usually eat/drink a protein shake (mainly because I have yet to find one that I like and I really don't have the time to make them) but I do usually grab a string cheese and a fiber plus bar. The fiber bar helps keep me full, while the cheese has some protein in it. If you have time for eggs, then I'd suggest going that route. I haven't gotten to the point where I can plan ahead and keep hard boiled eggs on hand all the time, though those would be a great post-workout snack as well. Do you typically eat before working out? How about water intake?
  • rider797
    rider797 Posts: 52
    A recovery drink is the perfect way to get your day started after a work out, and after a hard workout such as p90x. You have about 1 hour to replenish your body after your workout and recovery drinks are quick and easy, and actually taste good. As well they ARE a meal substitute. As for which one is right for to you local seller, (make sure they know what they are talking about). There are thousands of different ones. Me personally I like Nutra Bolics ISOGAINER. It is great stuff and tastes great as well. I would recommend getting pure Whey protein. Either way I would say yes a recovery protein shake is the perfect solution for you!
  • Chocolate milk is an amazing post work out recovery drink. Though I wouldn't use that as your entire meal.

    My favorite breakfast is:

    Baked Sweet Potato
    Red Pepper
    (saute the ham, mushroom and pepper together, and place over the sweet potato)
    2 eggs over easy
    (put the eggs over everything else)

    It's really easy, and filling...and best of all TASTY!'ll be easy on your stomach post work out/
  • Jillian52
    Jillian52 Posts: 21 Member
    I always drink a protein shake after workout. I cut bananas into inch size pieces and then \put 5-6 pieces in a ziplpc and freeze them. I blend the frozen bananas with 1 tbsp peanut butter, one scoop chocolate whey, 1/2 a cup blue diamond unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and a few pieces of crushed ice. Using the frozen banana gives it an ice cream like consistency. Its delicious and it combines protein with complex carbs which is great for a post workout meal. Good luck with your journey!!
  • evanness
    evanness Posts: 25
    The Shakeology drinks from Beachbody would be a great option to grab real quick on your way out. They work as a meal replacement with lots of vitamins and nutrients. The recovery drinks might work for a little while, but they're not really filling so you'll probably get hungry pretty fast.
    Depending on how long it is until you eat again after wards something like protein peanut butter balls might work as a quick snack. The ones I make are a little over 100 calories each but with the protein (any kind of protein powder works) they really work to fill you up! We tried it with a chocolate protein and now we've got a vanilla one and they're both really good!
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